Chapter 135

“hold head high!”

The black dragon Fu Luli opened her mouth, her eyes full of bloodthirsty and tyranny, and she spewed a thick dark red dragon’s breath.

As a black dragon of the rank of three demigods.

She has broken the bloodline restriction.

Dragon’s breath.

In addition to the dragon’s breath power that belongs to the black dragon alone-

There is also the power of blood that is as strong as the burning of the sun!

Strong priesthood.

The strong are bones, bones, bones, bones, blood, bones, and marrow!

And these are strong–

Then the blood will be powerful to the extreme!

This is the terrifying power of blood at the demigod level!

Combine with Dragon’s Breath——


Even touched the horror of a silver demigod level and killed it!


Thunder Titan Hyperris roared.

The thick thunder in his hand directly turned into an amazing thunder hammer.

Hit the Frost Titan with a hammer!

“The darkness is annihilated!”

Eluni is full of terrifying dark energy.

She pointed at the staff in her hand.


A terrifying black beam that seemed to annihilate everything.

Hit the Frost Titan fiercely!

“hold head high!”

The bone dragon Theodore spewed pale dragon breath.

“Damn you guys!!”

The Frost Titan roared and roared.

He watched the terrorist attacks in all directions.

There was a throbbing in my heart.

He felt a terrible danger.


Gave him a death threat!

He did not hesitate.

Just avoid the two sacred rulings that give him the greatest threat.


on the ground.

Suddenly a lot of dark tree roots rushed up!

It’s like a giant python.

Envelop him completely!

All the tree roots entangled towards him fiercely!

Limbs are tied up.

850  the chest is tied up.

The head is tied up!

The terrible force fixed him firmly in place, unable to move for a while!

But the terrifying frost power spread quickly.

In an instant, a large number of tree roots were eroded by frost.

Then it exploded!

Can burst at the same time.

More tree roots are rolling in!

Boom! !

Just at this time.

The terrifying blade storm has already brought amazing power and hit it directly!

Endless sword of light, crazy cutting!


The Frost Titan cried out in pain.

The frosty armor on his body was torn apart, and the hard skin was torn apart!

A trace of pure white blood flowed out, exuding an astonishing chill.

On the sky.

One after the other.

Two sacred rulings also hit him one after another!

The entire back.

Are thoroughly penetrated!

One left and one right, a lot of blood spurted out!


Shocking screams came out.

Black Dragon Breath, Bone Dragon Breath, Dark Annihilation…

There was no gap between attacks.

Hit him directly!

Even as strong as the Frost Titan.

At this moment also staggering backwards.

Every step back.

There is a lot of blood shed.


The pale fallen angel Natasha flickered.

Appeared directly behind Frost Titan’s head.

Yijian carries an endless and terrifying breaking power.

Slashed fiercely on the neck of the Frost Titan who was beaten by a series of attacks.

This sword fell–

Frost Titan’s entire neck.

Explode half of it directly!


A huge and desperate roar sounded.

The Frost Titan suddenly turned around and stared at Natasha.

The giant axe in his hand is faster than thunder and lightning.

Just a flash.

So close to Natasha!


But Natasha didn’t have any fear.

Her body instantly disappeared in place.

“Damn it!!!”

The Frost Titan roared angrily.

That’s it again!

In front of his attack.

How can these damn angels twinkle!


Julia held the scepter, and a huge light energy fell.

Skill-Holy Prison!

The sacred iron pillars condense out.

Trapped the Frost Titan in place!


Many demigods rushed up.

Unleashing various powerful attacks madly.

five minutes later–

This powerful and terrifying Frost Titan was beheaded and his head fell.

The headless corpse spewed a large amount of pure white blood and fell to the ground.

“Finally dead.”

Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

He has been watching quite nervously.

For fear that any demigod believer was killed by the mad Frost Titan.

That would be a big loss.


First, the dark ancient tree Kalim is responsible for the restriction.

Behind is the prison of angels.

Limiting skills are endless.

This battle-

Much smoother than he expected.

If there are no restrictions on skills-

Even if it can win.

It is estimated to be a terrible victory, and it will take much more time!


The terrible lethality of bright angels and fallen angels.

It also has a great relationship.


With the terrifying defensive power of Frost Titan, there is also a Frost Armor.

The attack power is worse.

One day and one night may not tell the outcome.

“The sacred ruling of the bright angel, the storm of swords.”

“The broken sword of fallen angels, the twilight of the gods.”

“They have completely reached the lethality of Rank 5 realm, and even slightly exceeded it.”

“Cooperate with the reciprocal skills of the bright angels and fallen angels,’Teleport’, and it can be used as a half-god of the fifth turn.”

A smile appeared on Li Yue’s face.

This battle.

Completely let him see the horror of mutual reproductive skills.

The flicker will be suppressed.

Can only be used for sneak attacks.

It can’t be used to avoid attacks in fighting.

The transmission is different.

This skill.

Not to be suppressed!

As long as the spirit can react.

The bright angels and fallen angels who were born with each other were not in the attack range together.


Can perfectly avoid enemy attacks!


It is definitely a genuine magical skill!

——Congratulations, will you continue to challenge after passing the seventh floor of the Tower of God?

The blood red message was unfolded in front of Li Yue for the fourth time.

“Don’t continue.”

Li Yue shook his head.


On the eighth level, that would have to face five silver demigods!

Every one.

Will not be weaker than the Frost Titan just now.


I am afraid that it is basically impossible for a demigod to pass.

Is the true god-

There are many, no believers of the silver demigod level.

Not to mention demigods?


The scene before him changed.

Has returned to the outside of Chengshen Tower.


Outside the Chengshen Tower at this time.

It was silent.

If a needle falls on the ground, you can definitely hear clearly.

Tens of thousands of demigods.

All raised their heads blankly.

Looking at the light curtain above the square.

In their eyes, they were full of shock and incredible.

“I… Am I right?”

“The first substitution?”

“It’s actually changed again!”

“Seventeen minutes!”

“Fifteen minutes faster than the god of thunder and lightning!!”

“I heard that the god of thunder and lightning has five silver demigods at the fifth rank. Now this anonymous powerhouse, is there six or even seven fifth-level silver demigods?!”


The whole square was full of hustle and bustle, and a lot of demigods discussed excitedly.

Become the first tower of the gods.

Actually changed hands again!

This is definitely a big news!

“God of Thunder?”

Li Yue looked at the second place in a daze.


He is also a demigod who masters thunder and lightning!

The priesthood of Thunder and the priesthood of Thunder.

In essence, the difference is not too great.

Thunder is more powerful and powerful.

Thunder and lightning are fast and faster.

“But I didn’t expect it.”

“I actually rushed straight to the first place.”

He gave a chuckle in his heart.

There was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Coming to the city of gods——

It’s been nearly eleven years.

Eleven years.

He started from the weakest ordinary demigod.

Growing up to this day.

Ascend directly to the top of the Tower of God!

And its own strength–

Also climbed to the top in the demigod stage!

“Sure enough, hard work will pay off in the end.”

Thinking of his hard work over the past eleven years, he was a little bit sad.

“God of Thunder, my friend, I didn’t expect to see you again!”


Several familiar voices came from nearby.

Li Yue looked.


It is Temple, Zat, Ropol, Hicks, and Parade of the mist gods organized by the “True God of Hunting”.

And the golden demigod Maggie of the eighth-turn realm.

He came to Chengshen Tower for the first time.

It was with these few who rushed to the tower.

“Haha, Temple.”

He smiled and said hello.

These few years.

On the contrary, he obtained a lot of information that can only be known by the tenth-order and eleventh-order demigods from Temple.

For this one.

He still has a good impression.


Also greeted Parad, Maggie and others.

“I really don’t know how terrifying the first demigod is.”

“The seventh floor of the Tower of God, seventeen minutes have passed. This is incredible, awesome and awesome.”

Chatted for a while.

Temple suddenly said with a touch of awe.

Even if he is a member of the ‘True Hunting God’ organization.


The existence that can reach the top of the Tower of God.

In his eyes.

But even more terrifying than the true god!

At least.

He has participated in three hunting activities for the true gods.

Those three true gods.

Not even a silver demigod believer can get it out.

“Awesome and awesome?”

A strange color flashed across Li Yue’s face.

“This first-placed demigod should also be coming for that treasure.”

“There must be a powerful true god standing behind it.”

“Otherwise, how could a demigod reach that level?”

Maggie sighed.

Even if she was the Eighth Turned Demigod, she did not consciously show a trace of respect.

? ? ?


What’s the treasure?

Li Yue was stunned.

ps: Thank you very much for the blessings of a large number of book friends~.

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