Era of Disaster

Chapter 952: Gene structure

While others entered the Sifang Heavenly World, Salo came to Cheryl. vertex. The novel w.2[].om can't be found by other top pharmacists now, but Sarah put all her hopes on Cheryl.

"Since I'm so anxious, why did I put them in again?" Cheryl asked after seeing Sarah.

"Because Sifang Heavenly World has no entry restrictions in itself," Sha Luo explained.

Although the Sifang Sky World seems very special, it has no restrictions on its entry. Even if it is an ordinary person, you can actually come in if you find the right way. This itself was the rule that the world first formed, and it will not turn this world into a place like'Heaven and Heaven'. It is necessary to specify what class of talents can enter. Originally this was an equality for life, but at this time, it allowed others to enter it easily.

Those in the alien domain before did not know the existence of Sifangtian. And now, since I already know the existence of Sifangtian, the world itself has no restrictions, so Sarah feels that it is better to let them in, and let the other party agree to an agreement not to destroy the star field at will.

And this is actually a decision every night!

"Every night's decision?"

"Yes, Lord Ye Ye decided that way. According to Ye Ye, this is actually an opportunity for the solar system. The breath of breeding appears in the star field of the solar system, although it brings the danger of war, but also It has deepened the communication with other star fields. Otherwise, if it is developed with the technology of the solar system itself, it is estimated that it will take a long time before it can catch up with the other star fields. And what we have to do now is to send a message... "Sarah said slowly.

"what's the message?"


"Pooh... are you kidding, they came with a heart of contention." Shellyton retorted funnyly.

"No, it's entirely possible." Shalo shook her head immediately.

"Breath of Breeding, who do you think is eligible to fight?"

"Of course..." Cheryl just wanted to speak, but was immediately silent, as if thinking of something.

"For ordinary people, they have no access to such high-end breeding things. In fact, it seems that countless star fields are competing for this thing, but excluding those unrelated ordinary people, in each star field , It is estimated that there are no more than ten people who are entitled to compete for the breath of birth...Do you admit it." Sha Luo said.


Cheryl wanted to refute, but had to admit that Sarah was right. At least, Cheryl never thought that she could get a breath of pregnancy, because, even for her, there was simply no chance. Even if the so-called cotton ball with the changing breath is in her hands, she has never thought about such a thing.

"So, from now on, we will form an idea in the minds of aliens: the solar system does not exclude outsiders, as long as they come from a peaceful attitude, then the solar system will be peaceful. Come to exchange. And the real battle for the breath of nurturing is to bring it into a kind of battle at the top, which has nothing to do with ordinary people at all." Sarah raised her index finger and explained carefully.

"Take out the world of ordinary people completely, and the competition for the breath of breeding has evolved into a cold thing that most people can't touch!" Xie Lier finally understood.

"Ah, yes!" Sarah nodded.

"If you don't do this, then this is not an opportunity for communication, but a big crisis. Can you imagine what will happen to the people of countless stars here. To be honest, I don't want the solar system The ring-shaped star field has just formed and was destroyed again." Sarah sighed slightly.

Some of the things Sarah said were thought by herself, and some were told to her by night. Behind them, but a star field, definitely not the solo travellers, walk here and walk, what matters only need to take care of themselves, the world is broken and you can change a place.

"Speaking of all, what about the research on Breathing?" Shalo asked.

"Oh right, you said so much, I forgot to tell you. The research on Breath of Breeding has made great progress, it is estimated that you can't believe it, you can see it with me . Also, the Paula you thrown is not bad, it is actually a descendant of Novija." Cheryl said while leading the way towards the front.


"It's the girl thrown together, don't you know?"

"Oh, it's her." Sha Luo thought for a while before thinking that there was another girl who was sent to this place with Li Lan. At that time, Sha Luo only saw that she had treated many people with various medicines, thinking that she was still a good pharmacist, so she sent it. The girl would actually be a descendant of Novija, but she did not expect it at all. Since it is a descendant of Novija, that is to say, Novija has already awakened? So where is she now?

Sarah thought to herself, but did not immediately ask, but followed Cheryl into it.

"Before telling you the result, I'll ask you a question first." Cheryl said.

"what is the problem?"

"That cotton ball, is it really a breath of breeding?"

"Everyone outside thinks so, but I'm not sure." Sarah hesitated before saying.

"Really." Cheryl saw Salo say this, and nodded, then took out a document.

"That cotton ball is a kind of organism, the content of cell elements...; the gene map is divided into several parts, the most important of which is a fish gene, and the other is composed of several other genes; of course These are just the most obscure places, and the most dominant component in it is a special cell group. The most important thing is that this cell group will escape. You can imagine that I have to spend a lot of time to catch a cell. It looks like." Xie Lier couldn't help but talk.

"A big fee?"

"That kind of cell will escape, it will escape. I used a variety of methods to catch him. Finally, I used a newly discovered ice vein element to slow down the movement of these cells, and only caught more than ten cells. And when I use the Ice Vessel Element again, guess what happened..." Xie Lier looked excited.


"Invalid!" Cheryl said excitedly. "The adaptability and absorption capacity of this cell is simply amazing. It's just like that, the trick that has been used once, and the second use will have no effect."

"In addition, I have tested it in various ways, and there are no special ingredients in it. If it is not my test method is not qualified, then there is no such thing as a breath of cotton in this cotton ball. It is better to say that the bigger discovery is actually still on the kind of cell group that will escape." Xie Lier said.

"what happened again?"

Cheryl was slightly silent, and then looked directly at Sarah: "The genetic makeup of this cell is more than 90% similar to that of Bai Yi's cells. Note that I am saying that in the final stage of Bai Yi's blood vessel variability The genetic structure after the formation, not the basic life genetic structure. If the basic genetic structure is included, this cell can be said to be almost 99% Bai Yi."

Sarah's eyes widened suddenly, and of course she knew what that meant. "Unexpectedly, you still have Master Bai Yi's cells here."

"That's of course okay, who is Bai Yi. If there were any people who hadn't played the Bai Yi cell in that era, no one would believe it. Bai Yi has been through so many battles and can be easily To obtain blood, skin, hair, etc. If it is not that the power of Bai Ming Lou is too large, it is estimated that Bai Yi's Ke ~ Long body did not know that it appeared many times." Xie Lier said.

Of course, Sarah knew what Cheryl said, because when Sarah himself was a student, she had been involved in a task to destroy the Kelong organization. Inside, there are the cells of Lord Bai Yi. It's just that at that time, this kind of thing was completely a'small thing', so there was nothing worth mentioning.

"So, that is to say, this cotton ball is actually a life, and it has a very huge connection with Master Bai Yi!"

"You can say that!" Cheryl nodded.

"Let’s test again. I think that people in other star fields chasing this cotton mass so desperately, it is absolutely impossible to admit their mistakes. There must be something special. Breathing, the breath of life born in the entire inner universe, maybe our The test method is really unqualified." Salo said Don't hit people like that, really, although I know, our knowledge dare to start. "

"Then the things here will continue to please you. I will go to Lord Yeye's side. Perhaps, we can get different technologies from people in other star fields." Salo glanced at the Institute while cruising The cotton ball turned very simply.

"Leave so fast?"

"Well, I'm useless here, so I won't delay your time." Sarah nodded.


As she left, Sarah was still thinking about what Cheryl said. The genetic makeup of this cotton ball will be more than 90% similar to that of Lord Bai Yi. If it is not a joke...the organism is immortal! Sha Luo suddenly thought of what was recorded in Bai Ming Lou, a kind of secret technique that was originally deduced, but there was no perfect at all.


Sarah once again thought of a name. At the beginning, Lord Bai Yi kept the living organism's indelible cells in Felix's body. And Felix is ​​also the only person who joined Bai Ming Lou halfway with not low strength. It seems that if you want to prove it, you need to find him first.

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