Era of Disaster

Chapter 949: Her offspring

Cheryl first arranged accommodation for Li Lan and Paula. . Update quickly. At this time, Paula and Li Lan knew that this place was not the only one in Cheryl. It is better to say that this place is very large, it belongs to a huge institute belonging to Cheryl, and has many assistants and disciples. This institute is completely independent in nearby countries and has a high status.

"It is completely independent, and the country must not interfere?" Li Lan was very surprised when she heard this from the words of an assistant.

"Yes." The assistant nodded seriously.

"It's nothing strange, it's better to say that it's strange without such a status." Paula added a sentence next to it. At this time, Paula couldn't help but think of the status of his family.

Cheryl did not spend time on the "waves", and soon prepared to start research on the cotton "flower" regiment. It's just that the guy who said to pick up Li Lan didn't come yet. At this time, Paula offered help and wanted to be an assistant. Paula doesn’t know what it’s like, but she’s always curious about what she’s studying. Otherwise, you won't make the Devil Seed Fruit yourself.

"Become my assistant?" Cheryl looked at Paula in surprise.

"Well, yes!" Paula nodded. "However, it's just a study of what breeds this. It sounds very important. I don't plan to be your assistant for a long time."

"Really, then, I need to do some tests on you first, it doesn't matter." Xie Lier looked at Paula for a while before saying.

"Of course, I am confident and definitely qualified to be your assistant." Paula didn't show any cowardice at all.

"Really, so confident." Cheryl smiled.

Soon, Cheryl proposed some knowledge of pharmacology and chemistry, and proposed several experiments. These experiments are not very difficult, but the application of some basic knowledge is very comprehensive. Without a good foundation, it is basically impossible to complete. And this foundation can definitely not only be knowledge, but also strength. Everything is advancing with the times. Now human beings, simple knowledge is no longer enough.

Originally, Sheryl thought that even if Paula could be completed, it would require some effort. However, when that special energy emerged from Paula's body, Sheldon suddenly opened his eyes.

Cheryl was a little strange at first, and Sarah just asked her to test this so-called breeding breath, so you only need to send that Li Lan to here. So, what is going on with this extra Paula? Originally, Sheryl didn't care very much, but after Paula started the experiment and used that kind of power, Sherylton became very surprised.

"Paula, what is your relationship with Novija?" Sheldon asked.

"Novija, who is that... Ah, I thought, I seem to have seen it in the genealogy of the family, like an elder above the grandmother, but, it seems, not from the family." Paula Gang At first he was very doubtful, and then suddenly it seemed as if he remembered something.

"Really!" Cheryl glanced at Paula, then nodded.

Cheryl thought a little, and then you can guess how much, perhaps, Novija also conceived a descendant with the secret technique of "Self Pregnancy". However, this kind of self-pregnancy, of course, there will be no father and family, of course, there can be no family. If there is nothing wrong, Paula is just a descendant of Novija's "Self Pregnancy".

Speaking of it, it seems that many people in the broken age have this kind of idea, and inherit the blood through the secret of self-pregnancy. However, they did not continue to pay attention. After the blood lineage was passed on, these people embarked on their own journey.

It's as if... seeking a way!

Cheryl was slightly lost in contemplation. Humans are getting stronger and more mysterious, just like the fairies in the Eastern legend. Worldly things are becoming less and less restrictive and attractive to them. In this way, isn't she still living like a mortal, why doesn't she have the idea of ​​seeking alone.

"Is the elder named Novia famous?" Li Lan asked quietly.

"I don't know very well. It's better to say that I haven't seen it at all." Paula shook her head.

"Novija, one of the three major "pharmacologists" in the Broken Age, is called the "pharmacist" for life. Her special "sex" is life energy, which has a huge effect on the continuation of life. If it is life-saving , Undoubtedly ranked first." Sheryl heard the conversation between the two, and explained at random. When explaining, Cheryl was still looking for something, and didn't care at all. Cheryl was a little surprised at first, but not for a long time, and soon became normal. Cheryl is not a new generation of juniors. I don’t know how many people I have contacted in the Broken Age, but I accidentally discovered the blood of one of those people before, of course there is no fuss.

"How much pharmacology did you learn from Novija?" Sheriel asked as she searched.

"Ah, I don't know. I just learned a part of biological life "pharmaceutics" in the family." Paula replied when she heard Cheryl's inquiry.

"Really." Cheryl responded casually. "I found it. It contains a part of Novija's pharmacology record. If you are interested, you can check it out." Sheryl flipped over and took out a data chip.

"Is it okay?" Paula blinked her eyes suddenly.

"Of course no problem, this is Novija's thing in itself, you as her lineage inheritance, learning these things is understandable." Xie Lier said.

"Thank you, thank you so much, but how can you have..." Paula asked excitedly, and then suddenly stopped. Because according to common sense, the pharmacological record of a great pharmacist is as good as the legendary exercises. However, such a thing appears in the hands of an outsider. Will there be any special experience in it?

"It's no surprise that knowledge is "cross-flowing", that era is different from the present. It's not the kind of snatching and framing you think." Cheryl said, continuing to walk in.

"Really." Paula heard Sheryl say this, and soon believed. In fact, Cheryl's appearance is too plain, there is no such thing as a baby, Paula can't believe it. Paula keeps pace. "Teacher Sheryl, just now you can talk about the three major "drug" masters of the Broken Age."

"The three major "pharmacist" masters refer to the three people who were the most proficient in the "pharmaceutical master" at that time. The three were the life "medicine" master Novia, the purifying "pharmaceutical" master Bemira, The alchemy "drug" teacher Donna. In fact, the three of them are only the most famous, and the others are not necessarily worse than them. For example, my teacher king, such as Ji Qingyao of the United Nations......" Xie Lier walked forward. , A very casual explanation.

These things that are very common in Sheryl's eyes, in the eyes of Paula and Li Lan's two young women, are the history of the ancient broken age and have an extraordinary attraction.

"I'm so envious." Li Lan looked at the excited Paula and said with envy. He was born in an ancient bloodline and now has the inheritance of his elders. It will definitely become more powerful in the future.

Cheryl looked at Li Lan. "Actually, the people who finally came to the top of the Broken Age were just ordinary people at first. If you want to learn, you can stay with me to learn, but you should not be good at this. ."

"Yeah, yes, but how does Sheryl know." Li Lan also learned that Paula called Mr. Sheryl.

"If you are talented in this area, you already have good achievements, who do you think you are." Xie Lier said, and then took the two to another place. "Okay, don't tease you. You're not good at pharmacology. You don't have the talent to study chemistry and other things. Salo has other arrangements for you.

At this time, Paula found out that there was another person standing there.

"Is it her."

"Uh." Cheryl nodded.

"So, follow me." The man said, placing his hand on Li Lan's shoulder. Li Lan hadn't responded to what happened, so he flew up suddenly, opened his eyes again, and was already standing on a huge bird. And the big bird fluttered its wings suddenly, and flew towards the front with a whizz. When Li Lan turned his head, it was found that both Sheryl and Paula had only a little black spot left.

Hello, I haven't figured out what happened!

"Teacher Sheryl!" Paula said nervously.

"It's okay, I just found a teacher for It's just that her temper is not very good, if you can learn something, it's up to her." Xie Lier said. In fact, according to Xie Lier, Bai Minglou's own teaching is completely enough, but Salo will arrange this way, saying that he wants to cultivate a ‘sex’ or something... Well, it has nothing to do with her anyway.

"Then, you are here with me, and act as my assistant first."

"Yes, Teacher Cheryl!" Paula said excitedly.


It's Sarah's decision to send different people to different places. Although Bai Minglou can teach everyone, Sha Luo still has a long-term plan. Following other people, you can cultivate different ‘sex’, and in different people, you can learn something more special. Moreover, this is also a way to maintain relationships with other people, Bai Minglou, it is always impossible to rely on everything.

It's not a secret that everyone in Wendi's team has any characteristics and potentials, so Sarah has already arranged good teachers for them.

Of course, if you can learn something useful, Sarah is not a nanny. ;--37513+dsuaahhh+25714260-->

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