Chapter 155


Come back from the battle space.

Li Yue immediately looked at the chief priest of the Thunder Cult.


He is within the radiation range of God’s Domain.

There are more than tens of millions of believers of all ethnic groups.


It is an amazing number.

If it is not arranged.

But it has a great influence on faith.

Some shallow believers.

Maybe it will break away from faith.

“Great Lord.”

Hogg knelt down religiously.

He is in a hall.

Above the hall.

It enshrines the statue of Li Yue.

His face was blurred, and his eyes flashed with thunder.

Back with one hand.

Raise gently with one hand.

A deep purple thunder ball hovered in the hands of the idol, exuding a terrifying aura.

A divine might diffused from the idol.

Spread throughout the entire thunder sect resident.

“Go and settle down the tens of millions of my followers outside the city.”

“From then on, the city of Gewush belongs to a half-orc.”

“Polo City belongs to the human race.”

“Elan City belongs to half-elves.”

“Blade City belongs to the dwarves.”

“Vaggar City, Bari City, Theo City, Roseau City, and Hami City belong to the mixed races.”

Li Yue handed down the oracle.

In addition to the eight cities outside the city of Chegewush.

It was the three months he was waiting for the twenty-four bright angels to be promoted to the silver demigod.

Ordered to be established by the Thunder Cult.

Every city is extremely huge.

It can accommodate millions of people.

And the city of Gush–

Also expanded once.

Parted out of the outer city.

Plus the outer city.

The area of ​​the entire city of Gewus.

Almost larger than the other eight cities combined!


Li Yue is not a deity of fate.

Do not know the believers of the god of thunder and lightning, most of 860 points are half-orcs.

The reason why he expanded the city of Gewush——

It is also because time is ready to accelerate again.

At that time-

The population will naturally soar.

Simply build the city of Gush to be huge enough at one time.

“Follow the oracle of my lord!”

Hogg piously said.

His eyes were filled with joy and awe.

Tens of millions of believers!


It should be the opponent of the previous battle.

And the great deity.

Sure enough, omnipotent.

It was an enemy before.

Turn it into a believer in a blink of an eye!


Li Yue turned his eyes and placed it on Angel Mountain.

“Great Lord.”

Julia knelt down respectfully.

“Go and take the five silver demigods and twelve bronze demigods to the demigod mountain.”

Li Yue ordered.

The voice fell.

He directly consumes a drop of supernatural power.


It is about 800 kilometers south of the city of Gush.

A huge mountain rose from the ground.

The mountain directly reached 3,600 meters high before it stopped.

The front of the mountain.

The three characters are slowly highlighted.

Demi-God Mountain!

A faint divine might spread out.

Wild beasts and beasts with a radius of hundreds of kilometers all fled in terror with their tails sandwiched.

“Follow my Lord God’s Domain.”

Julia said piously.


The wings spread out behind him and rose directly into the sky, disappearing.

Li Yue’s face was expressionless.

Look at the fallen angel mountain.


He spoke lightly.

“Great Lord.”

Natasha, who was watching the reincarnation of the fallen angel and the newborn companion in the pool, quickly knelt down religiously.

The southern area of ​​the Devil’s Land is being cleaned up.

Half the devil.

Purified into the power of the Demon Mother River.

Half the devil.

Refined into pure demon energy.


Pure demon energy.

Naturally watered in the reincarnation pool of fallen angels.


The birth of the fallen angel takes time.

Several months passed.

Today’s Fallen Angels team also has a full five members.

The remaining twenty-two members–

Estimated by Li Yue.

It will take at least two years.


It is in the southern area of ​​the Devil’s Land.

A situation where pure demon energy is sufficient.

If it is not enough-

Also think of another way.

And wait until the fallen angels are all gestated.

Add the bright angel-

He has two angel teams under his command.

Will reach an astonishing fifty-four silver demigod angels!

This amount.

Enough to shock any lower true gods.

“You go and take those legends and epics to Legend Mountain and Epic Mountain.”

Li Yue ordered.

At the same time point out.

Two drops of supernatural power consumption.


At a distance of about 300 kilometers from the Demi-God Mountain, a huge mountain peak of 3,000 meters high rises.

On the mountain peak.

The three characters of Legend Mountain emerged.

A legendary breath enveloped a radius of 30 kilometers.

Shock all creatures!

And again the distance is three hundred kilometers.

Another peak of about 2,400 meters emerged.

On the mountain wall.

This has three characters: Epic Mountain.

The epic breath enveloped a radius of ten kilometers.

This is Li Yue’s division of the various races in the future.

Anyone who reaches the corresponding state–

All have to go to the three mountain peaks to practice.


After ethnic groups of believers can get his approval.

Practice in their respective clan areas.

Such as Bright Angel, Fallen Angel, Thunder Titan, Dark Moon Elf, and Golden Beamon.

“Follow the oracle of my lord.”

The fallen angel Natasha respectfully said.

The dim wings spread out behind him.

The whole person turned into a gray light and disappeared into the horizon.

“Five silver demigods.”

“They are two light elemental envoys, one Beamon, one hundred-armed giant, and one thunder dragon.”

“Twelve bronze demigods–”

“Four light elemental envoys, two thunder elemental envoys, three hundred-armed giants, and three thunder dragons.”

Li Yue whispered softly.

He has a satisfied smile on his face.

Tens of millions of believers are a great gain.

And these seventeen demigods.

It is a huge gain enough to make true gods covet!

A believer of the Silver Demigod.

Those are all demigods who are eager and out of reach.


It is a believer of the bronze demigod level.

In the city of gods.

Not many demigods own it either.


They are all precious.

Cultivate purely with divine power.

These seventeen demigods.

Adding up requires more than two thousand drops of supernatural power!


This is a purely divine cultivation.

In fact.

No deity can afford this kind of training.

The deity cultivates believers.

Most of them let believers practice by themselves.

The deity helps at a critical moment.

This method requires a lot of time.

But time…

It is the least valuable to the deity.


Can you cultivate into a bronze demigod and a silver demigod?

The race of the believer is important.

The probability of a higher-level creature becoming a demigod is naturally far from the lower-level creature’s energy.

“Promoting from a legend to a bronze demigod is a hurdle.”

“Promoting from a bronze demigod to a silver demigod is even more of a huge hurdle.”

“You must condense the priesthood by yourself—”

“It’s too difficult, too difficult.”

Li Yue shook his head.

He withdrew his gaze.

Ordinary believers handed over to Pope Hogg.

Epic and legendary believers handed over to the fallen angel Natasha.

Demigods handed it to Julia, the angel of light.

Other things–

For example, how to arrange it.

That’s their business.

As a deity.

Naturally it is impossible to do everything by yourself.


He gently stretched out his hand.

A priesthood shining with a faint thunder light was flying in his hand.

“Raiden priesthood.”

There was a look of expectation in his eyes.

Strong wind, rain, hail, plus thunder and lightning–

If he expected it.

It can be merged into the fourfold priesthood——


And the fourfold priesthood–

This is already the realm of the upper true gods!

Possess fourfold priesthood.

It can be called ‘Lord of the Sea’, ‘Lord of Thunder’, ‘Lord of the Sun’, ‘Lord of the Weather’ and so on!

Also has the qualifications to establish a god system!

“Try it.”

“Can you merge.”

“If you can be in the semi-god realm, you will have the fourfold priesthood–”

Li Yue took a deep breath.

There was an astonishing thunder light surging in his eyes.

His mood was ups and downs.

It’s hard to calm down.

Demigod stage.

There are very few who can hold dual priesthoods.

But I have never heard of it.

Who can have a dual priesthood!

This is the realm of the true gods.

Only the true god can integrate the priesthood.

And in the semi-god state.

Possess the fourfold priesthood——

This kind of thing spreads out.

I am afraid that the supreme god will be startled to jump up, I can’t believe it.


The fact that he now possesses a triple priesthood spreads out.

Will definitely attract the Supreme Lord God!

“Fusion of four clergy—”

“In my current state of eight turns and a half god.”

“I am afraid that any lower true god who condenses a star will be easily killed by me.”

“Even if the lower true god who condenses two stars, I am afraid it is not my opponent!”

A touch of firmness flashed across his face.

There is no hesitation.

A handful of thunder and lightning in front of the priesthood.

Press on your chest!


The monstrous thunder and lightning power is surging, vast and terrifying, and swept the entire God Realm in a blink of an eye!

The power of horror–

Let the entire God’s Domain shake!


His own thunder priesthood has caused a wave of waves! .

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