Chapter 153

“Bright Angel!!”

“Twenty-seven bright angels!!”

The god of thunder stayed for a while.

Then his eyes widened, and he took a staggering step back.

His face was full of disbelief.

How can it be! !

How could the other party have twenty-seven bright angels!

He simply suspected that he was dreaming.

Do not!

Just dreaming.

He would dream of such an incredible thing too!


“They are all silver demigods!!”

His eyes were instantly covered with dense bloodshot eyes.

Fists clenched tightly.

The whole face became distorted.

Twenty-seven silver demigod-level bright angels?

The lower true gods dare not imagine!

How could it appear in front of him!


“I do not believe!!”

He roared and stared at the battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of thunder and lightning erupted from him.

Destroy all matter in God’s Domain into nothingness!

A tyrannical breath rushed.

“Damn it!!”

“How could he have so many silver demigod-level bright angels!!”

In addition to tyranny and anger in his heart.

There is also a tremor of heart.

too strong!

Twenty-seven silver demigod-level bright angels.

Enough to destroy the dryness and decay.

Clean up all the believers under his command!

This force.

It’s completely possible to pass through the eighth floor of the Tower of Gods!

“I still have an inferior artifact!”

“The believer is defeated.”

“I can still win!!”

He growled.

Reach out.


14  An exquisite sword shining with thunder light flew.

The terrifying destructive power and sharp aura spread.

Faced by any demigod.

Everyone must be frightened and terrified!

“God’s blow!”


“We will definitely win!”

He gritted his teeth, firmly holding the lower Excalibur in his hand.

If the opponent may have a Tier 6 professional altar.

In addition to shock.

There is joy.

after all–

Obviously, the opponent didn’t get it for a long time, only 20,000 Tier 6 knights.

Compare it.

That is, the power of several bronze demigods.

He didn’t care about it at all.


Twenty-seven silver demigods!

This is an extremely terrifying believer power!

Even his father.

A lower true god who condenses six stars.

The number of believers in the silver demigod is around 30!

Every believer in the silver demigod.

For the true god.

All are treasures!

It’s also a weapon for magical warfare!

It is also part of the true god’s strength!

Such horror believer power.

What brought him was not a surprise.

It was shocked!

Even if he is confident in himself.


I was also anxious and panicked!

after all–

Can take out twenty-seven silver demigod-level bright angels.

The other side’s terrible.

It was beyond his imagination!


The angel team turned out.

Julia stood in the forefront holding the scepter.

Finger gently.


The huge beam of divine judgment fell.

Bring a light element to cover.

Elana rushed out.

A storm of blades swept across.

Stopped a Silver Demigod-level Bimeng.

Eighteen bright angels are holding staffs and swords of light.

Directly stop the remaining silver demigods, legends, and epics from the enemy!

Although the number is far fewer than each other.

But that momentum–

But far above the other side!

boom! !

The energy of light reaches the sky and the earth.

The entire space of battle.

All seem to be filled with light energy.

The sacred judgments fell one after another.

A storm of sword blades swept across.

The endless light energy drowned everything!

Those epic electric dragons screamed and flew out, unable to compete with the angel of light.

A famous legend wailed, vomiting blood and flew upside down.

Twelve bronze demigods.

It only lasted less than two minutes.

They were all suppressed, his face pale and blood covered.

One after another, the light cage appeared.

Imprison all severely wounded bronze demigods, legends, and epics.

“Sevilla, you take some people to the realm of false gods!”

Julia spoke.

As the first bright angel born.

She naturally.

It is the captain of the Angels team.


Sai Viala nodded.

The wings spread out behind.

The whole person turned into a pure white streamer and disappeared instantly.

Behind her.

Six rays of light followed, across the sky, like meteors across the sky!

“Sure enough, the number of believers is staggering.”

In the domain of God.

Li Yue’s gaze followed Sevilla, looking down at the vast ground below.

Cities stand tall.

A large number of followers of the god of thunder and lightning, such as human races and half-orcs, looked up in fear.

A breath of anxiety and fear spread from them.

The breath of the seven angels is too big.


Rushing by without concealment.

One after another city.

A famous creature was crushed bloodless by this huge momentum, and collapsed to the ground.

An atmosphere of fear.

Spreading rapidly!

The power of belief in fear.

Follow the faith channel.

To the god of thunder and lightning they believe in!

“Damn it!”

The god of thunder and lightning gritted his teeth.

Feeling weakened little by little.

His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he was extremely angry.

But he couldn’t do anything about it.

God war is so cruel.

In the immortal continent.

In the temple of war.

Follow the rules of the Immortal Continent and the Temple of War!


Cannot participate in the war of believers!


To the stage of true god.

There are still ways to prevent the true god from participating in the war of believers!

This is also a reason why believers are important.


Seven angels such as Seviala landed in the largest city of half-orcs.

“The majesty of a great god is not to be profaned!”

An orc guarding the ancestral shrine roared and rushed forward.

Even under the terrifying pressure of the bright angel.

As if carrying a mountain on his back, he still roared and gave up his life to kill!

They were all bloodshot, revealing a terrifying dark purple color!

“They are all mad believers above the sixth rank.”

Li Yue’s face was calm.

There are thousands of Tier 6 mad believers, led by legends.


In front of seven bright angels.

It’s just like an ant.

“Holy blow.”

Saivia had no expression on her face and waved her staff in her hand.


A large number of light hammers blasted out.

A famous half-orc guard screamed, sprinkled blood in the sky, and flew out!

If not for her mercy.

Just this blow–

All the orcs guards in front of you.

Including legends.

All must die!

This is the horror of the silver demigod.

This is even in the city of gods.

They all belong to the mid-level demigods!

“Great Lord, Sivilla has come outside the realm of false gods, please…”

Said Viala, wearing a white robe and three thousand green silk shawls, prayed.

The sacred light bloomed around her.

The orc guards who struggled to stand up and wanted to kill.

Swept away by the power of light again!

Six other angels stood behind her.

The divine power of light is like a tide.

Surge towards the whole city!

A believer of the god of thunder and lightning was horrified and was suppressed by the power of light.

Hundreds of thousands of creatures fell to the ground.

Hundreds of thousands of creatures were frightened.

In the domain of God.


Li Yue stepped forward.


The sky is spinning around.

He has come to the realm of the god of thunder and lightning.

Hundreds of thousands of thunder and lightning roared, turning the entire God’s Domain into a terrifying thunder pool!


Li Yue stepped in the thunder pond.

The expression on his face remained unchanged. He looked at the god of thunder and lightning not far away, and smiled:

“You didn’t take advantage of your mobile hand?”

The moment he just entered God’s Domain.

It is definitely the best time for hands-on.

after all–

An unstable footing still has some influence on strength.

The gods he used to kill.

This is mostly true.

When he first appeared, the attack was already present.

“Who is the true god behind you?”

Macdonald, the god of thunder and lightning, stared at Li Yue, his eyes red.

“The true god behind?”

“Really disappointed you.”

“There is no true god behind me.”

Li Yue chuckled.

God battle space.

Just enter.

Only one side can get out.

And after entering inside.

It is also impossible to contact the outside world.


It is the mighty power of the temple of war.

It is also the rule of the city of gods!

Who can fight?

The supreme Lord God cannot fight against it!


“Without the support of true God, how could you have twenty-seven angels of light!”

The god of thunder and lightning said gloomily.

He didn’t believe it at all.

Taking a deep breath, he gently lifted the lower sword in his hand and looked at Li Yue ferociously:

“But it doesn’t matter whether you admit it or not.”

“If you can win, why don’t my believers send you off.”

“But if you can’t block the lower Excalibur in my hand–”

“Then those bright angels are all mine!”

There was a sickly and hysterical smile on his face.

In the hands of the lower Excalibur.

The power of terror is surging! .

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