Era of Disaster

Chapter 752: Trust them

When Vera and Shapi appeared, the eyes of countless people in the world were concentrated here. And in the eyes of some people who pay special attention, it is even more clear.

The third group!

Vera and Sharpei!

Sure enough, Betsy and Alodia's actions are definitely not untargeted, but really have a purpose. Even if Pyroban snatched the chance of Alodia, Bai Yi did not stop the plan. Although I don't know what the plan is, since Bai Yi is willing to let the people in Bai Ming Lou sacrifice themselves, it means that it is definitely beneficial.

No benefit, pure pay, how is it possible!

Grab it!

What is there to hesitate? Now the Baiming Tower has almost become a public enemy. If it is not the huge background of the Baiming Tower, it is estimated that many people have already gathered to attack it. However, Bai Yi disappeared, Princess Bai Mo princess stayed awake, Betsy and Moxibustion bird sublimated, Alodia and Erwei Lynx fell into the crack of space, and countless people in the world put Bai Ming Lou Treated as an enemy. At this time, the power of Bai Ming Lou already had a huge loophole.

Others don't know what Bai Yi's plan is, but they have all seen signs of Bai Minglou's overthrow.


"Master Hongqihua, the information you want." On the ground, a lot of data moved slowly, and then placed on the ground. A little puppet less than twenty centimeters crawled out from under the material and sat on the ground with a buttock, which was almost shameful. In the back, there was a more petite rat mother who ran along, dragging something.

"Xiaomi, Xiaomi!" The mouse lady begged her tail.

"Xiaomi is a fool, these things are useless at all." The doll Xiaoying suddenly jumped up, and then gave Xiaomi a serious lesson. Xiaomi itself is not very smart, and at this time, there is not much reaction, thinking that Xiaoying is playing with her. After Xiaomi froze for a while, he rushed towards Xiaoying.

"Hey, don't come, you fool!" Xiaoying quickly grabbed Xiaomi, but she was thrown to the ground and hit a roll.

"You are a mouse or a dog, who did you learn from." Xiao Ying was slobbered and said helplessly.

Xiaomi is the little mouse that Hong Qihua brought with him a long time ago. Not long ago, the first mother was thrown over and said that she was not used to it. It's no wonder that the first mother will throw this little mouse over, Xiaomi itself is a relatively perfect change, is a cute rat mother. However, Xiaomi's intelligence has always been only 2-3 years old, how could a person like the first mother get used to it. After seeing Hong Qihua, Xiaomi suddenly felt the same breath and was not afraid of life at all. Moreover, there are dolls about the same size as her, which are much more fun than there.

Hong Qihua now seems to be about ten years old. At this time, she is working hard to study the various materials summarized and compiled by Bai Minglou.

Especially, about the laws!

When Hong Qihua was separated, the news of the space crack had not yet exploded completely, so even Hong Qihua didn't know what the first mother's plan was. However, even if the two parties are separated, the two still have a slight sense. Hong Qihua clearly felt that Bai Yi and the first mother's actions were all related to the rules.

Life is a magical thing in the universe!

Hong Qihua agrees with this statement. From the initial birth of life to the gradual growth of absorbing external resources, it itself contains traces of various laws of the universe. When you are weak, you may not feel it, but if you are strong enough, you will have a deep understanding of various laws. When you are stimulated enough, you will feel the deepest law yourself, and it will come out as a treasure of law.

However, even if there is no chance of encountering that kind of stimulation, as it becomes stronger, it can also understand the laws of the universe. However, the requirements required for this process are not generally high, and the time is very slow.

Because of this, Bai Yi and Hong Qihua seem to know more than others. In fact, this is just that after the power is strong, the cosmic laws that can be perceived by oneself become more and more perfect.

Xiaomi and Xiaoying played around for a while, so they sat quietly beside Hong Qihua and stared at Hong Qihua in a daze. After a few hours, Hong Qihua's attention was withdrawn from the material in front of her, and the two children reacted immediately.

"Master Hong Qihua, why do you like paper books. In fact, it will be more convenient if these materials are consulted through the internal network. In the database of Master Ye Ye, everything is kept in a copy." Xiao Ying asked Road.

"Well, this one, I like the feeling that my fingers flick the paper, it will make my mind more peaceful. After all, I am not simply reading, but to really understand these things. I like this more than e-books. A feeling." Hong Qihua explained.

"Let's go, it's time to eat!" Hong Qihua put the books together and put them on the table, then said.

"Eat, eat!" Xiaomi heard the words, his eyes narrowed suddenly, a very happy look. Looking at this picture, we know that this mouse must be a foodie. With a simple mind, apart from playing all day, of course, all I have to do is eat, but this is one of the few things in Xiaomi's life that is memorable, how could it not be a foodie.

Walking out of the top floor of the large library, Hong Qihua found that the atmosphere in the crowd of Baiming Building was a bit tense. After such a long period of development, it is impossible to have only those core people in Baiming Building. The lower level of the general staff is a huge number. These people didn't care when they saw Hong Qihua. Those who knew Hong Qihua's identity were only the real core personnel. Even, many people regard Hong Qihua as the next generation of Baiminglou.

"Xiaohong, come here." When Hong Qihua walked into the restaurant, a girl across the face beckoned suddenly.

"Master Hong Qihua!" The young people beside Nierlai were very respectful. This restaurant basically contains some more core talents, so these people all know the real identity of Hong Qihua. It's just that Nierlai is a big girl. After knowing it, she looks at Hong Qihua as a little girl. According to her words, Hong Qihua is too small to be seen as a person of Bai Yi's level.

"How do you appear here?" Hong Qihua asked.

"Rufan." Nierlai was very simple.

"Recently, many people have regarded Baiminglou as an enemy, so we came here." Beavis was very serious.

"Oh." Hong Qihua nodded.

"Xiaohong, you are tall again, so fast." After Hong Qihua walked over, Niall Lei suddenly stood taller. "It's estimated that it won't take long before I dare to call you Xiaohong." Nierlai said, looking annoyed.

"Xiaohong, quietly ask a question, what exactly does Master Bai Yi want to do?" Niel Leyton asked quietly after the special food supplement was delivered.

Hong Qihua stunned slightly for a while, and then showed a non-existent smile. It seems that even the core personnel in the Baiming Building are somewhat skeptical of Bai Yi's approach. Indeed, what Bai Yi had asked Betsy to do before was actually unacceptable to many people. That kind of wanton killing absolutely violates the education they usually receive. Such as Joanna, such as Gu Huai and others.

And these new generations, even if Bai Yi taught it by one hand, trust Bai Yi very much, at this time it is estimated to be confused.

"What does Bai Yi want to do!" Hong Qihua put down the spoon in her hand and said quietly.

A group of Nierlai suddenly concentrated. As the new generation that Bai Yi pays more attention to, they know Hong Qihua's true identity. Therefore, they knew that Hong Qihua must know the real reason. At this time, it seemed that Hong Qihua had signs of reason, and they suddenly raised their ears.

"I know, there are many rumors outside. Some Bai Yi want to collect something to break through; some Bai Yi are desperate and become crazy; some Bai Yi want to absorb the lives of others to perfect their Wanhua Environment, and finally take away the people from Baiming Tower... There are even more outrageous, I will not say it." Hong Qihua said here, looked at several people.

The couple on the opposite side also smiled embarrassedly. Although they were taught by Bai Yi and have always worshipped and trusted Bai Yi, the rumors outside are really true.

As if Bai Yi really used the entire world as a sacrifice, just to fulfill himself.

"Trust him!" Hong Qihua looked up and closed her eyes.

"Trust As the leader of human and humanoid intelligent race, whether it is Bai Yi or the first mother, maybe their approach is contrary to the values ​​of ordinary people, but they have all the ideas and energy. Absolutely beyond ordinary people's imagination." Hong Qihua lowered her head, her eyes were extremely shining.

A few people on the opposite side looked at Hong Qihua's eyes and attracted them involuntarily. After a while, Nierlai solemnly said.

"I will believe Master Bai Yi, no matter what happens, absolutely!"

Nierlai recalled Bai Yi in her impressions, definitely not the kind of person rumored by the outside world, absolutely not. Just like what Hong Qihua said, Bai Yi's thought and energy can be compared with those with a narrow vision in the outside world.


This is it, first mother!

Hong Qihua looked out, and at this time, the first mother in the distance seemed to feel the same, and looked towards the distance. After repeated battles, not only Bai Yi was questioned, but also the first mother's side. Although the first mother has a very high prestige on the side of the human-like intelligent race, but this time is coming, the life of death is too much.

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