Chapter 177

“The strength of a creature, the external talents are just appearances.”

“And the will is the most original manifestation of a creature.”

In the domain of God.

Li Yue watched the black dragon Fu Luli explode, his bones shattered, and his soul swayed, as if he was going to be annihilated at any time——

He looked calm and muttered to himself softly.



Only to a certain extent is it useful.

When I was weak.

No matter how strong the will is.

It is also illusory.

Just a knife can make your body die and your will dissipated.


Arrived in the semi-god state.


A ray of light began to appear.

This ray of light–

It may be very bright.

“hold head high!!”

Black Dragon Mountain sky.

The breath of horror rolled away.

Fu Luli was completely gone, only a tattered skeleton was suspended.

It looks more miserable than the undead bone dragon.


There was a terrible will in her eyes.

The will seems to have materialized.

Like a piece of gold, it is blooming with dazzling light!


The terrible dragon gushed out.

The tall Heilong Mountain was shaking violently.


Under this terrible force of will.

It seemed to be bombarded by mountains weighing hundreds of millions of tons.

It collapsed directly!

Rocks rolled down, soot skyrocketed!

Heads of black dragons lay on the ground, shivering despite the rocks hitting them.

In addition to fear in their eyes, there is still fear.

Even if–

The same goes for the two black dragons in the semi-god realm.

so horrible!

The golden breath of the true god level——

Plus the terrible will that seems to materialize.

For them–

It’s just like an ordinary mouse, encountering a cat-monster with a big mountain!

boom! !


There was a loud bang.

Fu Luli’s entire skeleton suddenly exploded!

The soul has just appeared.

Was also completely annihilated by the vast golden energy!

Only a strand of will remains, as if eternal.

Ups and downs and surging in the golden energy!

In the domain of God.

Li Yue’s face was expressionless.

He snapped his fingers again.

Another drop of golden blood.

Floating along the crumbling channel of faith that seems to disappear at any time.



The golden energy is even more surging.

The terrifying aura of true god level swept wildly.

Within 50 kilometers.

There was raging wind, big trees and boulders were blown away and shattered in the air.

That black dragon–

He was also blown out, vomiting blood with uncomfortable mouth.


I don’t know how long it has been.

Golden energy.

Suddenly burst out a star-like luster.

The luster of the stars faintly condenses into the form of a giant dragon.

Looking up to the sky and roaring, the invisible dragon’s voice is shaking in all directions!

“Morning Star Will Prototype.”

A look of surprise appeared in Li Yue’s eyes.


In the demigod stage, only a ray of light can bloom.

And to the true god level.

Only after the Godhead is condensed will the will truly materialize and show terrifying power.

True god

The reason is true god.

It is decided by four aspects.

God body, God fire, priesthood, Godhead.

The divine body is powerful, far surpassing the demigod.

Divine fire is raging, you can refine the different kinds of divine power into pure divine power, and even—

It can also refine all matter into divine power.

Needless to say about the priesthood, this is the foundation of the deity.

And the Godhead–

What bears is the soul and will of the true god.

The true god is mighty and mighty.

It looked with a glance.

Ordinary demigods can’t bear it.


It is the substantive power of will.

The will to materialize.

It is a sign of the true god.

And the first level of materialized will-

It is the will of the morning star.

Rising like a morning star, beginning to shine with dazzling light!

“Unexpectedly, Fu Luli actually semi-substantialized her will.”

A smile appeared in Li Yue’s eyes.


It is the most original manifestation of a creature.

Strong willed.

It’s even more difficult than the divine body and the divine soul!

Even the omnipotent supernatural power.

It is also difficult to enhance the will of a creature!

Has the Lord God ever studied.


As long as the demigod who ignites the sacred fire and upholds the success of the kingdom of God.

The vast majority.

The will is not weak.

Those losers–

Many are weak-willed.


The golden energy is mighty.

Slowly derive bones and flesh and blood.

Three days later.

A terrifying dragon with its wings spread over 500 meters and a dark golden color all over appeared out of the sky.

Let all dragons–

The aura that everyone is terrified of spreads from the body of this dark golden dragon!

The terrifying Longwei is overwhelming.

“hold head high!”

Fu Luli let out an excited dragon chant.

She made it!

She successfully merged the essence and blood of True God-level Golden Beamon!


She feels very powerful.


The realm remains unchanged.

Still four-turn silver demigod.


She is sure.

Can easily suppress the three previous selves!

Even if–

It is the silver demigod facing the fifth-turn realm.

She is not afraid at all.


She has a strong feeling.


It seemed to be a lot more vulnerable in front of her!

The power of dark golden blood soared into the sky, billowing like wolf smoke.

Her dragon eyes also turned dark gold.

With coldness and bloodthirsty, staring at the black dragons that were blown away ten kilometers away.


All the black dragons trembled.

The demigod black dragon who had been extremely tough before felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet and hitting his forehead.

His entire scalp seemed to explode under Fu Luli’s cold eyes.


An unspeakable fear.

Cover him!

“I… I am willing to believe in the great God of Thunder!”

He didn’t dare to hesitate any more, and hurriedly followed his inner choice, shouting.

His voice fell.

All other black dragons.

They all yelled hurriedly.

For fear of being too late, he would be torn to pieces.

“Pack up and leave with me.”

Fu Luli’s dark golden eyes did not change in any way, and her voice was cold.

【Name】:Fu Luli

【Category】:Dragon species—Bimeng species—Tearing Dragon

【Levels】: Tenth-tier Silver Demigod-Turn Four

【Status】: Adulthood

【Church】:Strong priesthood

[Talents]: physical strengthening, fighting unparalleled, blood boiling, tearing, dragon nemesis, dark vision…

[Skills]: tear everything, dragon wing transform knife, destroy dragon’s breath, dragon chanting soul, golden world…

【Strength】: 10.6

[Physique]: 10.6

[Agility]: 10.4

[Spirit]: 10.4

“Tearing Dragon?”

Li Yue’s eyes flickered slightly…

This name–

He has heard of it for the first time.


Fu Luli is the first tearing dragon in the world.


This may also be true.

after all–

Some supreme gods.

But I am very keen to experiment.

No one knows what terrifying creatures they will create.


There is the Supreme God who thinks like him.

Fuse the essence of Golden Beamon with the dragon.


A creature that gathers gold and is more lethal than Meng and the land is born.


Even if there is no Lord God to do this kind of experiment.

Then you may not choose Black Dragon.

Black dragon

In the dragon clan.

It’s just a middle-ranked dragon, not a powerful dragon.

“The improvement of strength——”

“Somewhat amazing.”

He looked at the information in front of him and muttered to himself softly.


Fu Luli can only be said to be a very common four-turn silver demigod.

And now–

But it jumped up.

Able to compete with or even defeat the silver demigod of rank 5 with the realm of rank 4!

In the world of the gods.

Cross-level operations.

It’s not that easy.

Any creature that can fight across levels–

They are all terrifying.

It’s like the golden bimon.

Just like Medusa.

Like the six-winged dragon king.


It is not a terrifying existence close to mythical creatures.

It is a real mythical creature!

Even bright angels, fallen angels.

In the four-turn realm.

It’s just that the attack power has reached the fifth rank.

On true strength——

It’s not as good as the five-turn silver demigod.


“The black dragon is fused with the essence and blood of Golden Bimeng.”

“The conditions required are too many to be replicated now.”

He shook his head slightly.


His eyes fell on the Bimeng grassland again.


“Will you fight for me?”

His voice resounded through the void.

“I wish to incarnate as a sharp 4.3 sword and kill all enemies for our lord!”

Bimon grassland.

All Beamon shouted enthusiastically.

They witnessed it with their own eyes–

Own king.

Get the gift of a great god.


Great progress!

Their beliefs have become more fanatical.

Every Beamon became a fanatic.

“Remember what you said.”

“I give you strength–”

Li Yue said lightly.

He flicked his fingers lightly.


Drops of golden Bimeng essence and blood disappeared along the faith channel.

Directly into the body of a Ming Bimeng!

Boom! !

The entire Bimeng grassland.

They were all overwhelmed by the terrible golden blood!

From a distance.


It seemed to have become a golden Wang Yang.

The endless blood is surging, roaring!


“It’s time to kill the sky!”

Li Yue did not pay attention to the situation in the Bimeng grassland.

He raised his head slightly, his eyes showed an astonishing killing intent——

Go to the war temple first.

It took a hundred drops of supernatural power to purchase a war scroll of the lower rank.


It is another ten drops of divine power consumption.

Not very far from the city of Gewush——

A huge teleportation magic circle was built! .

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