Era of Disaster

Chapter 731: 1 against 5

Alotija and Erwei Lynx actually retreated and entered the Baiming Tower. Now the master outside is only Betsy and Moxibustion Bird.

"Unable to extinguish!" Lynn said the nature of the flame.

"Only, is that so!" Betsy said with a slight crooked head.

As if asking, and as if releasing a dangerous breath, Becky's action seemed very strange.

The people on the opposite side felt an amazing danger almost at the same time. Sure enough, the next moment, Betsy suddenly disappeared. There was almost no hesitation, and everyone's life field was fully opened at this time. At this time, it was no longer possible to capture Becky's trace with his sight.


When the people on the opposite side had just reacted, Betsy had already appeared in front of Ernest. When she saw Betsy's palms wiping her face, Ernest's consciousness seemed to slow down instantly. At this time, he seemed to have a little comprehension, and finally for the first time felt the powerful power of the perfect mapping of the sea.

The spear was raised suddenly, and Ernest blocked Becky's palm at that moment, and then the two collided together. The two met no less than dozens of times at that moment, and the lance and Becky's palms struck together, making a constant jingle. Obviously it was just the palm of the hand, but there was amazing destructive power, and Ernest felt that his source guide seemed to be broken.

At this time, several other people had reacted instantly.

Fitch immediately put the flute on his lips, and Jeff and Lynn attacked Betsy from left to right. With Ernest still in front of Betsy, at this time, Betsy was almost completely surrounded by several people.

However, at this moment, Ernest suddenly found a faint smile on Becky's mouth.


Heartbeat-Fitch placed a flute on his mouth and immediately played a string of notes. The extremely simple notes have unimaginable attack power at this time. This invisible attack is the most difficult to defend. But at this time, a Chinese realm in Becky's body suddenly flashed, and this kind of mental attack was instantly eliminated invisible. But at this time, Betsy suddenly twisted in Ernest's already amazed eyes.


The wings behind Becky turned backwards, and then suddenly got rid of Ernest's entanglement, his body flew from below suddenly. And this time, Lynn happened to be there. At this moment, Lynn had already thought of something, almost without hesitation, and immediately broke out his powerful attack, but Betsy approached his body at that moment.


Gou Yan!

At this moment, Lynn almost took out the momentum of breastfeeding, but Becky's seemingly simple movement had an unimaginable attack power. After Lynn couldn't cope with it hurriedly, Becky immediately seized the opportunity.

Looking at Becky's excited and slightly grim look, at that moment, Lynn seemed to feel that time had slowed down.

At this time, not only Becky's attack was close at hand, but several of his friends were also attacking at high speed. Lynn calculated the gap between the two sides almost instantaneously, when will Becky’s attack fall on him, and when would their attack fall on Becky’s body? , Can it be prevented!

Speeding self-healing!

Fire Lotus!

At this moment, Lynn's consciousness became extremely concentrated. Before the attack fell on him, he already began to heal himself at speed. At this time, Becky's attack and several other teammates' attacks also fell together. Everyone just felt that everything in front of him seemed to be extremely slow. At this time, they almost all understood the powerful ability of the conscious sea mapping. Only this subtle and powerful mapping can cope with such a fierce battle, otherwise the ordinary people's consciousness simply cannot react.

Among all the sea-consciousness maps, Betsy didn't dodge at this time, only her wings circled around, and then she insisted on attacking.

In the turmoil like the loud voice, everyone's attacks all fell. If you slow down, you can find Lynn from the initial consternation to the surprise behind. Because, under the joint attack of several people, Becky's attack was finally slowed by half a beat. Although his body was still touched by flames, it was...


Becky made a gesture again in Lynn's surprised face. This time, almost no one responded. Because at this moment, Becky seemed to violate the laws of the body, and at the moment of complete rest, a force burst out again.

The human body is not a machine, and even the ancients knew the allusions of decay and exhaustion. And the average person exerts force, and after a strong outbreak, it always takes a time to get back.

At this time, Betsy's body completely violated this law!

Additional attack, Diaoyan? Jackal!

Everyone's ears seemed to have a sound restricting the break, the eyes were suddenly rising flames, and then burst into a fierce jet in front.

The bang thrilled, and all of them were flicked. In the fierce sky flame, Lynn was completely shrouded, and there was an extremely harsh scream. At this time, when others flew out, they were still in shock. Four people, four of them besieged Betsy, which made Betsy the first of them to beheaded. At this time, because of his size, Adams didn't even have time to get here.

Everyone's eyes were filled with consternation, and they focused on Betsy and Lynn.

In the previous attack, Betsy was also pierced with a spear to the left waist. At this time, Becky's left waist wound gradually emerged a flame, and then burned quietly, covering the wound. Although others do not quite understand it, it can basically be seen that after this flame appeared, Becky's wounds no longer bleed, and there seem to be signs of healing.

Can flames heal wounds? Don't **** **** me!

At this time, several people scolded in unison. The more powerful Betsy performed, the greater the pressure they felt. But there is also good news that after Lynn fell in the distance, after a scream, his body began to shed violently like a python. But this is not like molting at all. In order to prevent the fire from attacking, Lynn completely peeled off all the skin on the body surface.

The peeling skin continued to burn on the ground, and Lynn gasped with a terrified face. At this time, his body was still stained with countless blood and saliva, which looked extremely miserable.

Other people can understand at a glance that although they escaped the disaster in this way, they can peel off their skins, and one can imagine how painful they are.

"Huh~~" Bei Qi chuckled slightly.

Although Becky didn't say anything, it seemed that everyone understood Becky's potential meaning. Next time, there may not be such good luck.

"Don’t be scared by her, she is only one person no matter how strong she is. And her defense is not perfect. This attack, although it looks very powerful, she has been injured. We have five people who can Mutual support, but she didn't. Don't forget, now is the best opportunity. If we let other people in Baiming Tower make an opportunity, we will never want to get justice again." Adams groaned. The roar stabilized some of these people's shaking hearts.

"Is it hurt?" Betsy heard Adams' words, wiped her right hand on the waist, and a drop of something that didn't know whether it was blood or flames touched her fingertips. Becky glanced at this thing, which still contained the form of blood. Obviously her elemental body was still far from perfect. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Becky raised his head, and then dropped this drop of blood and flame into the mouth.

With a grunt, it seemed as if everyone heard the sound of Betsy swallowing.

After swallowing this drop of flame blood, Becky's mouth suddenly cracked, and then looked up again. At the same time, several people on the opposite side also raised inexplicable feelings and immediately tightened their bodies.

The battle broke out again, and it became extremely fierce, and even the five people on the opposite side included Adams, who showed the form of the real blood, and Betsy did not fall. At this time, the fighting style chosen by Betsy and the power that broke out were simply staggering. As if, Betsy had completely abandoned all her thoughts, purely enjoying the battle and blooming her life.

Flame blood!

Becky was smashed to the ground after a fight with Jeff, and at this time, the opposite Adams also aimed at Becky. The perfect opportunity, the repeated siege, finally caught this excellent opportunity, and the hearts of several Adams rose slightly. But at this time, Betsy was completely unmoved, just folded her hands and then made a breathing gesture.

Several people were suddenly shocked again, then Betsy's chest bulged, and a seed of flame spurt out suddenly.

This seed of flame condenses very However, at that moment, everyone still realized that this flame seed was not the drop of flame blood swallowed by Becky just now.

With a swish, the blood of flame swept through the space instantly, even if it passed through the air, it brought amazing scorching heat. Just in front of Betsy, Adams, who was ready to attack, also heard an uneasiness. But at this time, Adams obviously had no chance of retreating, so he gritted his teeth fiercely, and then broke out fiercely.

Never retreat!

This consciousness has risen in both of them.


At this time, on the Asian side, Zhongxue also had an amazing battle with the Asian and Liberal Union. In fact, no one expected that the Asian and Liberal Union, which was originally friendly to humans, would take the lead in fighting this level with Zhongxuefu.

The leader of Yahe, Chang Huarong, guards the beast Qingzhihuang; the evil concubines Ningxue and the floating dragon of Zhongxue Mansion all appear on the battlefield, and besides them, there are friendly forces on both sides. The fighting that broke out here is no easier than the battle on the side of Bai Ming Lou, because the highest fighting power here is also the master of LV4's knowledge of the sea.

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