Era of Disaster

Chapter 874: Variables between the gap between life and death

Yes, Bai Yi was indeed dead just now, really dead. Bai Yi can clearly feel that his life and consciousness gradually dissipated. However, when Bai Yi was about to disappear completely, he felt another familiar breath.

Alice? Alfred!

Previously captured by Kamadovich, forcibly sacrificed all the powers, and gave birth to the girl with the deadly winged fangs with countless death breaths on the Underworld Island. After that, Alice seemed to be completely dead. At that time, even Bai Yi was wondering what the puffing variables meant, and even had a trace of regret. If Alice was not allowed to leave like this, maybe Alice would not die.

However, when Bai Yi felt Alice's breath here, she didn't think so, but was very surprised.

‘Alice! ’

‘Master Bai Yi! ’Alice was also very surprised. Alice knew exactly what she was in, she was completely dead herself. Here, it is definitely a place of death, more thorough than Mo Mo's Underworld, and a world that can be felt instantly when real life is about to die. It is only because her power is ‘spiritual gathering’ that her own power will be retained by the spirituality of the entire Underworld Island in such a miraculous state.

So why did Bai Yi appear here again?

Alice immediately reacted, and then used her power to protect Bai Yi's consciousness beside her. When Bai Yi's consciousness stabilized, Alice looked at Bai Yi.

‘Master Bai Yi, you don’t... ’

‘Yeah, I’m dead! Bai Yi nodded calmly.

‘Really, even Master Bai Yi... 'Although Alice had already guessed the result when she saw Bai Yi, when Bai Yi truly admitted, Alice still had some unacceptable feelings. What Alice can guess is that after her death, something more amazing must have happened, otherwise Bai Yi will not appear here.

'where is this place? 'Bai Yi asked the special feelings around him.

‘The gap between birth and death. Said Alice.

‘Birth and death. 'Bai Yi felt it again.

Even Bai Yi couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was. In short, he felt incomprehensible. This is the most essential feeling that Bai Yi has never realized. Perhaps, every life has experienced this mysterious feeling when it is on the verge of dissipation. Unfortunately, no one can understand this feeling, and can never speak about it. Because even those who feel this feeling have completely dissipated.

This is a more complete disappearance than ordinary death.

It's like-where does consciousness come from, where does consciousness dissipate. A pile of matter and energy are combined, they ‘live’, and then have their own consciousness, this is the most mysterious law of life.

‘It’s really mysterious, but in a short time, I can’t perceive more information. After a while, Bai Yi broke away from that state of perception.

‘Even if it’s mysterious, there’s no use for it. Said Alice.

'really! 'Bai Yi looks at Alice.

Alice was stunned by Bai Yi's eyes for a while before she was slightly surprised. How did she feel that after seeing herself, Master Bai Yi had a very unexpected and another feeling like this. Don't doubt that Alice can feel this feeling just in contrast to Bai Yi. Because between Alice and Bai Yi is not a common expression between human beings, it is a state more pure than consciousness. Just like Alice himself said, there is a gap between the origin and the disappearance.

‘Master Bai Yi, do you know something? Asked Alice.

‘Do you know poof? Said Bai Yi.

‘Know, of course, Puff Puff knows. ’

‘Poo Poo’s ability is to sense the air, to perceive the future. Simply put, all things around us are like the existing fate, trajectory, and what is about to happen, there will always be the so-called first signs. This kind of symptom can't be seen by most people, but if you have some special abilities, you can feel it. Bai Yi explained.

‘Well, I understand. 'Alice nodded. Because of Bai Yi's influence, Bai Minglou is also very familiar with some knowledge of the East.

Qi, the so-called symptom of things, is a saying in the East.

‘So, what did 噗噗Master say? ’Alice guessed something.

‘Yeah, poo poo, you are a variable! Therefore, even if you know that it will be very dangerous for you to return to the Underworld alone at that time, but you have not stopped every night, just for the so-called variables. However, until you die, none of us understand what is a variable. Even, at that time, I still have some regrets, if you don’t believe in the puffy gas engine induction, maybe you won’t die. just……. 'Bai Yi is slightly dull.

‘It’s just that Master Bai Yi, even as the leader of Bai Ming Lou, can’t casually doubt his subordinates, let alone grown up, right. Said Alice.

‘Yeah, I believe that the puffy air sensor is definitely not malicious, but there may be some inaccuracies. In that case, it’s very regrettable for you. Bai Yi nodded.

‘So now. ’Alice also felt a little puzzled and some at a loss.

'I do not know either. 'Bai Yi shook his head.

Alice was silent for a while, then fell into her own thoughts. When he heard Bai Yi saying that he was a so-called variable, Alice was really surprised. And when she knew she was dying, it was the so-called qi induction, Alice didn't even know how to face Bai Yi.

Blame it, but, is there a reason?

Although Bai Yi said that the induction of the air machine is a picture of the future that Puff feels, does his own death have anything to do with Bai Yi and Puff?


Yes, Alice's death may have something to do with Bai Yi and Pang Pou, but it is definitely not their main reason. Because Alice thought about it, she knew that the Underworld Island was under siege, and then hurried back towards this place, and then was caught by Kamadovich. It was all her own decision. Whether it was Bai Yi or Puff, or the night that maintained the Baiming Tower at that time, I never asked myself what I had to do.

If you want to say it, it's your own behavior. It's really just like Puff Puff said, it's like destiny!

'understood! 'Alice nodded.

Bai Yi looked at Alice, wondering what Alice understood. In other words, Bai Yi expects that this special state of Alice does have some unknown possibility, but Bai Yi does not dare to expect it easily. Bai Yi looked at Alice quietly, waiting for her answer.

‘I don’t know what variables are, but if there are so-called variables, then that’s all. Said Alice.

'what? ’

‘Voice, countless voices! 'Alice looked at Bai Yi, but found that Bai Yi's expression was still dazed. This also means that Bai Yi can't hear the so-called voice. Bai Yike is the leader of Bai Ming Lou, but is hailed as the first person in the world. If it is said that even Bai Yi can't hear, and only she looks special... Maybe, she is really the so-called variable. maybe.

‘At that time, I was urged by Kamadović to gather all the power, gather all the death, despair, cruel breath, spirituality, and then gestate a new life (death wing). Then, I died, just because of the power of Teacher Candice, it seems to fall into this wonderful form again. Then, I heard a voice here. After Alice discovered that Bai Yi could not hear the voice, she could not help explaining.

‘Well, no, it should be said that there are countless voices, but these voices are brought together to form a common voice. 'Alice suddenly shook her head again.

‘What is it? ‘Even Bai Yi is extremely curious.

‘When all the breath of death and despair is gathered by my strength to breed the new beast, what remains here seems to be the purest...the desire for life and victory. ’Alice raised her hands, and her face seemed to be covered with a divine light.

Longing for life and victory?

Bai Yi didn't understand Even if all the negative emotions are used to breed the dead wing, it is not the only voice left.

‘They, no, us, but they are all-the losers! 'Alice suddenly looked at Bai Yi, and her eyes were suddenly holy.

Even when Bai Yi saw Alice's eyes, she couldn't help but an excited spirit, the deceased! As the person who lost in battle, at the end of life, the most eager thing is not victory, but also the new life. At the time of death, the most unwilling is not to continue to live. When all the negative emotions are used to breed dead wings, the purest clarity before this death becomes extremely clear.

That's right, even Bai Yi himself, at the last moment, the voice in his heart was strongly unwilling, and his desire for victory and new life.

‘I’m just like what Puff Puff said, it’s a variable! Now that I have used my own power to breed a dead wing, I can also use my own power to breed again, new... ’Alice said that her gradual disappearance, like the light, began to dissipate.

Bai Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately reached out, but he didn't catch anything.

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