Chapter 181

What is Thunder?

Some people think that it belongs to the power of heaven.

Some people think that it is the most terrifying destructive force.

but now–

Li Yue told the world.

His thunder–

It is the purest power!

The power that can break everything!


The terrible roar shook the sky.

The purple thunder rushed out like a billions of heaven-shattering dragons, twisting into a sword beam.

As if it could break the world.

Severely collided with the pale sword light cut out by Jerry Maia!

The dazzling purple and pale make the heaven and the earth pale-1

It’s like two big days clashing.

The whole kingdom of God is trembling violently!

Rumble! !

Terrible ripples swept across.


All were bombarded with unparalleled power!

An area of ​​two to three hundred kilometers.


All are gone!


Even the emptiness of the kingdom of God.

All dozens of kilometers were completely annihilated, leaving only a terrifying place of black holes.


The face of the undead god Jerry Maia changed drastically.

An extremely terrifying force surged.

His entire body was shaken out, terrible lightning flashes out of his body, and blood spurted from his mouth and nose.


Most of the shrunken Thunder sword light shattered the pale sword light.

Roaring and rushing towards him!

The sword beam that stretches for hundreds of kilometers is distorted, still carrying an astonishing aura that makes the lower true gods creepy!

“So strong!!”

“How could he be so strong!”

“I’m the second-star true god!!”

“Even if the believer is defeated and his strength is greatly damaged, it is definitely not a match for a demigod!!”

Jeremiah’s eyes widened, completely in disbelief.

Demi god–

When can it be so terrifying?

he thinks–

That is, believers are not defeated.

His strength has not been weakened.

They are not necessarily Li Yue’s opponent!

That sword–

too frightening!

Fully reached the level of the two-star lower true god!

And among the two-star lower true gods, they definitely belong to the upper level!


Demigods can never be so powerful!

He stared at Li Yue fiercely.

Some amazing treasure must be used.

Only let a demigod be able to temporarily exert such terrible strength!


It must be so!

And this method is definitely time-effective.

As long as the aging is overdue.


It’s still his!

The treasure that can make the demigod burst out of terrifying power is also his!

The night elf mother tree is also his!

“Undead World!”

His hair was flying, and his eyes were densely packed with bloodshot eyes, roaring angrily.


On the sky.

A pale star suddenly fell down.

Look from the outside.

The pale stars are like an undead world condensed by countless undead auras!

Among them are hundreds of millions of invisible souls roaring.

With an aura that shocked the world.

Dragging a long pale tail flame.

Directly hit the remaining small half thunder sword mang!

Boom! !

The violent bang exploded.

A lot of undead gas was annihilated into nothingness.

And at the same time–

There are also a large number of thunders obliterated by the power of the undead!

“Jeremiah, the clergy control should be around 16%.”

“Believers are defeated, and their strength is estimated to have fallen below the two-star subordinate true god, and only the one-star subordinate true god controlled by 14% of the priesthood.”

“But I am in my own kingdom of God——”

Li Yue’s face was calm.

He reached out and pointed.


A huge thunder with sacred aura blasted out of pure white color.

This thunder is as strong as a mountain.

Boom straight on the pale star.

This pale star.

It is the product of the realization of the priesthood of Jeremiah.

It is also in the Kingdom of God in Jeremiah.

One of the most terrifying weapons.

Inside, it can continuously absorb the power of the undead from the endless void.


It is also a huge advantage for home battles.

True god.

In their own kingdom of God.

The strength that can be exerted is far stronger than in the outside world.

The believer was defeated.

Being in the kingdom of God.

This is equivalent to one increase and one decrease, so to speak—

Jeremiah’s strength has not actually been weakened much.

Boom! !

The speed of the sacred thunder is reaching the extreme.

Directly and fiercely crashed into the pale stars!


A terrifying force of punishing evil is mighty, sweeping everything!

What is evil?

Improper, improper is evil!

Weirdness is also evil.

In this world of gods.

Undead creatures and deities are undoubtedly evil!


All are evil.

And the power of punish evil.

It is the nemesis of evil.

Rumble! !

The sacred and snow-white Thunder Mountain range for a moment.

I don’t know how much undead power will be purified!

This purification–

It’s more overbearing than the purification of light energy, and it’s even more terrifying!

Huanghuang Tianwei.

Exterminate all evil!

“This…what is this?!”

Jerry Meyer’s pupils shrank sharply.

His whole body was upside down and his scalp was numb.

In my heart——

There was even more fear.

The sacred snow-white thunder made him seem to have seen a natural enemy!

next moment–

Under the roar of Snow White Thunder.

That pale star manifested by the priesthood–

Suddenly exploded!

Countless sacred thunders across and horizontally.

Purify all the power of the undead into nothingness!

A radius of hundreds of kilometers.

There is no trace of undead gas.

Only the mighty divine thunder surging like a tide!

“The power to punish evil is really powerful.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yue’s mouth.

The purple thunder is pure power, shattering everything.

The silver thunder, with the power of demon breaking, is astonishing to the devil.

And Snow White Thunder–

With the power of evil, it is the natural enemy of undead creatures and gods!


It’s just like Golden Beamunch made a dragon.

Can easily defeat the strong with the weak.

And at this moment–

Li Yue, on the other hand, uses a stronger evil spirit thunder to deal with the weaker true god of the undead.


It’s just to destroy it!

Rumble! !

The snow-white thunder expanded wildly.

It is as if there are billions of giant dragons roaring and charging in all directions.


The area with a radius of thousands of kilometers has all turned into a piece of white snow!

The power of punish evil is mighty.

No undead force can resist!


Jeremiah’s face was so ugly that it was dripping.

· ····Find flowers·······

He was completely panicked.

An unspeakable fear tightened his heart.

How to do!

That power is terrifying!

And also has amazing restraint on the power of the undead!


Not an opponent at all!

“You sponsored the hidden god and wanted him to kill me, but you gave me a legendary bone dragon.”

“You sponsored the goddess of flames, she took the initiative to vote and gave me three legendary bone dragons.”

“You sponsored the spider goddess Boss, she gave me a lot of nightmare beasts.”

“to be honest.”

“I still thank you very much.”

Li Yue stood in the snow-white thunder pond of purgatory and smiled softly.

He is dressed in a white robe, his hands on his back, a handsome face, and a black shawl.

The temperament is calm and indifferent.

There is no half of the violent power of the Thunder, some are just calm.

as if–

Anything in the world.

It’s hard to move him.

“…You can’t kill me!!”

Taking a deep breath, Jeremiah growled.

His face twitched, and he forcibly resisted the urge to vomit blood.


I actually gave so many things to the other party? !

…….. ……. …


Li Yue said softly.

in all directions–

The Evil Thunder is still expanding!

The entire kingdom of God has been completely overwhelmed by endless thunder!

Only the place where Jeremiah is still resists stubbornly.

He also summoned another star.

Envelop him.

Hardly resisting the evil thunder!

“Behind me is the’Geer Divine Element.” If you kill me, you will be chased by the Gehr Divine Element!!”

Jerry Maiar yelled sharply.

A lot of divine power rushed out of him madly.

Constantly condensed into a giant shield of the undead.

Blocking the evil thunderbolt.


In front of Xie Xie Thunder.

It seems so weak.

With just a touch, a large number of undead giant shields are wiped out!

“Geer Divine System?”

Li Yue’s eyes flashed.

This god system…

He hasn’t heard of it.

But it is also normal.

There are too many gods in the city of gods.

Most high-ranking true gods will form a god system.

And the upper true god of the city of gods——

The number is not known at all.

No one has ever counted.

It is also impossible to count.

Because of many high-level true gods.

It hasn’t appeared in tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years.

neither knows.

They have fallen.

Still sleeping or practicing.

That wait for existence-

Has been strong to an extreme point.


“There are too many true gods in the major gods.”

“Who will pay attention to you, a two-star lower true god?”

He whispered softly.

next moment–

Looks cold.

The Thunder God Sword in his hand was severely cut out again.

The snow-white thunder sword glows mightily.

Directly destroy a large number of undead shields gathered by Jeremiah.

Don’t stop.

Cut on his divine body again!

“Do not!!”

Jeremiah yelled in despair.

Crazy resistance.

Li Yue who can hold the Thunder God Sword.

Cut out the monstrous sword light that was completely formed by the evil killing thunder——

Far beyond that sword before!


Jeremiah’s body was torn in an instant!


All were wiped out into nothingness by the power of evil! begging.

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