Era of Disaster

Chapter 933: Big treasure house every night

At the edge of the atmosphere of the solar system's annular star field, the fierce fighting is simply beyond description. After the spaceship of East Starfield was blocked by night, it lost its best chance of leaving and soon faced siege. However, Ye Ye cannot be alone, and is also the goal of others. In other words, among the people here, in addition to the people in their own stars, all other people are enemies.

"Drop, change direction!" Tu Xiao made an instruction while others were catching up.

Others are catching up from below, closer to the solar system. Located in a higher direction, the East people do not dare to make big moves if they want to attack.

Because the East people clearly know the particularity of this star field.

The speed between the spaceships is extremely fast. Under the conscious decline, although each spaceship has suffered some damage, it has instantly reversed the direction of the spaceship that was chased and became an Eastman. At the bottom, the others are outside the virtual domain. At this time, East's spaceship began to gather energy.

Others didn’t know why the Easters fell, but they didn’t think much, as long as they didn’t let the other person escape. Soon, powerful anti-satellite weapons were launched from other spaceships. However, apart from the fact that some of them actually landed on East's spaceship, the others fell toward the ring-shaped star field of the solar system below. And these failed attacks instantaneously triggered the defense of the four pillars, four pillars, eight poles, and four pillars.

What stunned everyone suddenly happened.

Those missed attacks returned as much as they could. Except for the spaceships with directional deviation and quicker response, most of the spaceships that were pursued had not responded to the problem and were attacked by rebound. Two of the spaceships that forgot to open the defense field had not yet figured out what had happened, so they fell down below. Even those spaceships with open defense fields are constantly shocked by the rebound attack...

This unexpected change made everyone's eyes widen.

The last battle near the volcano was basically the battle between the masters who reached the top of the volcano first. When the spaceship arrived, because the breath of gestation had disappeared, so as not to be too hard, so later No hands-on. Neither of them knew that this star field would have this characteristic.

Almost everyone's eyes suddenly changed direction and looked at Ye Ye. In fact, when they came here, they had noticed Ye Ye. After all, Ye Ye looks very amazing now. However, in order to breed, no one paid special attention to this local master. But at this time, such a scene happened suddenly, and it would be impossible to make people pay no attention to it.

The last time Becky appeared, this night, now that the star field can actually rebound and attack, anyone feels that this star field is not as simple as the surface.

"Looking at what I do so, the breeding breath is not here with me." Ye Ye said very innocently.

There was a slight fluctuation in the air, and Kuiluo Emperor appeared in the air, then watched the night. "I suddenly discovered that even if there is no breath of birth, this star field seems to have many secrets. Sure enough, the breath of birth appears in this place, there is no reason."

People in other star fields, big elders in the snake star field, big clerks in the star field of Bacchi, etc. also appeared one after another, watching the night likewise. The words of Emperor Kuoruo were what they thought.

"But everything has a sequence, don't you want to deal with me at this time?" Ye Ye smiled.

"Why not score points!" Emperor Kuiluo's voice is still in the air, and the people have disappeared.

"Really, I don't understand the attitude of being a guest at all." Ye Ye's face flashed a slight smile, but it was cold inside. Betsy has told Yeye all the previous battles, so Yeye has no affection for this arrogant and embarrassing Kruo Emperor.

The moment the two's voices did not fall completely, the attack suddenly exploded.

The ring of tranquility above Ye Ye's head shone brightly, and then a black heavy knife appeared in Ye Ye's hands. Two pieces of imitation treasures, and not the spare bodies of Shen Wu and Blade Lotus before them, but imitation treasures really tailor-made for themselves every night.

Retreating faster than when it disappeared, Emperor Quero suddenly stopped around Ye Ye, and then returned to his place. However, the Kuiluo Emperor who returned to the original place slowly touched his chest, looked at the pale blue blood in his hand, and then looked at the ring of tranquility above Ye Ye slightly surprised. The way of stagnation at that moment does involve laws, and this law is also very useful. It is actually a kind of law involving the movement of things.

Emperor Kuiluo opened his mouth wide, a trace of excitement and arrogance appeared on his face, and then raised his right hand.

Not only the members of Emperor Kuiluo's escort, but also the people of other star fields suddenly launched an attack. It is impossible to tell the mentality of these people. Perhaps, for the solar system, they are always outsiders. Originally, as a guest, this attitude should never be faced with the host. Therefore, when everyone saw Ye Ye, it seemed to have a feeling of guilty conscience.

At the arrival of countless attacks, Ye Ye got a meal, and the imitation treasure on his head? The ring of Jinghua undulated a ripple.

The various attacks that had come to Ye Ye and Emperor Kuiluo suddenly stopped, as if suddenly still.

Super poly ring explosion!

Ye Ye lifted her right hand, and the clothes outside her body suddenly rolled and swayed around. However, it is such a simple action, as if several nuclear bombs exploded, erupting centered on night and night. With a buzzing sound, the shocking light and energy impact instantly dissipated towards the surroundings. However, the figure of Ye Ye quickly shrank in such an amazing shock. Not only was the Pluto Star system shut down, but even the body continued to shrink, disappearing into the light.

When the impact of the polynuclear explosion ended, the talents around searched carefully, but found that Ye Ye's figure had disappeared.

Although Kuiluo was not injured again, his face was gloomy. After coming here, Emperor Kuiluo discovered Yeye at a glance, because Yeye who opened the Pluto system was really amazing. The most important thing is that the appearance of the night and night is what the natives of this star field look like. However, his main goal now is to breathe, so he never thought about doing it every night... if it was not that the spaceship's attack was rebounded.

It's just that I didn't expect a simple confrontation, and the result would be that he was injured, and then the master of the local star field was hidden.

Of course it has to be hidden, and one night can't carry so many people's attacks. And she is not Betsy. If she dies here, she cannot be resurrected.

In the light of the amazing polynuclear ring explosion, Ye Ye not only completely concealed her body into the Pluto system, leaving her body less than a few centimeters high, but also turned on the invisible system. Affected by the amazing light and shock just now, all of us lost all traces of the night.

Suspended in the center of the battlefield, as night drifted towards an Eastman spaceship. While drifting, Ye Ye is still carefully analyzing the current situation. Now there are not enough masters at the top. In such a place close to outer space, no one can come to help her. She has to be careful. Gently landed on the wreckage of an East spaceship, suddenly looking at this thing like flesh and ship like night and night.

Soon, he focused his eyes on the entire battlefield every night.

It seems that this is a big treasure house!

Ye Ye's eyes gradually brightened up, yes, almost everyone's eyes are now on the breath of pregnancy. But for Ye Ye, if not for Bai Yi, the spaceships around them are more attractive to Ye Ye. There are eight alien spaceships in this place. Each spaceship basically represents the highest technology collection in this space.

Although it is impossible to include all the technology of that civilization, most of the scientific and technological achievements are definitely concentrated.

For puppets, the most important limitation on their strength is technology. For so long after waking up from night to night, basically all the technology of the original earth has been thoroughly eaten, but if you want to make a breakthrough on that foundation, it will not be so easy. Although Ye Ye knew that there were people in other solar systems in the solar system before, she had little chance to obtain the other party's information and technology.

However, the situation is different Seeing the battlefield unfolding every night, the two shone brightly. At this time, it is the opportunity to touch fish in muddy water and obtain different galaxy spaceships and related technologies.

Silently, after approaching a spaceship, a piece of ship hull was received into the Pluto system by night. Ye Ye now no matter whether this kind of debris is useful or not, in short, put it away first. At this time, Ye Ye hopes that these people will fight as fiercely as possible, and it is best to crash several spaceships, so that she will have more opportunities to get the technology of other star domains. But at the same time, I hope that these spaceships will not be damaged too seriously, otherwise it will be difficult to sort out the technology of these star fields.


Ye Ye was quietly hidden in the battlefield, collecting what she thought was useful, but also paying attention to the battlefield. After all, the breath of birth is the most important purpose. However, what Ye Ye and others can't think of is that a series of things are happening on a spaceship in East.

Tu Xiao's right hand was drawn from a servant's chest and brought a trace of blood.

Falling to the ground, the attendant did not yet know why Tu Xiao had attacked them. You know, they are Tu Xiao's most personal servants, absolutely loyal.

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