Chapter 633 The command of the original will!

“Continue Insight.”

Li Yue whispered to himself.

He waved his hand.

A purple-gold color, looking extremely noble flower appeared in front of him.

The weird thing is.

There is no floral fragrance.

“How do you use this stuff?”

He was speechless.

These rare treasures in the city of the past, the eye of insight is useless at all.

To know the effect, there is only experimentation.

He gently stretched out his hand and flicked it.

A crack was torn open on the surface of the purple flower.

A drop of purple-gold liquid slowly appeared from it.

Suddenly, the strong fragrance permeated, making him feel that his comprehension was strengthened again.

“It turned out to be the liquid inside.”

He was a little surprised.

I didn’t wait for the purple flower to slowly ooze liquid by itself.

He stretched out his hand.

The purple flower shattered in the air.

There are three drops of purple-golden liquid suspended in the air. The purple-golden color is brilliant, like a metallic liquid.

He directly swallowed three drops of purple gold liquid.


The feeling of taking colorful deer antler is back.

“If there is no harvest from the city of the past.

“I want Insight to thoroughly understand this solipsism. I am afraid that it will not be possible without thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.”

A smile appeared on his face.

He continued to look at the inheritance monument, immersed in the practice.

And when he concentrated on cultivation.

In the endless void.

The twilight catastrophe of the gods became more and more fierce.

In addition, because the nine god-tier Lu appeared, too many sleeping main gods were awakened.

The entire endless void, the endless The Underworld, the endless abyss, etc. are all messed up into a pot of porridge.

The power of each main god level turned out to be.

Especially those forces that have the sixth level of the main gods, they stand on top of the endless void and other top planes.

The three sixth-level main gods met in a mysterious place.

They are both the masters of the pinnacle organization of one party.

It is also a powerful existence that has fallen asleep in the past to wake up now.

“It’s time for the rest of the top planes to participate in it too.” ”

One of the sixth-level main gods spoke.

“I agree.”

Another main god uttered a low voice:

“The three of us come from three different top planes. Now the Endless Void will have a big change, and there will also be great opportunities. Naturally, we will find some helpers.”

The third main god speaks:

“In the legend, the endless void is the main one, and the nine top planes are the subordinates.”

“But whether it is the endless void or the nine top planes, they all correspond to a high place.

“Do you think–”

“This time, will it be our chance to enter the higher land?”

High land!

Heard these words.

There was a glow of heat in the eyes of the other two main gods.

They are all the main gods of the sixth and sixth levels.

In the endless void and other places, basically there are no resources that can make them one step closer.

Only the legendary high places have a lot of resources they need!

But they didn’t know how to enter the higher land.

“Let’s let the nine top planes appear first.

“Maybe there will be a bigger chance!”

The first main god said again, with a fiery sound in his voice.

The other two nodded.


There are already six top planes appearing.

Endless abyss, boundless The Underworld, Wizarding World, Cthulhu World, Eternal Continent, Immortal Continent.


The continent of Immortal has been occupied by the endless void and has become a base for cultivating demigods.

But it doesn’t matter.

The three main gods each began to put out a lot of precious resources.

In this mysterious place, start to arrange.

Just as the original paradise lost by the gods could open the way to the world of evil gods.

They can also open the way to the top planes they are familiar with!

after all–

They flowed from those top planes to the endless void!

The original universe.

Within the ancestral religion.

There was a sudden violent vibration.

The Zutian Sect leader suddenly woke up from cultivation, his expression changed drastically, he stood up quickly, and bowed deeply to the front:

“The great original will, I don’t know if you are here, what are the important things?”


In front of him.

The light flashed.

A vague, unclear face and unclear body came to be.

“The passage to the endless void will open. This is the catastrophe of the original Universe, and it is also an opportunity.”

“You go to Human Race, Zutianjiao will obey the orders of Human Race from now on.”

The indifferent and ruthless voice fell.

The fuzzy figure disappeared.

The leader of Zutianjiao was a little doubtful whether he had heard it wrong.

Everything obeys the orders of the human race?

How could the great original will issue such a will?!

He could not understand.

But he knew it.

The great original will has no emotions and no feelings.

Now that he has issued such a will, he only needs to obey it.

Gather all the strongest in the Universe of the ancestors, and follow me to the human race!”

He took a deep breath and preached.

This order came out.

Suddenly the whole ancestor heavenly religion was a sensation.

Then this sensation spread from the ancestor heaven, so that the entire original Universe also followed the sensation.

The ancestors summoned all the strongest in the universe to go to the human race?

This shocked the peak ethnic groups.

Is it possible that the ancestor Tianjiao wants to do something on the human race?

Has the human race offended the supreme original will?

Or was it countless years ago that the original ancestor tried to seize the original will, and now the original will has to liquidate the human race?

But this shouldn’t be.

The original will has no emotions, no feelings, and everything follows the rules.

It is impossible to avenge the human race.

But why is Zutianjiao?

And the high-level humans (of the king’s money) also gathered in an emergency.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the city lord had a heavy face, standing in the city lord’s mansion at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

“what happened?”

“Is the ancestors crazy? Calling all the strongest in the universe to come to my human race?”

The Lord of Longxing said in anger.

Can’t tolerate him not being upset by the news.

Although the human race defeated the monster race, it occupied a large amount of territory of the original universe.

But the ancestral religion–

But it is known as the first force in the original Universe!

The number of the strongest in the universe is far more than their human race!

There is also the leader of the Zutianjiao, who is also known as the first strongest in the original universe!

More powerful than the creator of the Heavenly Sword of their human race!

“Not sure.”

“But prepare for the worst.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the city lord shook his head in the valley.

“Is the Thunder Lord contacted?”

The Lord of Longxing took a deep breath and asked.

This is the most powerful combat power of their human race!.

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