Era of Disaster

Chapter 678: on purpose

Poo Poo watched the drama next to him, and when he saw Fang Jin, he pulled the consciousness of the sea emperor Jiao into a Chinese realm. If it is so simple to solve the sea emperor jiao, then the strength of the sea emperor jiao is too small. Masters of their level, who really fight, do not blame for the uproar.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Fang Jinshi to pop out of Yi Hua Jing suddenly, and then groaned.

At this time, the originally dull sea emperor Jiao also opened his eyes suddenly, fierce light burst. And at this time, the huge movement on the sea, even those guys on Devil Island were shocked. Each other is a guy who lives in this area. Although the fierce beasts are not in the sea, they know a little about this neighbor. When the huge waves were about to submerge the edge of Devil's Island, other fierce beasts were finally dispatched.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, but many people in the world were shocked because the fighting was very loud. This is the case when Fang Jin began to run away when he was in a bad situation. If he really hit it, he would not know what it would become.

Even with his cover, he lost three people in his team.

Fang Jinshi couldn't help but think of the subordinates who were eaten by the sea emperor Jiao. Each of them grew up in the future, but they are all rare talents. It is a pity. Fortunately, the rainbow fruit is already in hand. Although there are only eight, it is still enough to save some use. The remaining two materials are not so difficult.

After a group of people left in Fang Jinshi, Poo Poo also stood out from Devil's Island. The battle just now was not just that the sea emperor Jiao was soaring, but later it also alarmed some creatures on Devil Island. If it wasn't for Pang Pang and some of these guys to be fairly acquainted, it would be even more lively if they were soothed.

Because of the cracks in space, Bai Yi has explained the following, the general combat can be, but if it is a kind of too vast combat, it is best to avoid it, otherwise it will have a huge impact on the earth.

While watching Fang Jin, a group of people left, and pouted for a moment, and was ready to return to Baiming Building. Although this fruit should feel very precious, but Puff is not the only one who knows to eat. At least before eating, he also intends to take this thing back for Bemira to analyze the ingredients and effectiveness.

Soon after Pang Pang also left, those in the world who knew the battle began to pay attention. The world has been calm for ten years, and basically no great battles have occurred. This time, the battle in the ocean near Devil's Island was really amazing, and even some people who were in retreat were shocked.

Bai Yi has always been very focused, and Alodia knows some general things, so she has not disturbed Bai Yi. After thinking for a while, the others just gave an order to pay attention to Fang Jinshi, and did not take too much action.

However, Moreno, the leader of Poseidon, was very concerned about this matter.

Sea King Jiao!

Moreno itself is a leader in the Pacific Ocean countries, and he is usually in contact with some powerful marine beasts, and this time suddenly found this guy, Sea King Jiao, of course, want to conquer. Unfortunately, the results were not very good. Although he did not accept it, Moreno also got a few rainbow fruits. However, what is the use of this fruit, he is not very clear. At this time, Moreno also let his men secretly pay attention to Fang Jin to see what this guy wants to do.

So, after having strong strength and power, everyone basically has their own sharp sense of smell.

The following new generation is usually not conspicuous. If it is really famous, what is coming out, and you want other high-level executives not to notice you, it is absolutely impossible. At most, the difference between the bright side and the dark side of these high-levels is whether they are ignored.


Although three men were broken, at least the rainbow fruit had been obtained, and Fang Jinshi was relieved. The remaining raw fruit and empty pulp are relatively simpler. At this time, Fang Jinshi felt that changing the trajectory was not necessarily a bad thing. Otherwise, as in the past life, if you go to the ruins of the top war to collect the fruit of the soul, you don’t know how much danger you have to go through.

After storing the rainbow fruit seriously, Fang Jinshi drove towards the Underworld Island with two people.

Underworld Island-the new name of the original Japanese island and its nearby area. Because it is no longer Japan, the special environment and pattern have been changed to Underworld Island.

Although Netherworld Island is not suitable for living people, it still doesn't matter much in a short time. Because of the curiosity of the underworld and the demand for underworld resources, there are still many people outside the underworld island. However, these people only dare to move around. Although the island of Hades is slowly formed, it does not mean that it is absolutely safe inside. Not only the mutated beasts inside, but the most important thing is always the qi that gathers in this place.

Fang Jinshi several people came to the border of the former North Korea, and this time, here is already the scope of the Underworld Island. It turns out that Japan is the core area of ​​Gedimi Island. After all, Momo has influenced the surrounding area from that place.

The three of Fang Jinshi looked at the dim sea and frowned slightly. At this time, the surface of the sea looked like a rich black breath, which was totally incomparable with the beautiful scenery of other seasides.

"Sure enough, it was a dark place." The man said.

"Originally, it was a dark place." The woman smiled.

"Let's go." Fang Jinshi said, flying towards the sky. Another man and a woman immediately followed Fang Jinshi behind. Fang Jinshi did not bring more people to this place this time because the danger here is not so high. Instead, he should act quickly. At least for now, there is no really effective way to resist the qi. If you stay in this place for a long time, your own life form will be greatly affected. At this time, Fang Jinshi was surrounded by only one man and one woman and two subordinates.

The three flew directly in the direction of the Japanese island and disappeared into the clouds.

At this time, although the clouds were dim, they were not very dangerous. However, only Fang Jinshi knew that this was entirely due to the fact that the undead in this range were controlled, otherwise the clouds above it would become ‘ghost clouds’ like the war remnants of the previous life. The undead are mixed in the clouds, which not only has the effect of blocking the sunlight, but also makes people confused and produces various illusions. The most important thing is that these evil spirits will actively attack.

After coming to the top of Netherworld Island, Fang Jinshi did not waste time, and hurried directly to the place where the fruit of the soul had been found before.

Of course, when he finds something useful on the road, he will also collect it.

In the past ten years, space compression technology is no longer a secret. Many people know that there are already space containers. However, although it is known, it is not available to ordinary people. And did not reach LV3, nor qualified to use. It's impossible to twist the open space if you want an idea. However, Fang Jinshi has a space ring. Although it is not very big, it is enough to put a lot of things.

As for how it came, Fang Jinshi thought he was lucky, but Bai Yi deliberately gave it away.

The place where the fruit of the soul grows can be regarded as the core area of ​​the Underworld Island. There are also evil spirits in this place, but because of the unified management, it will not kill people like the war remains at the top. The three came to this place very carefully, but they didn't expect another person to appear in the place where the fruit of the soul grew. And this person, they will never admit their mistakes... Princess Bai Ming!

The man and the woman immediately looked at Fang Jin, and then waited for his instructions.

Fang Jinshi closed his eyes and walked in that direction. Sure enough, just as Fang Jinshi guessed, Mo Mo just saw it after seeing him, but didn't pay much attention to it. In fact, in the mind of Fang Jinshi, these people in Baiminglou are really easy to fool. Their kind of "integrity" is the biggest obstacle. So he dared to appear positively in this place. Because in his heart, as long as there is no obvious reason, Bai Minglou will not harm others casually.

Guess right!

"Hello Princess White,"

"know me?"

"Of course, Princess Bai Ming, no one in the world should not know." Fang Jinshi's temperament is very gentle, giving people a gentle gentleman's feeling.

"Oh." Mo Mo's tone was very weak, and he didn't seem to be surprised.

When Fang Jinshi saw Mo Mo talking very well, he couldn't help but feel confident. Perhaps this time, not only can you get the fruit of the soul, but you can also have a good relationship with Bai Minglou. Although the previous life of Bai Ming Lou fell apart, but here is not the previous life, and now the Bai Ming Lou is indeed the world's largest force, and its influence and power are not negligible.

With Fang Jinshi's gentle and slightly funny Mo Mo couldn't help laughing, as if talking with him was very interesting.

Goodwill 20!

Lie to you!

Mo Mo is indeed laughing, and indeed because of Fang Jinshi's words and actions, but the essential reason is completely different. Because Mo Mo had known Fang Jinshi's identity for a long time, it was not accidental to appear here, but was waiting for him intentionally. Mo Mo's butterfly change is much slower than Bai Yi's. After ten years, it has not changed much. It is still quietly evolving in the depths of the Netherworld. What appears here now is just a soul body of Mo Mo, just to take a look at the rebirth of this father's mouth.

Looking at Fang Jinshi's difference in wanting to express himself, he was not particularly complimented by the identity of Princess Bai Ming, but wanted to show himself and arouse his interest. Mo Mo wanted to laugh.


It's so funny. Momo really wanted to laugh when he looked at this guy's actions. After knowing the essence of Fang Jinshi, these actions are like a poor performance. And Mo Mo looked at the lurking look in Fang Jin's eyes, could not help flashing a hint of teasing, this guy would not hit her mind on her.

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