Era of Disaster

Chapter 923: Like a protozoan

At this time, the two sides of the fighting Karma and Bakki Star Zone did not expect that the others would come so fast. , The latest chapter visit:. It took less than a few minutes from the breath of the breeding breath, and these masters have already arrived here.

This **** is too...!

In short, neither side knows what to curse.

The first few masters who came here first, after perceiving the different atmosphere belonging to other people, set their eyes on the battle of the crater again. Isn’t it right here? Although the breath of the breeding breath has disappeared, but by watching the fierce fighting in this place, you know that there is absolutely nothing wrong.


Emperor Kuoruo snorted coldly in his heart, and his right foot stepped on the ground instantly. With a click, the powerful force directly squeezes the ground away, just like nature sinking into the water.

Seeing the action of Emperor Kuiluo, several other top masters who came here also suddenly acted, and invariably grabbed the center position in various ways.

It's just, how could the people who came here first in the fields of Karma Star and Backey Star so easily let out what they discovered first. The ‘yin’ soft man resembling an evil snake in the field of the industry snake stared at a master flying from the sky, suddenly upright.

Snake pupil?? soul industry fire!

The top master of the Bacchus was quickly chanting the spell in his mouth, and then his right hand was on the ground. If he wanted to go in this simple way, how could such a good thing. A circle of bright star patterns spread out towards the surroundings instantly, and the crackling and tearing sound suddenly rang, and the whole ground suddenly swelled, and the sharp stone thorns with countless diameters of several meters and hundreds of meters in height suddenly rose up. On these stone thorns, countless star patterns are intertwined, which is obviously not the hardness of the rock itself.

After the people in the back came, the two sides of the karma and the buck who had been fighting, stopped each other's battle and stopped the others.

Amidst the rumbling sound, Emperor Kuiluo, who had sunk into the ground, was involuntarily forced out, and then several light jumps in the air finally stopped at the tip of the highest stone thorn.

"You guys, do you want to die?" Emperor Kuiluo said yin.

"You're too arrogant!" the opposite Bach said quietly. Even if it is not the appearance of human beings, but the calm temperament is like a priest, and it still shows its fullness. Even for other people, the expression at this time is calm and without ‘waves’, and there is no fear at all. Fear, how is it possible, which of the people who come here is not the king in his own star field, who knows which onion is the guy on the opposite side, how can he be afraid.

Although they come from different star fields, there is no problem on the ‘cross’ stream. Because, in the dozens of years since entering this place, everyone here has learned the language of the earth in a customary way.

"Humph!" Emperor Kuiluo raised his head proudly, and his mouth hung with an arrogant smile.

Then, go die!

The powerful force field suddenly collapsed, and the volcano that was originally erupting was suddenly suppressed by a strong force, so it was stopped abruptly. The Bacchus in the center felt an inhuman pressure. This is definitely not just as simple as the pressure on the force field, but...


However, the Bacchus on the opposite side were also reluctant to show their weakness, their eyes suddenly lit up, and then flew away.

Although it is just a simple "hand", each other has found that the opponent is an opponent on the same level as himself, and he has mastered the laws of different degrees.

The so-called law, in fact, the initial shallow understanding is not so mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people. The interpretation of the law is a law of the universe. For example, there is gravitational force between objects, and on the planet and the star field, it will be subjected to gravity. There is a ‘fine’ and tight structure between the molecules, how much force will be destroyed the inherent structure, and then combined in what way, it will become other substances and so on.

In fact, this is the first shallow rule.

It's just that if you want to apply the law to combat, you can't understand it literally. The deeper rules, no matter which race or civilization is used to describe them, appear empty and monotonous. If you want to use it in battle, you must have your own life experience. And this is the most basic law. The deeper law involves more laws of the universe. In the eyes of people who cannot understand it, it is ‘mystery’.

The more laws of comprehension, then fighting is no longer a forced destruction, but a kind of'inducement'. Use their own power to seduce the outside world and change according to their ideas, matter, energy, force field... Therefore, from the very beginning, the fighting of these people was astonishing.

Moving mountains to fill the sea and turning the earth upside down is not enough to describe.


While this group of people were fighting, Betsy was seriously perceiving the situation inside the volcano. With his special identity as a true spirit, Betsy sank into the volcano. The environment here was completely like a fish for Betsy. However, Becky did not find where the so-called breeding breath is.

It is better to say that so far, no one knows what kind of breathing is actually a kind of thing, and how it exists.

Cruising in the melt, Betsy's life field looked closely at any movement.

What was'shot' in the sea of ​​consciousness was completely flaming red, and Betsy couldn't really understand what the breath of breeding was like. There was indeed a breath of breeding breath just now, but at this time, there was no trace at all.

Following inexplicable induction, Becky gradually sank deeper, and then found a place.

An oval, huge mountain-like space like an ovary. Here, the various slurries are not completely fused together like the upper layer, but like a clear and fluid feeling. The most important thing is that in this place, anyone can feel a full breath of life.

It's definitely here!

Becky looked at this wonderful place and thought involuntarily. However, Betsy still can't see where the so-called breeding breath is.

It's really strange, what does the Breath of Breed look like?

At the time of Becky's suspicion, at the edge of this mountain's ovary, a mass of only palm size, some like mist, some like liquid, constantly wriggling like the Atomimys was running out. This group of things like protozoa obviously already have their own simple consciousness, and deeply feel that they should stay away from these guys who are dangerous to themselves. Even, this guy has some vengeance, originally he was here waiting for the transformation, but these guys came to disturb him somehow.

Betsy's sea of ​​consciousness fully reflected all the movements of Fang Yuan. From the flow of this mountain ovary, he continued to search for what seemed to be a breeding breath.

"It's really weird," Becky said to herself, and her consciousness became more concentrated.

The perfect reflection of the sea of ​​consciousness, the absolute analysis and recognition of powerful consciousness, gradually, Becky focused her attention on the more abnormal part of this huge mountain ovary. And just right, that group of protozoa with a slightly bleak look is on Becky's attention.

However, this group of things like protozoa is also very cunning, and it seems to be very familiar with the reflection of the life field. The whole body continuously scrolls and changes with the rolling of the melt, except for the slight color of the color of the face. Dim, almost no difference from the surroundings.

However, after purging the impossible things one after another, Betsy focused more and more on the things like the wriggling protozoa.

Always felt……!

Becky swam in that direction, trying to confirm once. However, Becky just swam not far away, and from the other side, she suddenly ‘swinged’ a ripple, and then another figure appeared.


The visitor was very shocked, and apparently did not expect anyone to come to this place earlier than him.

At the moment when both of them became amazed, in the sea of ​​Becky's consciousness, the mass like a protozoa flew at the opportunity, and disappeared into the mountain wall from the other side quickly. Betsy's eyes lit up suddenly, what a special thing, it really was that thing. Becky suddenly caught up, but Becky's movement only swam out tens of meters, and the guy who had just entered the hillside suddenly launched an attack.

"Don't want to escape, surrender the Breath of Breeding." Obviously, the guy who came in after seeing Betsy's movement thought that Becky, who came first, would just conquer the Breath of Breeding and prepare to run away.

Even Becky did not dare to completely ignore this level of attack, and could only control the flames here to resist The powerful shock suddenly "swinged" and even the volcano outside came a huge Shocked. At this time, those who were fighting outside were suddenly startled, and some people entered the inside first under their eyes.

But at this time, Betsy was still wondering, "Is the breath of pregnancy the kind of thing like a protozoan?"

‘Asshole’ egg!

Outside, King Quiro saw the shaking volcano and couldn't help opening his eyes. Someone dared to grab something under his eyelids.

Die for me!

Emperor Kuiluo pressed his hands against the space in front of him, trembling with a buzz. The surrounding space seemed to pause for a while, and then suddenly turned, within a hundred kilometers, huge volcanoes were turned. Countless magma and huge mountains were pulled into the air in this way.

Everyone's eyes were on Becky and the latecomer. However, no one found that in this powerful attack, the mass like the protozoa was continuously torn, and then it was easily merged like a mist, and then it ran away silently. . ;--37513+dsuaahhh+25349367-->

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