Era of Disaster

Chapter 684: Opportunities for both parties

Not only was Donna's refining of the Awakening Dan not smooth, but the regenerated potions refined by Bemira were also very upset. Because Bemira and Novija are two great pharmacists working together, they have not failed like Donna.

In other words, in fact, the regenerated medicine has been successfully refined for a long time, but Bemira has always wanted to refine it to the best degree, so she has not stopped exploring. At this time, from the first refining agent refined to the most recently refined, from No. 1 to No. 6 row. This is just a time sorting, not an effect sorting. In fact, No. 1's effect ranks fourth among different regenerative medicines. On the contrary, the two collocation methods found out later are not so good.

"If you continue to study, the material is not enough. Voldemort and lotus fluid are not a problem, but the rainbow fruit, as if not found elsewhere, is currently only found in the nest of the sea emperor Jiao." Novija reminded .


Bemira did not look back, but was extremely focused on the precise control of its medicinal mix with purified energy. Novia knew at a glance that Bemira had entered the state of absolute concentration. The so-called answer was nothing but the instinctive response of the body. Novia smiled and shook her head slightly, then stepped back. It is enough for her to help to this extent. Next, if Bemira wants to go further, she needs to explore it by herself.

At this level, Novija can't help, because at this time, what is needed is not the basic pharmacist technology, but the genius inspiration and talent.

No. 1-6 regenerated potions, Novia took a copy, and then there is a recipe. Although Bemira was dissatisfied with these things, if they were used in other places, it would be enough to save lives. In particular, the No. 5 potion inside is considered a fatal injury, but as long as there is no real death, there is a more than 90% chance of being pulled back.

Bemira was completely unaware of Novija's departure, and she was still focusing on the deployment of her hands. Until three days later, the solution of fusion and matching had penetrated a strong vitality, but Bemira instinctively felt that something was still wrong, as if something was missing.

What's wrong?

Bemira frowned and walked out with dark circles. And at this time, a beautiful adjutant just sent some things that Bemira needed.


Bemira was a little puzzled. As Suling, she should not be used for this kind of delivery task. Most of them were deliberately sent by Lin Yang.

"Miss Bemira, this is what you need."

"Thank you Deputy Ling, you haven't been entangled with that guy recently." Bemira asked curiously.

"No, no, thank you Ms. Bemira for caring." The female adjutant known as Suring is an Oriental, and Lin Yang went out and met once. According to rumors, when Lin Yang went out to perform a task, he ran to peek at the beautiful woman to take a shower, but turned out to be the chief executive and was found by others. This girl, regardless of whether Lin Yang was the chief executive, directly smashed Lin Yang into the floor. Of course, this is a rumor, and what is going on is not clear to outsiders. In short, after this, Su Ling was brought back by Lin Yang.

Obviously, Lin Yang was not so happy. His face was unhappy. It seemed that he had caught Su Ling's handle. When he wanted to continue to tease beautiful women, he would be killed by Su Ling.

"It's enough to put things there, and I'll deal with them." Bemira saw Su Ling's blush, knowing that the rumor and the fact must be different. Of course, other people do not understand what is going on. In short, the two are like enemies, and Suling has also become the adjutant around Lin Yang.

"Okay." Su Ling nodded after she put the thing down, ready to leave.

"Well." Bemira nodded, preparing to take a short break, but just turned around halfway, Bemira's mind suddenly flashed a thought.

"and many more!"

"Where is CEO Lin Yang?" Bemira asked.

"Is there anything in the branch of the Chief Executive Officer at the Bright Council?" Bemira's tone made Su Ling suddenly stunned and nervous.

"Let him come...No, I should beg." Bemira frowned. Bemira already knew that there was nothing going on in those herbs, and that the medicine guide, the medicine guide to reconcile various medicinal properties, was not strong enough. But just now, Bemira suddenly flashed a thought, what can be used to make a new drug guide, absolutely enough, that is Lin Yang's original blood. Lin Yang has been called the ‘Undead Demon Forest’, which is itself a wood and regeneration ability. His original blood can definitely perfectly reconcile these medicinal properties.

However, Bemira remembered after speaking, that Lin Yang is not an ordinary person, but now one of the three chief executives. The original blood is not a normal thing, it is not what you want. This kind of thing, even if Bai Yi as the chairman of the Bright Council, it is impossible to force the order, if the other party does not agree, then there is really no way.

"Can I contact him now, I have something to tell him." Bemira said. Bemira's pharmacy reconciliation has arrived, and it cannot be staggered for a long time, but Bemira does not intend to disturb Bai Yi and Mo Mo, and now neither state can easily be alarmed.

"Of course, but..."

"Just contact him, I told him." Bemira pressed her eyebrows. In fact, she can also find Lin Yang, but Bai Ming Lou and Guangming Council are different after all. They are not directly affiliated. If you want to find each other, you still need a lot of turning points. Lin Yang’s immediate deputy is now here, of course, to make Su Ling contact faster.

Soon, Bemira got in touch with Lin Yang, and Lin Yang still escaped very much, saying hello to Bemira.

"I want a drop of your original blood." Bemira didn't go around, now her time is very urgent.

"Ah?" Lin Yang was a little stunned.

"I want a drop of your original blood. When my pharmacy was made to the point, I suddenly felt that your drop of original blood should be very suitable. This time Bai Minglou owes you..."

"Yes." Before waiting for Bemira to say anything, Lin Yang agreed directly.

"I'll be here soon." After Lin Yang hung up, he rushed directly towards here. Lin Yang's strength, after entering the Bright Council, has been refined and deepened. Although Lin Yang couldn't fly, he continued to use air from the sky and hurried in this direction.

Bemira was only slightly silent after the phone hung up. Bemira could know how much Lin Yang agreed so easily. This time, I owe a big favor.

Certainly, we must refine successfully!


At this time, Donna on the other side was frowning and thinking. The last remaining rainbow fruit can no longer afford to waste.

"Sister Tang, don't you continue to refine?"

"No, I think there is something left." Donna shook her head.

"Something worse? But I think it's perfect." Zhu Xiaoqiong wondered.

Donna looked at Zhu Xiaoqiong, then continued to ponder. After getting along for so long, Zhu Xiaoqiong and Donna's relationship got closer. Moreover, after long-term observation and study, Zhu Xiaoqiong has also steadily entered the level of first-class pharmacists. However, the pharmacist basically never has to think about it. Because Donna is very clear, Zhu Xiaoqiong's long-term environment makes her lack the most critical point, that is, creativity.

It's not that the pharmacist can't find a man, but Zhu Xiaoqiong's heart is not enough, and she takes Fang Jinshi as a matter of course. This is the root of her progress.

Donna saw it, but didn't remind her that it was just annoying to intervene.

Despite this, Donna continued to walk outside. Came outside Vanuatu, on the edge of the island, Donna walked slowly along the beach, but her mind seemed to fly far away. At this time, Donna was still thinking about what was missing.

In the previous few attempts, most of the things were figured out. However, there was still a lack of things, which led to unreasonable failure in the end.

Is there something missing?

seems not!

Standing on the seashore, Donna looked at the sun in the distance, and threw the sea water enough, then sprinkled countless splashes of water under the reflection of the sun. Donna was just an unconscious act. After walking a few tens of meters to the front, Donna kicked again towards the sun. As a result, a sea breeze blew, and the water droplets fell towards her face instead. .

The water splashed on Donna's face, and Donna was stunned. After a while, she touched the water on her face and squatted slowly.

The seawater dripped from Donna's hand and then slowly suspended in the air, forming a round bead.


No, not round, but whole. Elixir is different from medicaments. Most medicaments are liquid. Although they contain the same effect, they can be easily separated. However, the panacea is solid, and each one represents perfect fusion. A panacea is a panacea. If it is separated, it will destroy the integrity.

Well, what she lacked before was the way to perfectly integrate all the medicinal properties. In this way, there seems to be a name in the novel, called Chengdan technique.

Although Donna hadn't figured out the technique yet, there was a hint of joy on her face. That's right, this is how to perfectly separate the medicinal properties, and then merge into one medicine.

Donna immediately hurried back towards the interior of the island. At this time, she was already thinking wildly about what to do before she could divide the dispersed medicinal properties and materials separately and merge them into a panacea. The overjoyed Donna did not find that a strange man was hidden on the reef on the edge of the island. i


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