Era of Disaster

Chapter 696: 1 data

With the emergence of the Awakening Dan, a new wave of waves gradually caused in the world. The new generation is constantly emerging in it, gradually showing its prominence. Although these people are also very powerful before, it has to be said that only times of chaos can show their strength. Headed by the Bright Council, eight young people were qualified to act independently. The next generation cultivated by other forces gradually propped up this world.

Among them, even more striking, there is no doubt that by awakening Dan advanced two new masters of LV4.

Fang Jinshi: The origin is unknown, but the past ten years ago has been turned over by people. The experience in it is simply enviable and jealous.

Noah Olindo: It’s not very clear in the past, but everyone knows that this guy used to be a prisoner. If it weren't for Alzu who suddenly wanted to use this guy to test the drug, I am afraid that he is still locked. Because of this, Alzu is also known as the dumbest guy of this century.

In the world, starting with these two people, a new conflict was set off again, and at this time, Willie Polgara and Moreno, who were already ambitious, were not alone. The conflict between the two humanoid countries and humans has become more intense. According to the most secret news, Fang Jinshi was also involved in certain things.


"Fang Jinshi had contact with the shady remnants." Ye Yi informed Bai Yi every night.


"At a chance, um, I don't know if it was accidental, maybe he had seen the girl in his previous life. In short, he met a girl, a descendant of the shady remnant, and then had contact with the other party. Speaking of this, this The identity of the girl is not low, according to the previous identity, it is considered a princess in a small country." Ye Ye said.

"Well, then." Bai Yi's voice was very quiet, still focusing on his own affairs.

"We are described as a super villain, **** demon, you are the biggest, hee hee hee." Ye Ye laughed.

"Heroes save the princess, and then want to help restore the country."

"That's almost it." Ye Ye's puppet nodded, and then jumped to the table in front of Bai Yi. At this time, Bai Yi seemed to be completely unaware, and he was still carefully sorting out the information he had recently exchanged with other people. His expression did not show any slight dispersion. It seemed that what he had just talked to Ye Ye was another empty consciousness.

"I really don't understand. He has such a strong strength, why is he restless? This kind of strength can have a good position anyway." Ye Ye said incomprehensiblely.

"Maybe I hate the Bright Council and Bai Ming Lou. From the beginning, he seems to have never considered having a relationship with Bai Ming Lou. What to say, maybe it is the inertia brought by personal cognition, in his subconscious mind Considering yourself as the protagonist of the world, you need to push to the original power to show his strength." Bai Yi is still sketching and analyzing what is happening. At the same time, a piece of soil is constantly changing in Bai Yi's hands.

"That's the one, ah, how to describe it." Ye Ye couldn't think of an adjective, and finally could only do it.

"What about other things."

"Oh, yes, there are other things." Ye Ye gradually told Bai Yi the changes in the world.

Bai Yi listened slowly, then sorted all these things in his mind, and then outlined a three-dimensional picture. It's strange, Bai Yi's sense of awareness may not be as good as Ye Ye's supercomputer, but Bai Yi's knowledge of the sea can completely organize all the materials and form a very three-dimensional structural system. Then analyze the trajectory from all things. The more Bai Yi knows, the more complete the system is, and the more correct the trajectory is.

In fact, from the analysis of some current things, the trend of things is itself a kind of ability, which can be done by some relatively ordinary people. And these people can also be better mixed in society. Bai Yi's ability is obviously also a derivative of this ability, but this analytical ability has become more powerful under the support of Bai Yi's sense of consciousness. In many cases, this is no longer a simple analysis and calculation, and it has a similar taste to predictability.

Of course, this is not a prediction out of thin air, but it requires countless data as a basis for analysis.

In addition to Bai Ming Lou and the Bright Council, who else can have so much information?

"No need to intervene." Bai Yi said after a while.

"Why, his influence has been very huge." Night and night puzzled.

"If it is not bad, it is estimated that it will change afterwards, just under his own subordinates." Bai Yi said.

"Subordinate... Ah, you mean that, but how do I feel normal?"

"Everyone is independent and autonomous in this world. But in Fang Jinshi's eyes, he is different from others. Although it is not obvious, but there is a sense of superiority in his heart. You know What is the most common situation in human fantasy?" Bai Yi asked lightly.

"what's the situation?"

"The whole world, only you are the most special. Whether it is special qualifications, special abilities, or special luck and things, etc. In short, it is this special that allows you to have advantages that others do not have, and then easily Do things that others can’t, and put others in the palm of your hands. In this world, whether it’s an enemy or a friend, whether it’s normal or paranoid, in the final analysis, it’s just one after another. Promoting the growth of the protagonist." Bai Yi also sorted out the materials at this time, and then stood up.

"But no one in this world is special!" Bai Yi looked in that direction.

Fang Jinshi has a lot of memories that others don't have, but by now, this world and the world he knew in his mind have undergone a huge difference. Even with those cultivation systems in his mind, he has no more. Up to now, the so-called advantages of Fang Jinshi have been invisible. And he may not have imagined that anyone in his subordinates will have such an independent idea.

If it is not bad, Fang Jinshi may be planted, and it is precisely because of his superiority.

Now that this result is analyzed, Bai Yi is too lazy to continue to intervene. At this time, it is better to deduce more things, even if the final result changes, it is just to do it again.

"Come on, I have some ideas." After Bai Yi finished, he walked out of the room.


Bai Yi still walks around the world during this time, visiting other people at the top and communicating with them. In Bai Yi's identity, no one will refuse him directly, at most the difference in communication. Bai Yi didn't care either. A harvest is also a harvest, which can also help in the future. Of course, Bai Yi also surrendered to the peach and paid for it with considerable information. More is basically impossible. Since these people are unwilling to exchange their experiences, Bai Yi will certainly not be so kind.

After a long period of collection and communication with different people, more and more data are collected here. Perhaps this information is far from perfect, but its weight has long been incalculable.


It is divided into different elemental structures, including Graves' ice, Truman's lava, and Pyrus's water... In fact, after communicating with so many people, Bai Yi basically understands a lot. The so-called elemental body does not really turn the body into something like ice or lava, but rather a similar monolithic structure.

For example, the ice of Grevis is not a common ice in nature, but a substance similar to ice. This single structure, just like a single-element object, was named element base by Bai Yi. For example, iron, as long as it is pure iron, no matter how you change the shape and then restore it, there is not much difference.

And this element body is to change its own cell into a unique life form. Under this life form, a single element base has a stable cycle and will not be affected by the destruction of other structures. The most important thing is that these individual element bases have a memory effect, and new structures can be easily reconstructed.

In other words, when a wound was cut, the single element base inside would not be affected, and the remaining element bases would easily be connected together again to form a new body as if there were no injuries.

In terms of distance, it is like a body made of water, cut like a knife.

This is Bai Yi's understanding. There is only one beginning about the cultivation methods of various elemental bodies. In fact, no one has really become an elemental body.

"Indestructible Body"

If the element body is extremely stable with a single structure, then the indestructible body is extremely stable with the overall structure. It is a perfect whole in itself. Perhaps a single cell is very fragile, but after forming a whole, it has unimaginable defense capabilities.


This is the system that Bai Yi sees the most. In fact, the birth of human beings is living organisms. It’s just that at this level, organisms are much weaker than elemental and indestructible However, Bai Yi believes that the so-called organisms have more potential than Only so little.

All people are developed from creatures, indicating that creatures have unparalleled potential.

What is the potential of biology?

Bai Yi was reminded by Ning Xue's breeding baby, and then Bai Yi knew what the potential of the creature was. That is, most organisms grow from a single cell into a complete whole. The biological body in Bai Yi's ideal can perfectly reproduce this process. As long as a cell is not destroyed, it can quickly absorb the nutrients of the big world and quickly form a new body.

Bai Yi himself feels that this idea is really crazy, but this is the idea that Bai Yi produced after gaining the experience of countless people.

In addition to this, on this material, there are also about "LF Force Field Awakening", "Indestructible Soul", "Infant", "Self-pregnancy", "Consideration of Incarnation", "Soul Quality Change", "Knowledge "Sense of illusion", "Law Perception" and so on. Although each one is incomplete, but if this thing is obtained, it will definitely cause heart disease. And these things are just exchanges between Bai Yi and other people, and then sum up all the things that everyone has discovered before, and then make new deductions.

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