Era of Disaster

Chapter 910: Surging wave

Since the last big explosion, more than 100 million years have passed. The lifespan of the universe is estimated to be about 100 million years. By that time, the entire universe will contract greatly, and everything will fall into the black hole and be torn apart. From now on, the inner universe has continuously exploded with black holes in the outer universe, forming a new ring-shaped inner domain and beginning to evolve. When the entire outer universe falls into a black hole, the inner universe will usher in a new explosion, and a new universe will be born.

It is truly a catastrophe that belongs to the entire universe, and no life is spared!

And in this catastrophe, it is also gestating a new life!

Not only the Eastman and the emptiness that have appeared, this time, in the inner universe, more power has also sensed the changes in the inner universe, knowing that the unique thing has appeared again. This feeling has not been felt for hundreds of millions of years, and the last time the inner universe was turned upside down.

The macro universe is a universe of matter and energy. However, in this huge universe, the magical thing of'life' appeared.

Breathing: The origin of life in a universe.

This is completely different from the current creatures multiplying in accordance with the inherent laws, which is the real breath of life. No matter how powerful life is now, but at the beginning of birth, it is always extremely weak. Weakness is not a big problem. The key is that the laws of the universe end when there is a birth and die when there is a new birth. No matter how powerful these lives are, there is no comparison with the universe, and they will eventually die with the passage of time.

The birth of life is not the focus, but the derivative effect of the breath of birth.

Even if there is no breath of birth, there are countless lives in the current universe. From birth to the end, although it is in constant reincarnation, it is undoubtedly the real life.

Therefore, countless powers in the universe have speculated: Breath of Breeding can give life an unending chance!

This guess cannot be confirmed, because no matter who it is, no matter what he claims to be innate spirits, ancient beasts, void species...comparable to the entire universe. However, this speculation has been recognized by most lives. Breath of Breath, the breath of this inner universe that was conceived in the chaotic stage, a breath of breath that is bred every hundreds of millions of billions of years, absolutely has a very amazing effect, perhaps it is a ticket to immortality.

The last time this breath appeared, the entire inner universe was almost stirred upside down. However, in the end, no one can confirm who actually got the breath of pregnancy. Of course, even those who really got the breath of birth will certainly not stand up and admit it.

And after hundreds of millions of years, this kind of breath appeared again.

The new creatures born in these hundreds of millions of years may not be clear, but some of the powerful ancient creatures that survived the last battle are quite aware of what it is. The inner universe will become restless again.


In the northern chaotic space of the inner universe, a huge creature with a diameter of thousands of meters is suspended in a void ovary. The shape of this creature is somewhat similar to that of a turtle. At its feet, the surrounding breath rotates itself to form a starry sky layout. This is a kind of Void Species-Suiyanjia Turtle!

Even when the breath of gestation appears, the mantra turtle does not have any movement, just a quiet sleep.

However, slowly, the Suiyanjia turtle still opened his eyes, because, outside this empty ovary, there appeared a creature with a human body shape similar to 80%. Judging from the breath of this creature, it can be known that it is a generation with a long standing and amazing momentum.

"You came to me at this time, are you asking about that?"

"Yes." The man outside nodded.

"Everyone thinks that the breath of birth can make life endangered and reach eternity, but they don't know that even if it really has that effect, it can only be one life at the end. And more people, all It fell earlier in the course of the competition. I don’t know if the breath of birth is really eternal, or something that makes people fall." The mantra said slowly, his voice was deep and inexplicable. breath.

"I know, but the person who finally got the breath of birth must be me."

"East, Donggu Xuyu." Su Yanjia's eyelid lifted slightly, as if looking at the man outside the void ovary, but his eyes seemed to penetrate the man again, disappearing farther away. .

After the man outside heard the words of the mantra, the eyes suddenly lightened. To the east, is the ancient ancient virtual area? Although the area is also very large, it is finally narrowed. But before waiting for this guy to be even happier, the Sui Yanjia Turtle has already spoken again: "From now on, I will owe you the Kui Luo clan's favor."

The man outside suddenly stunned when he heard the words, and the original happy expression suddenly sank.

Originally, the mantra turtle was still looking at the east direction, but slowly, the mantra turtle put his eyes back on the man in front of him. Slowly, the corner of the mouth of the Sorcerer's turtle slightly lifted, almost undetectable. Ha ha ha ha, Kui Luo, your younger generations are really arrogant. After thinking that they can't help me with human affection, they raised their minds to forcefully subdue me. Should I say that these younger generations are too arrogant or too confident in their own strength? Hundreds of millions of years of peace, are these young people who have grown up so confident in their own strength?

"Why don't you do it yet!" Sui Yanjia said.

"Really, have you guessed it already?" The man outside looked up proudly. "Since the three relationships you owe to the Kuiluo clan have been completely paid off, then, from today, you should really submit to my Kuiluo emperor."

"Hehehehe." Zhou Yanjia turtle smiled slowly.

"Junior, are you too confident? I'm afraid you haven't seen real combat yet."

"Are you kidding me? I have risen from the grass roots of the Kui Luo clan. I don't know how many **** storms have passed along the way. Until now, it has been called the Kui Luo Great by the outside world. You said that I have never seen a real battle?" The man outside Slightly raised his head, slightly disdainful in tone.

"Hehehehe, really, I think you will change this concept in the near future."

"That doesn't need you to control, just answer me directly, cursing the tortoise, and be willing to surrender to me and become my mount." The man outside said, took two steps towards the inside, the strength of his body Gradually burst out. At this time, the man was still waiting for the answer of the mantra, but soon, the man was wrong. The entire Void Ovary suddenly retracted towards it, as if absorbed by something.

The man took a step toward the front, as if crossing the void, but when he came to the center, it was also when the void ovaries disappeared completely.

At the very center of the original, a circle of nothingness spread out, and even the empty ovary disappeared completely. There is also the figure of the curse Yanjia turtle.

"Have you escaped!" the man said slightly uncomfortably.

The Suiyanjia turtle appeared in another place in the virtual domain of the universe, and then slowly swam out towards the front. escape? Don't be arrogant, just be too lazy to fight you. In a period of hundreds of millions of years of peace, the lives of countless older generations have been wiped out by time, and the newly born juniors have gained some inheritance and memory from their elders, and they have become arrogant. Exactly not so confident, then this is an opportunity, you will have the opportunity to see the real battle.

Su Yanjia turtle thought slowly in his heart, then looked at the void. Now that there is a new breath of gestation, does he need to intervene once again?

Although as a tortoise-like void species, his life span is much longer than most lives, but he can also feel that his bones are too old. It's too old to be able to walk, otherwise, due to his viciousness of the empty species, before that, the junior will be completely torn apart, not left.

The mouth of Suiyanjia's turtle opened slightly, and a kind of dormant slowly began to wake up.


At this time, similar things are happening everywhere in the inner universe. Some are calculated by the number of Dayan, some are looking at the context of things by observing the fate line, some are determining the position by the rule of treasure, and some are determining the position by its own inexplicable induction. After the emergence of the birth, no matter whether it is the top creature just awakened, or the top creature that was originally awake, it is speculating where the birth breath occurs.

For a while, the originally quiet inner universe suddenly became very active. Even the ordinary life in the inner universe has this feeling, but they don't know why it is so.

It's just that, unlike the new top creatures, the ancient life who really experienced the last battle for the station, this time seemed extremely calm.

Because I have seen it, I know that the world does not think so. Perhaps, these new top-level creatures in their respective groups can be regarded as momentary heroes, and they are absolutely all in their respective inner circles. Reign supremacy. However, in the entire inner universe, they really are nothing. It was the same at the beginning, and countless powerful lives swarmed with great longing and curiosity, thinking that they could get a breath of nurturing and become an eternal existence, but it is a pity...

Countless come from various races, the arrogance of the imaginary domains, ancient secluded species, top creatures, almost all fell on the battlefield.

There is only one winner!

Or, none of them!

In fact, until now, no one knows who actually got the last breath of pregnancy. In short, the Breath of Breeding emerged from the inner universe in this way, causing amazing competition and killing, and then disappeared inexplicably. This time, it is estimated that it will not be much calm.


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