Era of Disaster

Chapter 886: Break away

The inner area of ​​the East Ring, whose area is tens of millions of times the size of the earth, is no joke. Because the light is the volume of the sun, which is 1.3 million times that of the earth, and the sun is just a tiny star in the universe. It is almost conceivable how large a ring-shaped inner space formed by a spouting planet and surrounding galaxies is enough. It is precisely because the inner area of ​​the ring is too large, so here are divided into tens of thousands of administrative regions, each of which is much larger than the earth.

And these tens of thousands of administrative regions are not so much an administrative region as a different country with complete autonomy.

Very simple truth-distance limits domination!

Although the technology of the inner circle of the East Ring is very developed, it has not been possible to move randomly in the past. An administrative area, the size of thousands of Earths, cannot be sailed at the speed of a spaceship above the inner ring. Even if it is an adjacent administrative area, it runs over thousands of Earths in size. You can imagine how much time it takes. Even if it does not take so much time to pass the message, after all, various government orders are executed by ‘people’.

Can you imagine a consul in the central government spending years and decades on the road to deal with events in a partition.

When you get there, it’s been over ten years. Believe it or not.

Therefore, distance is the biggest limitation, and it is a matter of course that different zones have different autonomy patterns. However, because there used to be the same galaxy in the past, and there is a common belief here, and even there is a so-called ‘main master’ in the inner domain of the East Ring, so it has maintained a relatively unified whole. In fact, the beliefs are all false, mainly the ‘Master’. There are rumors in the outside world that several realm masters are congenital spirits. As the life survived by the ancient Ester galaxy, they do not allow the division of the inner circle of the Ester ring.

Outside the East Ring inner domain, there are other ring inner domains. As for that, it is farther away. Although there is some news, no one cares so much.

The different subdistricts here are not called administrative districts, but called ‘Star Ring’, named after the inner domain of the ring.

The ring leader of each star ring is the highest leader.

Therefore, Fred is known as the Lord of the Rings, and his identity can be guessed. Although he is an insignificant Lord of the Rings in tens of thousands of star rings, he still has a low status.

However, Alodia simply understood some of the patterns of the East Inner Ring, and did not really put all his energy on it. Perhaps a long time later, humans on the earth will come into contact with the East Inner Ring, but definitely not now.


"However, there have been some changes recently. There is news from the 1044th star ring, saying that it has improved the space movement technology. It does not know how many times the energy consumption is smaller than before. If it is improved, it can become a general technology. . Now the ring master over there has been handed over to the central star ring. When the distance is no longer a limitation, the central star ring will definitely strengthen the centralization, and it is definitely impossible to be as autonomous as it is now." Introduce Alortia to the situation of the entire inner circle of the East Ring, because he found that the human woman could easily point out certain points.

But this time, Alottia didn't seem to give him the meaning of the situation, but looked at the land below. "Master Frode, thank you for your hospitality during this time." As the spaceship was about to reach the 1044th star ring, Alodia said to Fred.

"Huh?" Friede hadn't responded yet.

"So, let's say goodbye first." Alortia spoke again, and the Fred finally recovered.

"Farewell, what do you mean!"

"It literally means that from now on, we will leave your spaceship."

"Why should I leave at this time, I have prepared my father for a grand welcome ceremony..."

"Young Master Frederick." Alotia interrupted Frederick's words. "Although you are very grateful for your courtesy, we have to say that we are always aliens compared to the inner circle of the East Ring. Rare individuals, special lives, will always be treated differently. Very Sorry, we are not interested in becoming a gorilla in the zoo, so leaving at this time is inevitable."

"You can go where you left, after all, you are alien humans." Fred was a little angry.

"Yes, we are all alien humans, it is easy to recognize. But fortunately, parasitic carnivorous armor seems to be very popular in the inner area of ​​the East Ring. This kind of armor that can completely block the appearance for us, It is really appropriate. Rest assured, after all, we only have very few individuals. The next time, it is estimated that we will hide our appearance and live quietly, and will not have any impact on your inner circle." Alottia said.

"I truly treat you as friends, why?"

"Master Frederick, I also believe that you have no evil intentions for us, just as a bargaining chip, to gain certain benefits. However, after all, we are alien humans, so we must consider our own safety and life. So , It is necessary to hide." Alottia explained.

"So, Master Fred, you are letting your guard off, or are we breaking out ourselves." Alortia looked at Fred.

"Does it really have to be this way?" Fred also looked at Alodia a few people.

"Of course!" Alottia was very simple, but said firmly. Although now only a few people know their news, they will gradually be exposed to more people's eyes once they enter the inner circle of the East Ring. As a special creature, Alotia, even if they will not be sliced ​​in the future, their freedom will certainly be limited.

"Hahahaha." Fred laughed angrily, then raised his hand. "I have taken you as friends, and I still said that. Well, I have heard Zama and Dorst say that you are very powerful, so let me try how powerful you are. Now."

"Really, offend!" After Alortia finished speaking, the life field suddenly opened.

All of a sudden, Alodia's body burst, and his hair flew up suddenly. And An Ling? Ye Tan Huayin, and the two-tailed lynx also exploded in power, and then rushed towards several East men wearing flesh armor. The powerful battle suddenly broke out inside the spaceship, and the originally falling spaceship suddenly swayed. Because Alodia only appeared in front of the core personnel, the other people in the spaceship did not know what was happening, but suddenly a dangerous alarm sounded.

The duration of the battle was not very long. During this time, Alortia and they were already very familiar with the spaceship. They were mainly based on breakthroughs, so they quickly came to the front of the hatch.

"You can't break through, the door can't be destroyed." Fred said.

"Second tail!" Alottia said.

In fact, there is no need to say what Alodia said. Inside the mouth of the two-tailed lynx, an air spiral bomb is already spinning and condensing rapidly. And this is definitely Bai Yi's subtle spiral bomb that has been constantly improved. Has the same atmospheric control ability as Bai Yi, so there is no problem with the use of the second tail.

At this time, Alodia pressed his hands on the ground of the passage.

Crystal wall!

Alotija constructed a very solid crystal wall, blocking all those who pursued it from behind. After all, this is a spaceship, so those people know that they can penetrate in other directions, but they can't really destroy their universe, they can only compete with the crystal wall. And at this time, the subtle lynx of the two-tailed lynx suddenly ejected, and even he himself was pushed back by a strong impact force for several meters, and the ground was caught by the claws of the two-tailed lynx. Several deep scratches.

At this time, An Ling also unfolded the power of the ring of stagnation, and squashed all the shocks on his side.

All the impact erupted towards the outside, and with a bang, a huge hole was suddenly broken above the spaceship's hatch, and the remaining spiral suddenly flew out into the distance.

"In short, I am very grateful for your reception during this time, and we will repay this sentiment in the future," Alottia said.

"Goodbye!" Alortia said, and walked out of the cave towards the outside with her companion.

"It's impossible, you can't hide it, I will announce your information, and then you will definitely be caught." Fred yelled angrily on the other side of the crystal wall.

"Finally give you two suggestions. The first one is to announce our information, which is harmful to you. The second one is to listen to your adjutant Zais. He still has a lot of ideas and ideas. I think If you know the reason of the first one, you can ask him." Alodia smiled, waved again, and then fell towards the hollow together with the two-tailed lynx.

After coming to the air, Erao Lynx immediately resorted to Alodia and Anling, and then took Xiao Nuo to fly out of the air. After the two-tailed lynx was thrown away for more than ten kilometers, the crystal wall gradually disappeared, and that Fred's fierce punch hit the wall of the passage.

"Young Master, do we continue to pursue." One of the core men asked.

"Pursue... In addition, call Zais." Fred suddenly thought of Alotija's last two suggestions. Suddenly someone called Zais over.

"Zais, you come to explain to me why we can't publish their information. Alotija said that it was harmful to me, why?" Fred asked.

"Master Shaohuan, UU reading It's very simple. Just think about how you got them. We can **** food from the government, but now we escape, but Regardless of whether you escape or expose it, it’s not a good thing for the young master. On the contrary, we must also hide their message from others. Even if we know it, we cannot admit it, but we must say it is a rumor... ….” This Zaiston explained, although I don't know why the young master suddenly asked him these things.

"Is that true!" Fred thought.

"The next thing, you arrange it, I'll think about it." Fred patted his head and walked back inside. At this time, the commotion and rescue on the spaceship made him extremely irritable.

After Fred went away, Zais was stunned, not knowing why Fred suddenly gave himself such an important matter of dealing with sequelae.

"It was Alotija's last suggestion to Lord Frederick before he left, saying that he should listen to you more." Zama said next to him.

Zaiston was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect it at all.

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