Era of Disaster

Chapter 738: Save

At this time, Felix had no urgency to be caught up. After seeing the crack, he just felt incomprehensible. After all, he was also a direct participant in that battle, and the power of space fissures is still remembered to this day. After turning around, Felix asked incomparably.

"This is the reason!"

"What's the reason!"

At this time, Humphries did not attack, but slowly walked out of the corridor outside and stopped at the door. Even if it is discovered, Humphries, as the guards here, will certainly not let this news be exposed. This is not only his task to stay here, but also a kind of anger that was broken into here. Just as his territory was suddenly violated by others, it cannot be forgiven.

"Oh, there can't be too much fighting in this place." Felix saw that Humphries didn't admit it, nor asked, but just looked at the environment here.

"Humph!" Humphries sneered, popping out instantly.

Broken fist!

Although Felix felt that it was unlikely that fierce fighting would be allowed in this place, since Humphries had launched an attack, he would not be left alone. The two sides instantaneously broke out next to the crack in the space, and at the beginning, it was extremely fierce. The two collided instantly, and in the sea of ​​consciousness of the two, this moment became extremely fast and slow. Especially Felix, the feeling is extremely profound.

When his attack first came into contact with Humphries, it seemed to suddenly disappear, and then appeared behind him.

this is!

Space replacement!

And he transferred Felix's attack behind him. It's hard to describe the shock in Felix's heart at this moment. The powerful shock came from behind, even if it was barely avoided, but the power of this crushing punch was still rubbed on his left waist. Almost instantly, Felix's left waist shattered directly and a basketball-sized hole appeared. This is because Felix itself is also the result of this energy, which cancels each other out.

Fuck, space replacement ability, so strong!

Felix spouted a sip of blood, immediately wrapped the wound with energy, and a layer of mucosa quickly appeared on his waist, and healed.

While doing this, Felix again punched at the wall next to him. He suffered such a serious injury just now, and this time, Felix had no thought of fighting at all. At the beginning of the top war, Humphries' mission was to rescue those people, and he did not appear on the main battlefield, so many people did not know that this guy would be so powerful.

No, it's just a spatial ability, and it's right!

Humphries saw Felix start running away, and did not desperately pursue. Just as Felix had guessed, it is really not appropriate to fight too fiercely, but if you go outside, it will be different.

Very easily, Felix broke through the defense of the institute and came into the ocean outside.

When he was relatively far away from the institute, Felixton suddenly felt a palpitation from the bottom of his heart. Oops, Felixton thought, at this distance, Humphries would definitely not keep his hand. Felix opened his defense towards the outside in an instant, but his defense really had little effect in front of the space ability. A space slash flew directly to his chest. Looking at the almost abrupt attack that appeared in front of him, Felix's eyes suddenly widened.

Felix didn't know what he had done at this time, as if he just instinctively reached out to block and wanted to dial away.

With a snort, Felix once again left a huge wound on his body, but luckily avoided a small life.


Is the deflection of the life field accidental or the principle is known?

Humphries, who was chasing behind, narrowed his eyes. If it is Bai Yi, it will not be so difficult to cope with, because from the beginning, Bai Yi they are in the system to summarize the pros and cons of various capabilities and principles. For example, the space replacement of Humphries is also completed through the life field.

Every evolutionary human life field radiates toward the outside with itself as the center, and then gradually weakens. The life fields of two people are superimposed on each other. The closer to the body of one side, the weaker the life field of the other side. The absolute life field inside the individual is even more inaccessible.

Otherwise, Humphries directly transferred the attack into the opponent's body, so why bother.

At that moment, Felix deflected the life field around his body, disturbing the attack that deviated from Humphries.

And at this time, Felix was thinking hard. At that moment, his head did indeed seem to be empty, but at this time, he knew that if he wanted to live, the opportunity was here. Otherwise, Humphries' space ability, he could not cope with it.

After careful consideration, Felix remembered the strength of the broken fist that he had previously replaced, which was also more than one meter away from his body. It's just that this distance is too close, so he didn't get much response and got the trick.


Felix struggled to escape towards the outside, bringing a rapid wave of air over the sea. And Humphries also flashed in the air, watching Felix's back in his eyes. An opponent who only knows to escape but does not resist, really thinks he can escape from this place.

Humphries stretched out his right hand, the life field gradually coalesced, and behind Felix, a transparent dot began to fluctuate.

Felix also felt the fluctuations behind his body, but no matter how he changed his direction, this little spot followed him like a shadow.

Void Blast!

Behind Felix, a circle of transparent ripples momentarily twisted. For a moment, the surrounding air and seawater were twisted in and collapsed. Something within a radius of more than ten meters was completely compressed to the size of a fist, and then at the next instant, the material inside suddenly burst out again. There was a dull blast in the air, and Felixton was thrown away and flew out of the sea for a few hundred meters.

As the sea rolled out, Felixton left a pale red mark on the sea, and then gradually melted into the sea water. Lying on the sea, Felix coughed twice, and the salty bitterness of the seawater and the breath of blood filled his mouth. Slowly, Felix suppressed the pain in the body, and then hit his right fist against the sea.

Felix was so miserable at this time, and there was no better place for him.

"It's important, this!" Felix asked, looking up in a low voice.

"Yes, it's important." Humphries did not deny it. If it wasn't important, why did he chase it to this point. If this thing is exposed, it will be even more unimaginable on the earth.

"So, do I have to die!"

Humphries did not answer, but Felix knew the answer.

Really, must die. Felix knew that this was exactly what he asked for. If you accidentally touched Grim Reaper's butt, of course you have to pay a price.

But no matter what, he has to give it a try!

I'm really sorry. Although he entered the lv4 consciousness through Xue Wen Dan, he didn't have any special ability at all. Whether it is a real blood spirit or lf force field, or visualizing an incarnation, he has none. So what he can do is to do his best to go all out!

——Felix suddenly had some emotion in his heart.

The battle was extremely fierce. Although Felix has been desperately desperate, the so-called potential cannot be exploded by anyone. Under continuous attacks, Felix had no idea how many times he was injured. But by this time, he was still not dead. Even Humphries stopped the attack involuntarily, and felt the life of this cargo was extremely strong.

"The life factors in your body seem to be more powerful." Humphries said.

"Huh~!" Felix twisted the corner of his mouth, seeming to laugh at himself. His shattered body couldn't hold it at all, but he didn't know why, he was like this, but he didn't die. It was as if his life was extremely tough. But this time, no matter how tough it is, it's not very useful. If Humphries insists on killing him.


Bai Yi's consciousness is extremely ethereal, as if he is completely paying attention to the changes in the whole world, and it seems that nothing is reflected in his mind. When the battle of lv4 consciousness of sea level occurred on the sea surface, Bai Yi still gave a trace of attention. Bai Yi, who didn't care about the deaths of countless people, became interested in Felix at this time. This extremely powerful vitality, a strange force generated purely from life, supports Felix without dying.

It's really strange, maybe, it's useful!

"Humphries, sell me a face, how about keeping him alive." Bai Yi's voice suddenly sounded around him.

"Huh?" Humphriston looked around, but found nothing.

"I'm not here."

"Really." Humphries heard Bai Yi say this, and was not surprised. Humphries and Bai Yi’s relationship is not bad, but what he doesn’t understand is why Bai Yi suddenly wanted to leave Felix What the **** are you doing? "

"You will know in the future, in fact, there is no harm to you."

"Huh~" Humphries smiled lazily.

"Then you better go back to the institute. The battle between the two of you has shocked a lot of people. Seriously, even if you leave him in this place, it won't do much. The human and humanoid wisdom races, in Under the deliberate control of both sides, the battlefield has never been placed in a space crack before. But this battle has inevitably drawn the attention of both sides. Here, it will become the next battlefield!"

"Cut, crow's mouth!" Humphries spit out, but he also knew that Bai Yi was telling the truth.

Soon, Humphries disappeared in the distance, and at this time, Felix was a little stupid. He was rescued by Bai Yi, and even the other person did not see it.

"So, don't mind if we meet." Bai Yi said. Felix didn't know what was going on. The sea surface under his feet seemed to have a mirror-like loophole. Felix fell into it instantly before he could react.

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