Chapter 626 Come from the higher land!

Three years later.

Li Yue woke up.

He looked at the tulip on the side, it was completely withered and there was no fragrance anymore.

“This middle-ranked main god is really powerful!”

“The law of the sword, kill Wushuang, and break Wanfa with one sword!”

“This kind of law is the purest law of killing and cutting, and the combat power is amazing.”

He looked at the heritage monument and muttered to himself softly.

Three years.

With the help of tulips.

He has understood this inheritance very thoroughly.

Even he can exert the power of the way out and take the path of creating the law of swords.

At the same time he also understood.

The law of creation, this law from now on will belong to you alone.

No one else can create this rule to be promoted to the middle main god.

But in fact–

There are also many ways in it.

For example, the law of the sword in front of us is to take the path of killing and attacking the “six-eighty-zero”.

And if you can create the law of the sword that goes defensively, it is also possible.

This is actually a different path.

“Unfortunately, the law of the sword doesn’t suit me.”

He shook his head slightly.

Whether it is to take a defensive path or another path, it suits him.

He has been thinking about what path he is going to take.

After all, his cultivation time is too short, and his background is limited.

It’s not even comparable to some main gods.

And it is undoubtedly an idiot to create a law with such a background.

But actually.

He is not really going to be promoted to Realm.

It was still far away from him.

He just wants to reach the level of the middle main god!

But to reach the mid-level main god level combat power.

It also needs a unique power of law.

And it cannot be created.

How to master the unique power of law?

He didn’t have much clue before he got the Inheritance Monument.

But after getting the heritage monument.

Especially now, I have thoroughly understood the law of the sword.

He already understood what the unique power of the law he needed to master.


For example, the law of swords in front of you.

He can master the part above the end of the road.

This distance is very close.

But in Realm, even this step distance, it is also the distance between heaven and earth.

But he can master the law of creation by a central master god.

All are integrated.

If the quality is not good, just use the quantity to make it together!

ーThe door doesn’t work.

Ten fusions over there!

+ If the door doesn’t work, just merge with a hundred doors!

He wants to break through the law with his force, and with his immense power of the law, he will open the sky between the top of the road and the middle lord god!


He threw the Inheritance Tianbei into the kingdom of God again.

In the lake of divine power, 20,000 ponds of divine power have evaporated again.

With his kingdom of God and material world, time began to accelerate again.

Ten thousand years are passing madly.

Spring goes to autumn 10,000 times.

Ten thousand years have passed.

Countless believers were born, old, sick and died.

Countless believers died in the killing.

There are also countless believers in the Cultivation Base Ascension, stepping into the demigod, life is endless.

Or light a sacred fire, lift up the kingdom of God, and become a true god from then on!

Li Yue saw all this in his eyes.

But he didn’t make any waves.

Even if there are many true god believers who have been promoted to the middle true god Realm, he also has no waves.

“Everything in the human world, even everything in the true god.”

“It’s all too far away from me.

“I look at them as if I am looking at the creatures in a painting, and I can’t make me fluctuate.”

He muttered to himself softly.

This may be the reason why the main god rarely appears in front of the true god.

In the eyes of the Lord God.

The true gods have also appeared one after another. For countless years, there is no idea how many true gods live and die.

They see the true gods.

It is estimated that there is no difference between a mortal and a true god.

He now sees the true god, so it is the same.

In his eyes, there is no big difference between a mortal and a true god.

These thoughts.

It just turned a little bit in his mind, and didn’t take it to heart.

He retrieved the heritage monument.

The above has been refreshed with a heritage.

“The Law of Destruction!”

He raised his eyebrows.

Isn’t this the rule created by any Devil master?

Can create such a law.

This creator is afraid of not knowing how many worlds have been destroyed.

Even in the heart of this creator, destruction of the world is the norm.

“What a terrible law.”

“Compared to the law of destruction, it is much more terrifying!”

He looked at the engraved pictures above and whispered softly.

But even if the law of extinction is cruel.

This also has nothing to do with him.

He just observes the law and understands the law.

Rather than creating laws.

He doesn’t need to destroy the world, he only needs to integrate into the engraved drawings to experience the sense of destruction.

The second tulip appeared next to him.

The fragrance was permeated, and he was immersed in cultivation again.

at this time–

He has already walked almost one-fifth before the eighth round of blazing sun was condensed.

He has a hunch.

Just observe a few more inheritances.

He can condense the eighth round of blazing sun!

The Underworld.

In the ancestral land of the Yiming clan.

Li Yue once felt a touch of high class here.

And this time.

The void twisted slightly.

A pitch-black boat rushed out of it.

There are two figures on the boat.

The two figures carried their hands on their backs, wore black robes and hoods on their heads, with only one pair of eyes exposed.

But the breath on his body is extremely terrifying.

If Li Yue is here.

You can see–

This is the existence above the two road ends!

Placed in the endless void, you can be invincible against a terrifying creature of the Origin Period.

The Lord God is not worth mentioning in front of such existences.

Such creatures can go back in time and go back to the past.

You can also see the future of own, and even reverse the future.

Their deaths are often not considered real deaths.

As long as they are farther away and can reverse the ending of the past fall, then it is not a fall.

For example, the Infinite Lord God killed by Li Yue.

If it is the infinite lord god of time and space longer, he can get the supreme treasure like the water of the past.

It will be able to reverse the future, and will not fall into Li Yue’s hands!

3.8 This is the horror that exists above the road end level.

And now–

Two people actually appeared on such a small boat.

And it seems that it is from the same organization, which is enough to make the scalp numb for any existence of Infinite Void.

What kind of organization.

Can you have two existences above the end of the road?

In the Origin Period, they have never appeared!

The boat stopped on the ancestral land of the Nether clan.

The two existences above the road end level did not walk down, but a pair of eyes kept scanning below.

After a long time.

The two looked at each other, and both shook their heads slightly.

They did not find their target.

“In this era, the land of Samsara should be asleep.”


“Would you like to check it out?”

An existence above the road end level said, his voice was very deep and hoarse. .

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