Era of Disaster

Chapter 955: One after another

Sarah sees that the two teachers, Vera and Hiloes, did not mean to take over, so there was no excuse to continue to preside over the current affairs of Bai Minglou. `Or is there anyone other than Sarah who has this qualification and ability? Who made that era, the people at the top had almost no offspring? As the only junior in Bai Ming Lou, Sha Luo received a very comprehensive education, but she had high hopes.

Although she said that she recognized herself as the'maidservant', but the maidservant was in the hall... No, she could lead the whole situation, and she could face all kinds of situations bravely; she could serve her master as a maid. Also smart and chic.

"Then, I know, I will be responsible for the arrangement of Bai Ming Lou during this time, until Lord Princess wakes up." Sha Luo nodded and said again.

"It's just that there is one more thing now. I can't make up my mind. I hope the two teachers can give a suggestion."

"What is it?" Vera asked.

"This is the case. The current concept of breeding is basically confirmed. It is the living body of Lord Bai Yi's indestructible cells. Only now, that is just the appearance of a cotton ball. I want to ask... "" Sarah said the status of the cotton ball.

"Shalo, didn't Yeye make it very clear. Although it is an organism that is Bai Yi, an indestructible cell, it can never be equated with Bai Yi. It is better to say that the cotton you talked to Compared with the regiment, I think Bai Yi in the dominating land is the real Bai Yi." Vera said.

Sarah was awed by her words, and then said lowly: "Sarah knows."

The land of dominance, the court of the sky!

The place where the two worlds of Sifangtian evolved. Sarah knew that the entrance to the sky court was inside the sky court. Well, Sarah meant that the sky court outside is currently the place where the humanoid ethical saint Xiaoyu guards. The snake that swallowed the cloud guarded outside the court of the sky. As for the land of domination, the entrance is below the Baiming Tower. In the abyss of the New Netherworld, Shapi is the guardian of the entrance.

Even Sarah only knew these two places, but never really went in.

Because, in these two places, the White Emperor and the First Mother were sleeping.

After hearing Vera's words, Sarah already had her own judgment in her heart. Bai Yi, the dominating land, is the real Bai Yi. Yes, no one will equate the cotton ball with Bai Yi. Even if Bai Yi in the dominating land is just a sleeping body.

"So, Mr. Vera, Mr. Helois, and Shapi, this is currently sorted out. Regarding the series of power systems and conjectures of lv5 and later, it may be useful for you to be familiar with the current power. "After Shalo made a decision in her heart, she did not continue to ask, but told Vera them a part of the information that had been sorted out. These materials have Salo's own summary and communication with others. The most top of them is undoubtedly the realization of the evil concubine and Becky.

However, perhaps the higher-end power system is more mysterious. When Sarah looked at the experience of the two, she felt that some gods were mysterious and could not easily understand it. Naturally, Sarah knew that she had not reached the level. Although she is more powerful, in the past, it was just a new generation.


"Come on you, little Shalo... No, it's not Little Shalo now, it's already grown up." After Helois spoke, he suddenly reacted and laughed.

"So, I'll leave first." Sarah also smiled a little, then gave a small salute and walked out. Although it seems that there is no difference from before, Sarah's mentality is much easier than before. The feeling of relying on someone is completely different from picking up the girders by yourself. After Vera woke up, at least, Sarah knew that there were two teachers behind her at any time.


Cotton **** ≠ Bai Yi!

This is the answer that Sarah obtained from Yeye and Vera, and what Sarah wants to do now is to equate the two. No, it's not an equal sign, just need to resurrect Bai Yi, no matter which way.

To do this, Sarah had no other ideas, and was definitely above the breath of pregnancy.

It's just that the breath of gestation that everyone originally believed suddenly became Bai Yi's organism, an indestructible cell group, so where did the real breath of gestation go? In other words, the cotton ball does have a certain relationship with the breath of breeding, such as what has been absorbed?

Unfortunately, despite this speculation, Salo could not confirm it.

Originally, the solar system is a star field that has just been drawn from the outer universe to the inner universe, and it has just been formed less than ten thousand years ago. Regardless of the basic technology, or the power system, or the understanding of the universe, the degree of mastery of the law has just started, and it is far from the other people in the star field. Or, it is only in terms of personal strength, perhaps because of the source, which is not worse than other star fields.

If it wasn't for those in the extraterrestrial realm who found this place, Shalo they didn't even know about the Breath of Breeding.

Cheryl said that nothing was detected in the cotton ball, but both Sarah and Cheryl believed that it was more likely that the knowledge and technology of the solar system did not reach that level. Just as modern people talk to ancient people about microorganisms, cell nuclei and the like, the ancient people must have been confused.

Therefore, the biggest key to knowing how to use the Breath of Breeding is still in the aliens.

It's just that people in extraterrestrial domains certainly can't simply tell the humans of the solar system such extremely important things. Therefore, more careful planning is needed, and the only advantage now is that the solar system is their home field. Sifangtian is very different from the ordinary world.


At this time, people from various star fields also entered the Sifang Sky World. Because they have reached an agreement with Sarah, these people do not act arrogantly in the Sifang Sky World. The kind of person who runs into an alien land and thinks that he can beat the aborigines of the aboriginal people can only think so.

Perhaps the current technology of the solar system is indeed worse than them, but the people who have appeared before, such as Betsy, Yeye, and Bright, and this special four-sided sky independent of the ordinary world, have made them aware. To this, this star field is not as simple as the surface.

As Shalo said, Sifangtian World, although it is a world independent of the ordinary world, has no absolute threshold. Originally, this was Baiyi’s'fairness' to all people, so, in After finding the right way, people in the alien domain have basically come in. Moreover, not only those in the extraterrestrial realm, but those who lived outside in the early days and have formed a country, many also took the opportunity to return to Sifangtian.

It's just that, except for the dimension channel opened by Sarah before, when others came in, it seemed very random, and no one knew where it would be sent.

Moreover, even if it is easy for humans to enter the world of Sifangtian, it is not so easy for large things like space ships. When the dimension channel is opened, the energy spent and the maintenance of the law are basically proportional to the size.

That is to say, in the world of Sifangtian, basically, things like spaceships cannot be relied on, and more, they can only rely on their own power and strength. Of course, science and technology weapons can also be used, but they are basically things that are carried close to the body. Large and heavy weapons basically do not need to be considered.

What is even more uncomfortable for everyone in the extraterrestrial domain is that even the personal strength has been greatly suppressed in the world of Sifangtian.

That belongs to this world-the rules!

The original earth was gradually destroyed due to the fighting of various powerful human beings. Therefore, when this world was formed, it took the will of Bai Yi and the first mother, and greatly suppressed the power at the top. This repression comes from the power of the whole world. Unless someone can directly break the whole world, they can only obey it honestly. Fortunately, the suppression of strength is the same for everyone, so there is nothing unfair.

In the Sifang Heavenly World, the only place where there is no power to suppress is the location of the Sifang Eight-Pole Twelve Pillars. It’s just that people who guard in these places are not ordinary people. Even if they can exert their full the real past, the twelve pillars that will not die in the face of the world’s immortality Certainly.

Therefore, even if you enter the Sifang Sky World, for a moment, everyone in the Starfield does not rush to find the breeding breath, but is adapting to this world.

Of course, many people are very uncomfortable.

Originally, it was also said that the Sarah had reached an agreement with other people so simply, and put them into this special world so easily. The result turned out to be this way. However, no matter how uncomfortable, one after another, people from various star regions are still gradually acting, ready to find the breeding breath.

For each star field, the first point is to determine the direction of the breath of birth.


"It's weird." In a very luxurious hotel, the big clerk of the Bacchus said slightly puzzled.

"What's the matter, Grand Priest?" The other attendant heard the Grand Priest saying so and immediately asked nervously. I527

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