Era of Disaster

Chapter 881: Fragment zone

After Alotiah said this, everyone felt that it might be the case, even if they came to this world, it might not necessarily be desperate. Perhaps, just like that Basil Gaman, there are still great opportunities in this world. But no matter how many people tried to break their heads, they couldn't figure out what kind of opportunities there would be.

"What opportunity do you not want for the time being, do you think that Basil Gaman should be where now?" Erao Lynx asked.

Alodia and An Ling immediately looked at each other, then flashed a strange look.

"right here!"

The two spoke out almost at the same time. Because in addition to this possibility, there is no other possibility. Surrounded by a void area, other than this place, they can't think of where Basil Gaman can go. Fly to the continent that Xiao Nuo said? Just kidding, even if evolved humans are already strong, they can never do that.

Therefore, there is only one possibility. Basil Gaman is also in the ring zone formed by this piece of earth.

But where is it?

It’s useless to think about it. Next, several people decided to find out the Basil Gaman. In fact, all of them know that even if the Basil Gaman is found, the other party may not know the real process. There is never a shortage of gamblers in this world. Perhaps, that Basil Gaman felt something sporadically, and then he did it. He didn't even know the specific meaning at all.

And this is definitely the biggest possibility.

But in any case, after speculating that Basil Gaman might be in this place, Alotija finally got a little more motivation for them, at least not as hopeless as before. However, here is a band of debris erupting around a crack in space, thousands of kilometers in diameter, chaotic and disorderly, and extremely dangerous. God knows where that Basil Gaman is.

When Alortia hadn’t found Basil Gaman, this piece of shards that they didn’t have, welcomed new visitors.


The space fleet previously dispatched from the inner region of the East Ring has come here, both government and private. Being able to come here so quickly, in addition to the ridiculous technology development here, another reason is that the distance between this place and the inner domain of the East Ring is not as far as expected.

When the fleet appeared, Alodia they searched carefully in the fragment zone. When the huge and grisly figure appeared in the distance in the distance, Aluotia and several of them were startled.

Because these spaceships are not the kind of mechanical spaceships in the human impression, but-live!

Carnivorous Armor-These appearances are different, but the appearance of the unbelievably fierce space ship is like the horror of ancient creatures running across the universe, and there is amazing pressure from above. When they saw these big things appearing, Alotiya was completely taken aback by a few people. This would not be the legendary void creature, a powerful creature wandering in the universe vacuum. Several people thought so in unison.

These flesh-and-armored spaceships, which Alothea defined as void creatures, did not enter the debris belt at random, but continued to probe from above and then collected information.

"How is there a life reaction?" a humanoid creature asked.

"Batoru, are you kidding, how could there be life alive under the black hole eruption." Another humanoid suddenly laughed strangely.

"I'm not kidding, why can't I survive. Otherwise, how the civilization on our East Star was passed down." The humanoid Bartoru, who was originally asked, retorted.

"Even if you say so..." Another humanoid wanted to say something, but suddenly a signal came from the detector. After seeing this signal, Bartolu flew up, and then his eyes flashed with excitement. There really is life, there is life, no matter what kind of life it is, it will be a huge discovery. At this time, the refuting humanoid was dumbfounded.

"Past, hurry, hurry to pass." Bartoru said immediately, directing the Flesh Space Ship to move quickly in that direction. Several flesh-spaced spaceships suddenly moved, and Alodia suddenly discovered that the direction of these flesh-spaced spaceships was toward them. Because there is almost no air above the ring debris belt, and their eyes will not be blocked, so they can easily detect the movement of these spaceships.

"Wouldn't it have discovered us," An Ling said suddenly.

"That's not...breath!" Alottia said suddenly.

After Alotija finished speaking, the breath of life of several people gradually disappeared, which is itself above the earth and used to avoid various life detection methods. Although there appeared to be creatures in front of them, it was a little better than the void universe they had imagined before, but they still had to be careful when they saw the gruesome appearance of the flesh-and-blood spaceship. At this time, Alotiah still thought it was a powerful void creature.

After Alodia had their breath, the detection signal on the Flesh Space Ship became weaker and weaker, and then disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Bartolu immediately smelled.

"I don't know, the signal disappeared." Another responded suddenly.

"How could it disappear, look carefully, the detection just now was absolutely impossible, and there should be life on the debris belt." Bartolu suddenly ordered. Then, some humanoid creatures wearing flesh-formed armor flew out of the fleshy spaceship and flew towards the debris belt.

"What is this again?" An Ling? Ye Ling Huayin was completely dumbfounded to see some small creatures flying out of a spaceship originally defined as a void creature.

"Who knows what it is, maybe these creatures are similar to the Zerg in the human fantasy. The above are the female insects, and the flying ones are the worms." Erwei Lynx said suddenly.

"Don't lie to me." An Ling said in amazement.

"Just guessing." Erwei Lynx flicked his tail.

"Huh, okay." An Ling suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, with her strength, this is not the case at all, but An Ling's character has always been a little weak, and this has been the case since the beginning. In addition, when facing the unknown, no matter who it is, there is always a feeling of fear in her heart, so An Ling will be nervous.

"In short, avoid it first, and then look closely." Alortia said.

"Uh!" several people answered, then concealed with a breath.

This group of humanoids wearing carnivorous armor had to find a trail after a day of searching, and had to go up to report the news. And after getting the report, that Bartolu suddenly held his head and kept mumbling to himself: "Why can't I find it, the signal detected before will definitely not be wrong, inside this circular fragment zone is There are creatures, why are they suddenly gone?"

"I said Bartoru, maybe it was just that the detector was wrong, which is not surprising."

"Error!" Bartolu suddenly raised his head and glanced at his companion. "Maybe you are right, maybe the detector is wrong, but there is also a possibility. The life above this fragment has the ability to converge its own breath. After discovering us, it is hidden. Ero, yourself Think about it, you can survive in a small black hole eruption, you can continue to live in this vacuum fragment zone, you can also hide your breath of life, what it represents."

"I admit that what you said is a possibility, but don't you think your thoughts are too dangerous to sensation, how could there be such a coincidence." The Erow said lazily, obviously not very concerned , And then poured himself a dark green drink.

"But if it does exist."

"Whatever you want, you are the commander in chief anyway." Erow spread his hands, and then took a sip of the drink very intoxicated, as if humans were quoting super wine.


The people who searched on the Shard Zone were all people from the inner government of the East Ring, so they came here first. Other private spaceships may not be slower than them, but they dare not approach at this time. Because at any time, the government always occupies a big head. If these people want to grab something in the hands of the government, they will definitely die and do not know how to die.

These private carnal spaceships did not dare to easily approach, but it did not prevent them from carefully observing the actions of the group of people in front of the government.

After careful observation, these people were surprised, because it was not like looking at this small black hole on a large scale, but as if something was found.

What did you find?

I have to say that these people have a very keen sense of smell, and since these people can come here, there must be some kind of contact with the upper level staff. Soon, some of them knew from various sources that the breath of life was found on the fragmented belt, but soon, the breath of life disappeared again. Now the government's Bartoru ~ will be making a careful search.

After learning the news, these private spaceships could not sit still.

There is life!

This news is really too shocking, but in fact this is not surprising. This is like saying to humans that one day the traces of aliens were really discovered. Moreover, this is not the kind of unreasonable scenes made by random, but real, creatures of another world brought by the black hole eruption.

For large spaceships, these private individuals still dare not drive past, but if they hide their tracks and send one or two high-end flesh armor armor to search carefully in the past, they may be able to avoid the eyes and ears of the government. Don’t think that these people don’t dare to do such things, as long as they have the right interests, it is enough to make people want to move. This is the truth that does not change in any world.

Soon, from several peripheral private spaceships ~ ~ each appeared a few hidden flesh armor, flying carefully towards the debris belt.


At this time, Alotija also judged from various trails. The huge and dire creatures suspended in the void are not void creatures, but something similar to the spaceship in human cognition. The small creatures sent out are estimated to be intelligent creatures like human beings.

After recognizing this, Alodia felt a little calm. Because all kinds of humanoids on the earth are much more common, so even if the difference between these humanoids and humans is greater now, there is no difficulty in accepting them. It's just that Alodia knew exactly what they were like in the eyes of these humanoids.


What is the human attitude towards aliens? If the aliens displayed strong force, perhaps, humans would measure the situation and sit down and communicate peacefully. However, if you meet one or two aliens who have been ordered-slice research, nothing is said.

The point is, now Alodia's identity is an alien!

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