Era of Disaster

Chapter 693: The unfolding of the world

Truman’s attribute is Fire/Rock, which is the same as Summerfield. At the beginning, Truman was slightly weaker than Bai Yi, but in a later stage, the advancement was very fast, that is, the energy of the volcano was used to accelerate his own cultivation. And later, when Bai Yikankan advanced to lv4, Truman was desperate and directly invested in the volcano, wanting to get a breakthrough. It is a pity that groping on the unknown road is not really difficult.

One step ahead!

Already have experience in communicating with Grevis, so Bai Yi is more proficient at recording this lava heart this time. After carefully looking at the structure of the heart, Bai Yi was basically certain that Truman was able to withstand a step before success, and then fell.

The structure of the heart is divided into three levels, the core level is obviously more perfect and mysterious. And the second level is to radiate a more powerful force, which has more powerful power than the core part. At the third level, this power is out of control and appears a bit chaotic, and annihilation has occurred outside.

With so obvious three levels, Bai Yi basically knows what Truman has experienced.

According to the traces of the heart, Bai Yi can know that Truman naturally followed his body to change, but in the middle of the time, Truman estimated that this change had some disadvantages, and then he wanted to repair this hidden danger. Unfortunately, instead of repairing this hidden danger, he caused even more chaos and eventually completely lost control.

To Bai Yi's surprise, in the core part, Bai Yi also found a trace of Truman's residual soul. It's really just a remnant soul. With Bai Minglou's understanding of the soul, Bai Yi knew that this strand of remnant soul would basically not exist for long. Bai Yi wanted to learn something from the remnant soul, but the remnant soul had no clear consciousness and could not communicate at all.

So, touch of soul!

Bai Yi's soul had a tentacle deep in it, and slowly attached this strand of residual soul. In just a few minutes, this wisp of soul was completely dissipated, and Bai Yi also obtained information from Ding Dian.

Truman's initial body was gradually burned by lava calmly → found himself?

??Surprise of blood starting to change → Actively guiding efforts for self-evolution → Discovering your own hidden dangers, taking initiative to modify your self-confidence → Generating chaotic tension → Completely out of control disappointment → Wanting to be desperately obsessed → Discovering that you have some ideas, But the long-cherished dreams are overwhelming → and, the last thoughts of loved ones.

A series of emotions, no fear, no regrets, on this road, there is only persistence. Of course, there are finally Truman's thoughts of loved ones.

Bai Yi took another sip of wine and put his heart up.

Truman's relatives said they were relatives, but not Truman's direct blood, but his sister's family. Because in the current world, the more people who change greatly, the harder it is to produce offspring. Of the people who came out of Devil's Island, only a few of them had offspring, and all were treated as babies. Now that I understand my own changes, Bai Yi has no idea about this phenomenon. The structure of life has begun to change. If you want to give birth to a descendant, that is undoubtedly luck in luck.

Truman's sister's family was not on Devil's Island at first, so after coming out, Truman found his sister. Truman didn't recognize his sister's family, but arranged two confidants to protect him secretly. To come, Truman knew what his future life was, so he didn’t want to pull his sister’s family into this inseparable circle.

"Every night, are you there." Bai Yi connected to Yeye.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"It's like this..." Bai Yi said what she found of Truman's remaining heart, and then explained to her every night, letting her help find Truman's sister's family. If there are future generations, it will be dark. As for pulling them into this circle, it is not necessary. Although the current world is actually stable, Bai Yi still respects Truman's choice.

"No problem." Nodded every night.

"Oh, Bai Yi, there are some things just to tell you." Ye Ye's voice came.

"what's up?"

"In the past two or two months when you went out, there have been some changes in the situation in the world. On the Internet, a recipe and method of refining the panacea have been revealed, it is the Awakening Dan."

"Danfang leaked?"

"Accurately, it was not a leak, but it was deliberately announced. I checked it. This should be regarded as the back hand of Donna. She put this information on the network early and then encrypted it regularly. If there is no interval, If you encrypt regularly, this information will be automatically published on the Internet." Ye Ye explained.

After listening to Bai Yi, he thought slightly: "It turns out that way, I understand."

"Well, the reason why Donna was taken is because of her uniqueness. Awakening Dan only she knows the detailed recipe and refining method. But if it is public, she will not have this unique nature, so it can be shared. The attention of all parties. She did this as a last resort, but it was a pity that he was a little hesitant, and then she was a little late." Ye Ye said Bai Yi's thoughts in her heart. This simple analysis is very easy.

"So where is she now?"

"To Kamel, Dongyang has passed."

"Dongyang alone, that's not enough." Bai Yi said. Dongyang is one of eight people who have obtained the qualification to act independently, and is regarded as the representative of the new generation. However, Dongyang alone is obviously not enough to deal with this matter.

"Tang Xiaoru is also nearby. I think Dongyang knows what to do."

"Don't you laugh, I know." Bai Yi nodded. At the beginning, Tang Xiaoru was released from the unreal world by Bai Yi, and he agreed to serve for ten years. However, nothing happened during the ten years. Tang Xiaoru actually agreed to help Bai Yi to do three things, obviously he didn't want to be affectionate. With Dongyang's cleverness, he should go to Tang Xiaoru when necessary.

After that, Bai Yi said something to Ye Ye. Bai Yi still did not intend to intervene in the changes in the world. However, for all the changes, Bai Yi silently paid attention.


At this time, a tall man wearing a cheongsam also appeared here in Camelle. It is indeed a man, this person is Dong Yang, one of eight people who has obtained the qualification to act independently. The qualification to act independently, other people do not understand how this guy Dongyang will get, because this guy's quirks are simply incomprehensible. This guy's favorite is women's clothing, tall body, exquisite face, I am afraid that it is more beautiful than 90% of women.

However, Dongyang's sexual orientation is normal, but she simply likes women's clothing. At this time, Dongyang appeared here at Camille, ready to resolve Donna's affairs.

"Scarlet snakeberry, no ice, oh, but a little more lizard blood." A beautiful woman wearing a cheongsam walked into a bar and ordered a glass of snakeberry wine.

"Beauty's taste is very unique." Next to the bar, a fat multi-lizard turned his head suddenly.

"It's just a personal hobby, Gargathy."

"It seems that you know me, do you have a name, beauty."

"Well, I know. But, instead of calling me a beauty, you might as well call me a sir." Dong Yang said, suddenly grasping the key point of Garcathy. And Gagarsi, who was originally interested in him, suddenly twisted his face, and his mouth showed an indescribable look.

"I heard that you have a wide range of information sources here, so, do you know this person?" Dong Yang asked.

"I haven't seen this person before. You'd better let it go quickly, otherwise I can't guarantee your result." Gagassi said with a sigh. And at this time, the human races around were also surrounded.

"It seems that we have some audiences. Will this embarrass you?" Dong Yang showed a playful look.


Bai Yi said to hand things over to the new generation, he really did not intend to shoot. Although he didn't shoot, Bai Yi still paid attention to the changes in the world. However, the center of gravity is not there. In fact, although Bai Yi's strength is very strong, it is impossible to cover everything, and personally, Bai Yi cannot do everything by himself.

Now Bai Yi's focus is how to solve his own hidden dangers.

Bai Yi also used the inverse flower pupil to record the life structure of the half of the lava heart before thinking about how to deal with this thing. It didn't take long for Bai Yi to fly towards Devil's Island.

For those who know the Fire Department well, it is estimated that only Betsy and Malvi are in the Baiming Tower. Now that Malvi hasn't awakened, it's more appropriate for this heart to be handled by Betsy. Perhaps, Betsy can gain some experience from the above and avoid any detours. Becky and Moxibustion are also inside the volcano, but they are not as desperate as Truman, just on a huge rock in the lava flow.

When Bai Yi came here, Betsy was snuggling in the wings of the moxibustion From the surrounding lava, the red flame spread to both of them.

"You should be very busy right now, it shouldn't just come to us," Becky said.

"Busy is not particularly busy, just something needs to be explored. I came here this time to give you this heart." Bai Yi said, taking out the lava heart.


"Well, Truman's heart." Bai Yi said the process slowly. After Becky and Moxibustion Bird heard Bai Yi's words, they were slightly stunned. Truman's guy fell so simple.

"The two of you are of the fire attribute. Although they are not completely compatible with Truman, you should be able to understand from the above. If you feel that they are not used, then give it to me again. I will give it to Satsuma. Field." Bai Yi said.

"how about you?"

"I have some ideas, but I'm not sure. I need to know more before I can confirm." Bai Yi said, without too much disturbing Betsy and Moxibustion, they flew out directly.

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