Era of Disaster

Chapter 889: Meet peers

When a group of Amphora landed, behind them, two other spaceships also chased here. Amphora didn't know that the reason why this group of people chased so tightly was because of the token on her neck. Because in a long period of time before, the Fred family had been extremely prosperous. There is also a rumor in the outside world that the ancestors of the Fred family had contact with innate spirits of a world.

In short, there are various unreliable rumors of mysterious mystery. These rumors are completely unproven. No one cares at all, but this time it is different.

This group of people comes from a higher level, so I know some reasons. The internal chaos in the East circle seems to be related to innate creatures. It is estimated that few people know what is the relationship. However, it is for this reason that this group of people attaches great importance to the group of people who have escaped.

After this group of people also chased the inner circle of the solar system, they almost fell through their glasses. Because according to the normal evolutionary speed, this inner circle of the solar system should still be surrounded by countless debris belts, a very dangerous area.

After dismay, these people felt that they finally understood why the people of the Fred family came here.


Sure enough, this group of people themselves are not clear, but just feel that the changes in this world have absolute secrets.

After reporting the findings here, this group of people also followed Amphora behind them and entered the inner circle of the solar system. First, this group of people blasted against the broken virtual beast spaceship. The heavily damaged Virtual Beast Ship died completely. After cutting off the possibility of a group of Amphora running away again, the group immediately caught up.

After knowing that the spaceship was completely destroyed and the people left on it were completely dead, a group of people was sad, and Amphora was more determined to find the innate creatures in this world that had contact with the ancestors. Because only the innate creatures who don’t know how powerful they are, can change their status quo.

The brutal chasing started, the number of people in Amphora's team has become less and less, because the cruel here is not only the people behind the chasing, but also the environment of this world. These wild animals are so ridiculously powerful that if they lose their flesh armor, perhaps none of them are opponents of a certain evil beast. And some of the evolved monsters have reached lv4, and they also have some special abilities.

It didn't take long for the group of Amphora to be caught up again, almost in despair. The powerful attack overflowed, the ground began to vibrate continuously, and some creatures around gradually began to dodge. Just when a group of people in Amphora felt hopeless, suddenly a loud cry came from a cave under their battle.

"Noisy, people still have to sleep, if you want to fight, just go away."

The angry and immature voice, the unknown language suddenly stopped the two groups of people who were inseparable from fighting. After a while, all the talents found a pink chubby creature coming out of the cave. Although this creature also has some fangs, it is not comparable to the evil beasts it met before.

The chasing party at the back didn't feel anything at all, but Amphora, who was killed, was completely stunned. At this time, she suddenly thought of the ancient language put together with the token.

"Save Jiuwo! (Save us)" Because I didn't learn much, Amphora couldn't speak a few words of the earth at this time, but this time it just happened to say such a simple sentence.

"Hey, you fight me anything, don't quarrel with me." Bema didn't want to do much business.

"Save us!" Amphora didn't understand what Bema said. After all, she simply learned a few words from that ancient language, and if it was a little more complicated, she couldn't understand it at all. . However, in the face of danger, Amphora instinctively ran towards Bema.

Those chasing people didn't matter so much, they immediately chased them up and flew out with a fierce slash, and they were still beating the confused Beima suddenly.


Although he hasn't fully inherited the puffy power-sensing ability, but Bema lives alone and is very sensitive to danger. Bema suddenly widened his eyes and swiftly stepped away from the side.

"Hey, what do you do." Bema said angrily.

However, it was obviously impossible for the people on the other side to understand, and the attacks kept on, and Bema was deliberately involved. Because, just now Amphora seems to be talking to this creature, so that is to say, in this ring-shaped inner domain, does it really have anything to do with the Fred family?

"Big bear, be here, come back soon, I'm about to be killed." Bema's strength is only lv2, so she can only dodge in embarrassment, but she is shouting something loudly. Soon, a figure ran from a distance, and the tiny white exoskeleton was exposed, and it was actually a bear-like beast.

The strength of this big bear bear monster has reached lv3, and immediately killed a few people together.

However, the strength of these people's flesh armor has basically reached the level of lv4, which is more powerful than the kind of flesh armor they met ten thousand years ago. Although the science and technology of East Ring's inner domain have not improved qualitatively over the past 10,000 years, they have also improved a lot after all. Therefore, although the big bear appeared very powerful at first, it soon stopped. After discovering such a situation, Bema felt that she had caused something, how could it be so bad.

Is it the unfortunate thing he felt last time in his dream?

Although there is no complete ability to inherit the puff, the Pema family is still somewhat spiritual.

Despite feeling bad luck in his heart, Bema was quickly prepared to run away. Familiar with the surrounding environment, Bema took this group of people to the territory of a real evil beast, the bone sickle rhinoceros. This skull sickle rhinoceros is estimated to have survived from Bai Yi's time. Although the wisdom has not changed much in the past 10,000 years, but has accumulated such a long time power, the average lv4 saw this guy is estimated to be only on the street Copies.

When the bone sickle rhinoceros was irritated and fought against this group of people, Bema suddenly ran awkwardly.

"Ah, I thought I was dead." After fleeing to the edge of a lake, it was finally safer, and Bema lay on the ground all at once, whispering her chest with her hooves.

"Yeah, it's too dangerous." At this time, Amphora also said in East language.

Hearing this voice, Bema reacted immediately, especially, when did these people follow. Just kidding, it was these humanoids that brought the danger in, and he and the big bear almost threw the street. At this time, after Bema responded, he looked at the group of Amphora with anger.

"What kind of people are you, and in which country are the human races?" Bema's childish voice asked angrily.

"Excuse me, what are you talking about?" Amphora asked slowly in earth language.

"What are you pretending, such a powerful force, don't say you can't speak yet." Bema was very angry, her little hoof waving constantly. But soon, after a chaotic exchange, Bema had to confirm that these three types of humanoid races who don’t know what kind of human intelligence really can’t speak Earth, even if the mother’s mother only said one or two sentences. , But another strange language is very skilled.

Although Bema was very angry, but under Amphora's deliberate favor, Bema was not good to continue to pursue, only that.

At this time, the badly wounded beast, the big bear, also stood up again. Although the expression was still very weak, it was much better than before. This bear is a protector of Bema. Although it only has the strength of lv3, when he is tamed, he particularly values ​​his healing ability. Although he is not as fast as the speed regeneration, it is also very good, otherwise Bema may not Dare to run outside alone.

"My name is Bema, he is a big bear, and it is my protection beast, what about you?" Bema said.

"My name is Amphora, looking for the place above this brand." It took a long time for Amphora to express his meaning. Fortunately, Amphora still speaks a little bit of Earth, so slowly and slowly putting together words can still be communicated.

"This place... seems to have seen it!" Bema took the sign and looked at it, feeling very familiar, but just couldn't remember where he had seen it. It’s too long in the past, and Boom Boom didn’t calm down to teach his son how much things, but just used some spiritual imprint to teach some messy things, and after generations passed down, even Bema didn’t know his true Where did the inheritance come from? I just vaguely know that my family seems to be quite big.

In addition, after seeing this token, although not knowing it, Bema instinctively felt that it should help these humanoid intelligent creatures.

This is the peculiar blood of this family that has been passed down from the poo, a kind of magical sensing ability.

" Have you really seen it, where is it?" Amphora asked very happily.

"It's just such a feeling, but I can't remember it." Bema said. When Amphora's expression suddenly became disappointed, Bema said another sentence. "My dad might know."

"So, could you please take us to ask." Amphora suddenly became excited again.

"Miss!" Yale Dad immediately reminded that this is an unknown world, so if you go to the old nest of others casually, will there be any danger? But his reminder was obviously in vain. For Amphora with only three remaining, there was nothing more dangerous.

In this way, Amphora? K? Fried, and her younger brother Ryan? K? Fried, who is estimated to be only five or six years old, and not very sensible, and Yelida Zaisi, plus Bema Together with the big dog bear, the five people are going back to the home that Bema said to ask about the token. Behind a few people, those chasing soldiers finally ran away from the bone sickle rhinoceros after spending a lot of money.

What's more, the news of the inner circle of the solar system has been spread by these people. I752

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