Era of Disaster

Chapter 688: Eligibility to act independently

"It's so troublesome for you!" Donna interrupted her communication and glanced outside. Without much time in a daze, Donna began to organize her things. Just now Donna had sought refuge from the Council of Light. In fact, when Refining the Awakening Dan, Donna had such an idea, but she was not so decisive. Donna knew exactly what would happen if Awakening Dan was known to the outside world.

Both she and Fang Jinshi will be the targets of countless people, especially her.

Fang Jinshi is okay, at most, some people suspect that he still has a few finished awakening Dan. At most, it is just asking Fang Jinshi what is the raw material of the awakening Dan. But for her, everyone is eager to get it. Because currently only she has the ability to refine the second Awakening Dan.

Donna was still sorting things out, and suddenly there was a fighting sound outside. Donna's expression suddenly tightened, and she immediately looked out. Her servants had almost no resistance in front of this group of people who appeared suddenly, especially the man headed, and even easily suppressed all the scenes.

Is it too late!

Donna said in her heart, the Bright Council had already contacted her long ago, whether she needed protection. However, Donna refused before. In the light of the current style of the Council of Light, it will not arbitrarily do anything in the name of "protection", even if these things are indeed protection. Therefore, no one was in this place until Donna's approval. Seeing this scene now, Donna knew that her own pride hurt her.

"Stop it, your goal should be to come to me." Donna came out.

"Master Donna." The Eastern man led by the elegant greeting.

"You don't look like an unknown person, who are you?"

"Below is Jin Chengyi Long, this time I especially want to invite the master to come to Kamal as a guest." Jin Cheng Yilong said.

"You are Jin Chengyilong, no wonder, really did not expect." Donna looked at Jin Chengyilong, completely gave up the meaning of resistance.

Jin Chengyilong is the leader of the seven human race nations [Cammel]. This person is usually low-key, showing neither hostility to humans nor special treatment, and is very peaceful. And usually, there are very few materials and deeds about him, and the outside world does not even know what his guardian beast is. But when Donna looked at the beast shrouded in smoke next to Jin Chengyi Long, she knew that Bacheng was this guy.

The low-key is just the appearance, is this the essence? Donna knows that there are many people who want to fight her own ideas, but there is absolutely no other force that will be so decisive, and it will be the top leader who is directly dispatched.

Really, everyone looked away!

"Fair praise, please master!" Jin Chengyilong pointed at the Cangming bird. Donna's mount Cangming Bird is also a powerful beast. At this time, under the beast covered by the black mist, there was not much ability to resist.

"Xiaoran." Follow me.

"Master." A boy who looked weak, about ten years old, followed. This is Donna's little apprentice, and it hasn't been long since she received it.

"You lead the way." Donna said to Jin Cheng Yilong, she had given up to escape. If it is an ordinary person, maybe Donna will still think of ways, but in the face of a leader, Donna will not waste that thought.

After Donna and Xiaoran sat on the back of the Cangming bird and flew up, Jin Chengyi Long also followed, but before going, Jin Chengyi Long compared a simple gesture. Behind Jin Cheng Yi Long, those people immediately ejected, and then from the residence of Donna, came the dying wailing. Donna closed her eyes, which is why she took Xiaoran away. Donna is very clear that with such a low-key act of Jin Chengyi Long on weekdays, there will definitely be no trace left. The people left behind are basically impossible to survive.

At this time, Donna felt extremely frustrated. Although she was respected as a great pharmacist, she still seemed powerless in the face of absolute power.

It didn’t take long for Summer Brightfield’s chief executive, Summerfield, to bring people here, but only the empty manor was left, and there was a **** atmosphere inside. For Donna, the Bright Council also paid enough attention, so Summerfield is not far from the attachment. But I didn't expect that it was still robbed in front.

"Search, so traces." Summerfield said coldly.

"Yes!" The man behind Summerfield acted immediately. Those who followed Summerfield know very well, just like the title of the outside world, Summerfield's temper is as fierce as a volcano. At this time, Summerfield was already very angry.

However, it is clear that this time the manpower is very skilled and clean, except for some ineffective traces, nothing has been found. Even the souls of these people were wiped out.

After knowing the result, Summerfield suddenly went out without saying a word. In the back, the lieutenants felt that the heart would be crushed by low air pressure.

At this time, Donna sitting on the back of Cangming Bird was very calm, because she was not completely unprepared. However, if this preparation is to be launched, it will take some time.


At this time, Fang Jinshi also encountered enemies, but at this time, Fang Jinshi was not in this place. Only his subordinates and women remained here. Without Fang Jin’s core, the people who stayed here didn’t have much resistance. Fortunately, the people of the Council of Light came here halfway through and saved them.

"The casualties have come out. Seven people have been killed and forty-three people are injured. They are now being treated." A young adjutant reported the news to Werner Koski.

"Let them treat themselves, we are ready to leave." Werner said.

"But, Chief Executive, why?" The adjutant looked at Werner in amazement. "I wanted to ask before, since we already know that someone will come here to make trouble, why don't we stop all this in advance, and we have to wait for something to happen before it appears. If this is not the case, there won't be so many here. Casualties, aren't we representing light and justice." Angus looked excited.

"Caulby, you tell him." Werner held the cigarette in his mouth and turned directly.

At this time, another young man was holding Angus's shoulder. This young man was Caulby. That is, the boy who shouted at the top war has grown up now. "Calm down, Angus, we don't appear here in advance because we can't enforce the law in advance. Although we speculate that something will happen here, it doesn't happen after all, so we can't act on this as a reason."

"Why, I don't understand, if we came here in advance, wouldn't those people have to die."

"Although I'm sorry, but do you know what pre-law enforcement represents?" Calby looked at his partner as if he was brainless and couldn't help sighing.

"What does it stand for?"

"Represents that law enforcement officers can use what has not happened to settle an unprovoked crime."

"Maybe we were right this time, but for other things, do you dare to guarantee that everything is as correct as you guessed. Maybe you will say that you can guarantee light and justice, but you must know that this world It’s not composed of you alone, and it’s impossible for the whole world to be bright. If advance law enforcement is approved, do you know how many people will use this as a weapon of attack.” Calby said seriously.

"Think about it." Calby patted his partner's shoulder and walked out as well.

After graduating from Caulby, he went directly to the Council of Light and is now one of the deputy chief executives of Warner. When he is alone enough, he will be sent outside to grow independently. You know, Bai Yi was very optimistic about him, enough to become the CEO of the next generation. Well, the premise is that he has enough time to grow up, not to die halfway.

After hearing Calby say this, Angus was slightly pensive. He was not stupid, but he didn't respond for a while, and soon he caught up.

"Is there no solution, this kind of feeling that you can only watch things happen, but you can't do anything about it is really awful." Angus asked.

"Yes, why not." Calby nodded.

"Yes, what way?"

"It is to obtain the qualification to act independently." Calby said.

Qualification to act independently may not sound very important, but in fact, it is a very huge right. Individuals with independent qualifications can enforce the law according to their own wishes, and even the pre-enforcement just mentioned is also permitted. Moreover, once something really goes wrong, it will all be borne by the Bright Council. One can imagine how huge this right will be.

However, the corresponding is also very difficult to obtain the qualification to act independently, and has a very strict consideration on personal strength, thinking, etc. Moreover, independent qualifications are not permanent and require recertification every three years. To make a new judgment on the experience of these people in the past three years, in short, very strict.

After Angus heard the independent acting qualification, it suddenly became a big head. At first, almost everyone was very envious of this independent acting qualification, but among their group of students who entered the college, only five people obtained the independent acting qualification. The number of students after that is even less. Until now, the total number is only eight.

Sarah, Nillai, and... the other six people, not even Lunia and Caulby, are on this list. Not that their strength and mentality are not enough, but that they need something deeper. Ways and means of doing things, the purity of thoughts, etc...

"Eligibility to act independently, ah, ah, I know, I don't have to think about it."

"That's of course, don't think that's the right, they still carry more important things on their body. It's strange that you such a rash impulsive guy can get that qualification." Calby was not polite at all, and just talked about it. Angus was not angry when he heard that, anyway, his character is like this.

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