Era of Disaster

Chapter 853: arms

Bai Yi walked out, revealing a slightly but wild smile. Sure enough, the opposite source didn't feel much weakened at all, and knew that the previous attack could not cause much damage to the other party. However, even so, it cannot be said that it is completely useless. After all, the attack just consumed the opponent's power. However, this battle is estimated to be very difficult.

At this time, Yuan's expression was very awe-inspiring, because Bai Yi's power was beyond his expectation. Humans who had less than five combat powers could actually grow to this level.

Frowning his eyebrows, Yuan looked to the other side, where there was another Li Shi, the Li Shi world where the first mother was.

I don't know what Bai Yi and the first mother did, but the other half of his strength did not return. It stands to reason that when the Sifang Heavenly World was broken before, all of his powers would be combined into one, but as if he had banned Bai Yi before, the half of the power to fight the first mother did not return.

In this way, when he designed Bai Yi and Bai Yi, they also limited his power.


At this time, in another world, another source was staring at the first mother. "How can you do this, can actually prevent my power from returning to one."

"You said, humans are not creatures lacking creativity," said the first mother gasping slightly.

Of course, Yuan knows that after obtaining the knowledge theory of Sifang Tiansheng World, Bai Yi and the first mother made their own adjustments and modifications on this, but Yuan believes that in such a short period of time, it is impossible for the two to make anything. Effective change. Because, it is a top-level world law that has been developed after tens of thousands of years. But at this time, his power was really divided, so Yuan felt incredible.

Yuan didn't understand it, but slowly raised his head: "Forget it, no matter what changes you have made in the laws of the four-sided ascension world, I believe that as long as you are killed, the world will naturally break."

Yuan said this with absolute confidence, because the first mother in front of him had fallen.

However, the first mother heard a strange smile on her face, did she already fall in the wind? This is really a wonderful experience. Since she became the first mother, she has never fought in a disadvantaged situation. If it weren't for what Hong Qihua said to wait till the end... The first mother thought slowly, then laughed.

Just like that, let Hong Qihua be capricious, they are one, so the first mother understands Hong Qihua's mood.


A message appeared in the heart of the source fighting Bai Yi: ‘come out soon! ’

This is the information from the source of the first half of the battle with the first mother, but it is different from the dialogue between the two people. It should be said that the two sources are themselves a whole, but now they are temporarily separated into two individuals. Therefore, the communication between the two sides is not like a dialogue between two different people, as if naturally understood.

After receiving this information, the spear in the source's hand turned twice, and then held it obliquely in his hand.

I really didn't expect that human beings could reach this level. Now Bai Yi can make him feel such pressure, raising a feeling that he can't wait to become a complete body.

how is this possible!

Yuan's eyes closed, and then suddenly opened, the breath around his body burst instantly. As if flying all the doubts and pressures in my heart, Yuan immediately moved towards Bai Yifei.

Just like two huge magnetic poles, far away, Bai Yi and Yuan's powerful gas field completely enveloped the middle place. The person in the middle suddenly felt this amazing coercion. After a sluggish, suddenly Rolling and crawling to escape around. Perhaps at this time, these people still do not know what happened, but the instinctive fear from the body is so clear.

And just as these people fled, they kept looking back in that direction. Even such a fearful state of mind could not eliminate the curiosity in these people's hearts.

At the next moment, like two comets, two shiny white lines appeared one by one, and then collided in the middle.

Everyone only felt that something was brushing in their minds, all sounds were completely torn apart in an instant, and then everyone's minds became dead.

Most people instantly shed blood from the facial features and fell directly to the ground.

As if a supernova was detonated, the powerful shock suddenly rushed around. It was like a scene that was falling apart, letting those who were still curious to escape. At this time, no one dared to have the slightest chance. Curiosity will kill people. At this time, if you want to watch the lively side, it is definitely a death.

Once again, the battle between Bai Yi and Yuan became more intense, as if he wanted to prove that the pressure he just felt was just an illusion, and Yuan suddenly burst into a powerful force. At this time, the killing gun showed an amazing attack, and every agitation can pose a great threat to Bai Yi. Streamlined, but the forces of subtle control continue to stagger and collide, and the battle between the two is extremely fierce and fatal.

When Bai Yi's right hand pressed again, an extremely condensed spiral bullet and the tip of the killing gun were stuck together.

The powerful force is constantly tearing and grinding in the middle, and the surrounding space seems to produce a plasma-like flowing texture.

At this time, Yuan showed a fierce smile. Even if this sharp weapon is only condensed, it is definitely not something you can take with your hands empty hand, Bai Yi! Yuan shouted wildly in his heart, his right palm suddenly pushed above the gun handle.

With a piercing sound, it was as if an electric light had suddenly bloomed, and Bai Yi flew out in an instant.


At this time, Malvi stood in the smelting pool, his hands held up towards the sky, from Malvi's body, countless birth and death flames continuously scrolled, a mass like a knife-shaped substance kept rolling in the flames.

When fighting broke out in the Netherland, Malvi and Nancy had already awakened. Although their physiques had undergone great changes because of Momo’s unrelenting Nirvana, they were still at the level of LV3. Originally, Malvi thought that he needed a lot of time to make up for the progress of other people, but he did not expect that Mo Mo let them rise, nor let them fight.

Nancy immediately went to rescue other injured people, such as Vera and Shapi, while Malvi was called to refine new weapons.

That's right, new weapons, Bai Yi's weapons.

Obviously, Bai Yi and Mo Mo have long known that a very amazing battle will take place, so on the battlefield, a sufficiently powerful weapon is very important. Originally, Bai Yi and Wan Hua Jing can be used, but now that Wan Hua Jing has become the support of the new world, Bai Yi has once again become empty-handed. To the extent that it is easy to use, ordinary combat cannot use weapons at all, and once a weapon is really needed, it is not a normal weapon.

Release Nirvana Flame!

Malvi can feel that his flame has undergone great changes, just like the legendary Phoenix fire of Nirvana, which can breed new life in the flame. This kind of flame can not only show amazing power in battle, but also seems to have extraordinary ability when it is used to forge a forge.

Originally Malvi didn't believe it himself, but at this time, feeling the change in the mass of matter inside, Malvi had to believe it. Because, under the smelting of the flame of death and extinction, the previous top materials are gradually merging together at this time. And unlike the previous fusion, in this special flame, these materials seem to become a complete whole, as if to!

That's right, as if this unformed weapon has its own life.

how is this possible!

No matter how Malvi didn't believe it or how it felt weird, he had to admit that what the pig said was actually true. In fact, what Malvi didn’t believe was not his own flame that could do this. What he didn’t believe was that the puffed pig could actually predict all this.

The magic pig?

Gas machine induction, the future picture!

Nima, why would it be a pig with such power? Although it has a good relationship with Poo Po, Malvi still feels hit.

The distractions in the heart were completely put aside, Malvi was immersed in a wonderful state, as if all the powers of his body had gathered together, Malvi himself became a flame. After a long time, the flame gradually shrank, leaving only a heavy and simple long sword suspended in the air. It is estimated that Malvi himself did not expect that originally he wanted to smelt these materials into long knives. You know, in Malvi's impression, Bai Yi's best weapon is long but no I thought that after Malvi lost his consciousness, these materials became a long sword.

Moreover, there is no heterogeneous energy circuit on this long sword, no rule pattern, and no source guide mode.

Nothing at all!

It seems that what Malvi did is simply to smelt these top materials and then condense them into a whole.

Is this kind of thing really useful?

Even Su Ye, as a puppet, doubted the problem. Just when she wanted to inquire about Malvi, she found that Malvi had curled up all around, the flame around her body surrounded, spreading in the smelting pool, forming a shape like an embryo, Malvi seemed to be gestating Fetus in general.

Release Nirvana Flame!

Su Ye was surprised, and immediately grabbed the unpretentious long sword suspended in the air, then flew out instantly. After flying away at night, the entire smelting pool suddenly sank towards the ground, and even Malvive disappeared here.

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