Era of Disaster

Chapter 935: Live in admiration

Everyone feels that it is absolutely impossible to destroy something that is born in the universe like Breath of Breath. It's just, I think so, but everyone always can't help worrying. In particular, the cotton ball formed by the breath of birth is like a fat baby. It is extremely fragile at first glance, which is really unconfident.

The light of the spaceship's self-destruction gradually faded away, and everyone's eyes were searching carefully.

The amazing explosion, most of the things have been vaporized, and there are not many wreckage left, so many people can easily glance at them. It's just that in the remaining wreckage, it's hard to see anything like cotton balls. If there is anything to be said, maybe part of the flesh and blood of that virtual beast ship is still creeping slowly.

"Oh, I don't believe that the concept of Breathing Breed can be erased in such a simple way." Kui Luo said slowly, everyone could see his anger.

"I don't believe it, but there is really nothing like a cotton ball here." The great priest of the Bach Star Territory is more embarrassed than Kuiluo, almost all over his body, revealing the aging, bony body below. While speaking, the great priest took out a robe again and wrapped it around him casually. After covering his body, the priest added the latter sentence.

"If it wasn't erased by the destruction just now, then it was the one who got it and then hid it."

After this sentence of the great priest of the Bach Star Territory was exited, everyone immediately patrolled a few people who had previously rushed into the spaceship. The one who entered the room just now is undoubtedly Emperor Kuiluo, and he is also the most intact, at least much better than other people's clothes without covering their bodies.

"Are you referring to me." Quero suddenly looked at the Grand Priest somberly.

"No, it doesn't refer specifically to anyone!" said the Grand Priest calmly. It's just that the suspicion that everyone has raised is simply impossible to eliminate because of this sentence.

"Hehehehe, it really is a lot of twists and turns, depending on how you look, I really think that the breath of breeding is here with me. Anyway, when you fight afterwards, everyone is an enemy. Since you think so, then here will be You are all done." Emperor Kuiluo laughed wildly, and then said domineeringly. As Emperor Kuiluo's words fell, his nine close guards also appeared nearby.


The fighting on the fringes of the atmosphere is basically unaware of ordinary people. Those who really understand the battle here, it is estimated that there are only a few top masters who have awakened from the original earth.

Becky, Evil Concubine, Cao Ruijie, Angela, Frida-Didou, Bright, Felix.

Not many people have awakened, and most of the talents have not been awakened for long — it takes a lot of time to become familiar with their own power, figure out the current pattern of the world, and so on. Moreover, not all of these people are close to Bai Ming Lou. Even with the relationship between the evil concubine and Bai Ming Lou, it is impossible to help Bai Ming Lou for free, let alone Cao Ruijie, Bright and others.

"I'm not going to give that breeding breath to Bai Ming Lou, you know." Bright said to Sarah.

"Of course I know. Therefore, the cooperative relationship is only aimed at alien stars, and the ownership of the breath of breeding is all for their own strength." Sa Luo said.

"So, I'll say goodbye first." Salo said, and was about to leave.

Bright watched Sarah leave like this, and said nothing more. Only when Sarah was about to leave here, Bright said slowly: "Bai Yi, has fallen for thousands of years!"

Salo suddenly stopped at the door and remained silent for a while, before calmly saying, "Salo knows!"

After saying this, Sarah left Bright. And Bright leaned lazily on the seat behind him, as if thinking about something. The masters on the earth, regardless of whether they were enemies with Bai Minglou before, have a deep respect for Bai Yi. Disrespect is impossible, regardless of whether they agree with Bai Yi's approach, but they deeply admire the man's beliefs and consciousness.

However, it has fallen, that man has fallen for nearly ten thousand years.

There was a smile of self-deprecation in the corner of Bright, great!

"I respect you, but it's not like you. In fact, I also find that ending is ridiculous, as if it is a mockery of the entire intelligent civilization. Really noble and great people always live only in others Looking and remembering it. Sure enough, although human beings preach goodness and virtue, the nature of the world still requires me, a selfish person, to live to the end." Bright pointed to the distance, talking to himself as if Self-deprecation generally speaks a paragraph.

Breathing, he will not give it to anyone else.

At that time, it was over, everyone started again, maybe he would respect Bai Minglou, but he would never give up such things as Breathing. It's better to say that just after waking up, I met this kind of thing involving the entire inner universe. Isn't it their chance.

Bright stood up and walked out slowly. The original subordinates didn't know what happened now.

Bright is not in a hurry because he is well aware that if the breath of birth is really the birth of the entire inner universe, it is absolutely impossible for others to obtain it. Until the end, basically there will be no results. The entire inner universe...even, the light is now the ring-shaped star field of the solar system, which is a million times the size of the original earth. It is really impossible to imagine what a huge stage it is.

The other people who wake up basically have the same thoughts as Bright. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible to settle. Although the solar system's ring-shaped star field is still young in the inner universe, the top master on the earth was originally a newcomer among the newcomers, but everyone's heart is absolutely calm.

So at this time, only the people in Bai Ming Lou walked outside. Others, such as Xie Fei, etc., seemed to be unscathed.

Of course, this is definitely not to say that people in Baiminglou are more anxious than these people. Perhaps, they have different identities. In any case, Bai Minglou's status among all people has changed since a long time ago. Especially after Bai Yi's fall, this status is even more immutable. Regardless of whether these people used to be enemies with Bai Ming Lou, they now have a respect for Bai Ming Lou.


After Shalo left Bright, she fell into silence. Bright's words made Sharo's mood down. It is clear that Yidu has fallen for thousands of years, and it is clear that Salo has lived for nearly a hundred years. If before, he has become the elder of countless people, but it is very strange that Salo still cannot forget that he is in Time to grow under Bai Yi's teaching.

No, Lord Bai Yi will definitely return!

Sarah thought to herself that she suddenly raised her degree and flew out towards the outside.


At this time, on the ground, a group of Wendi were returning to Gaos. Even the team that originally kept their distance from Wendi joined them together. When I went back, everyone's thoughts seemed strange, because the scene they saw was too surprising.


Those ships, like fierce beasts and huge spaceships, are not so easy to forget.

Originally for the new generation born in this world, the history of the Broken Age is enough to confuse, and as a result, there are now creatures like aliens. Everyone felt that his brain seemed to be insufficient.

After Yuxinzi notified Yeye, she continued to hide above Wendi and did not catch up to help. You Xinzi's task is mainly to protect Wendi, if not necessary, he will not intervene in other things. Seeing this group of confused teenagers, You Xinzi did not show up to explain anything. When the time is right, they will naturally learn more with the experience.

You Xinzi followed this group of people quietly, and then returned to a small town on the border of Gaos.

After arriving in the town, the other team left Wendi and their team. What they saw when they went out this time was obviously a big impact on them. This group of people will take some time to sort out and digest.

As for the solitary boy Yu, he is also ready to leave with Wendi.

"Really don't think about it, join our team." Wendi asked. Since this time, Wendi has invited this feather to join the team, but unfortunately the opponent refused I really don't need it, I will see you later. "After Yu finished speaking, she said goodbye to several people.

But before waiting for Yu to leave, suddenly a meteor crossed from the far sky. At first, everyone thought it was a meteor, but after getting closer and closer, everyone emerged from the tiny shadow, as if it was something that crashed from the sky.

Several people glanced at each other suddenly, and then Wendi made a gesture of looking at the past.

You Xinzi also noticed that direction. Even the picture taken by You Xinzi is much clearer than Wendi's. The crashed thing, how to look like the Eastman style... some kind of body.

Seeing Wendi they were already rushing in that direction, You Xinzi paused for a moment, instantly added, and decided to check it out first.


In the direction of the fall, Tuxiao was climbing from the stealth spaceship. Although he was ready, he left after being attacked, so the stealth spaceship was also damaged, otherwise it would definitely not fall like a meteor, but more silently.

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