Chapter 74

Watching the six demigods leaving in a trance.

Li Yue shrugged.

He looked at the tower of the gods ahead.

Look forward to it.

A total of six rewards!


His control of the priesthood is a little over 3%.

But to be promoted to the five-turn half-god realm.

You need to control the priesthood to 4%!

Six rewards.

Maybe he can control his priesthood to directly reach 4%!

If this is his own comprehension–

It may take hundreds of years.

Clergy control.

Further back.

The difficulty increases exponentially.

These six rewards.

If it can save hundreds of years.

for him.

It’s worth it.

“I don’t know the reward for becoming a god tower.”

“How amazing is it?”

He muttered to himself in his heart and entered it.

And outside the Tower of Gods——

It caused an uproar.

“The number three thousand and six hundred has changed!”


“The rankings of the top 10,000 demigods have not changed, they were directly killed from outside 10,000!”

“Another powerful demigod appeared.”

“Slaying the legendary black dragon in such a short time, I bet he has ten legendary followers!”

The gods talked.

His eyes are full of envy and jealousy.

Legendary believers!

Who of them don’t want to get it?

But it is too difficult and too difficult to train a legendary believer.

High-level creatures can meet but can’t ask for it.

And even if you encounter it.

How to conquer is also a big problem.

after all–

Believers can’t beat it.

The deity sits in the realm of the gods, and at most it threatens with divine might.

But high-ranking creatures are mostly intelligent races.

Will not be easily intimidated to succeed.

Unless the brain is not easy to use.


“It broke my record.”

A natural yellow robe.

The calm temperament of the mountain god burst into light, whispering softly.

“Big Brother, this person dare not even reveal the title of God.”

“Obviously there is fear, in my opinion it is not a fear.”

beside him.

The other is burly and tall.

The voice of the god with a trace of lightning entwined all over his body said in a low voice.

“Maybe, they are just low-key.”

The mountain god smiled.

“Low-key? A powerful god, don’t need to be low-key!”

The strong man snorted coldly.

The mountain god carried his hands on his back and didn’t speak any more.

He was thinking about it.

How many legendary believers does this mysterious god possess?

Chengshen Tower is very big.

And anyone who comes in is a separate room.


The grey message appeared in front of him.

——You have six rewards. Do you consume one reward to travel the world of the priesthood?


Li Yue confirmed.


A mighty force came.

To draw his will away from the god body.

He did not resist.

Let this great force lead.


next moment–

He felt a flower in front of him.

The thunder in the sky forms an ocean, and you can’t see the edge at a glance!



Purple, cyan, black, blue, yellow, red…

The endless thunder is surging and surging in this mysterious space.

Hundreds of thousands of thunder descended on the sky.

Waves formed on the surface of the Thunder Sea, sweeping hundreds of millions of miles.

“This is the clergy world?”

“Exclusive to the priesthood of Thunder?”

Li Yue was shocked.

It’s spectacular.

If it weren’t for a mighty force to protect him.

he thinks–

Your own will may be wiped out by endless thunder in an instant!

Don’t dare to waste.

He immediately began to immerse himself in the world of Thunder, comprehending the power of the priesthood.

[Talent]: You have come to the world of thunder priesthood.

[Talent]: Your comprehension speed has been increased by a hundredfold.


“A hundredfold increase?”

Li Yue was surprised.


Realize the power of the priesthood in this priesthood world.

Can also receive a hundredfold increase!

There was a great joy in his heart.

Believers offer sacrifices.

Provided by God.

Comprehend the priesthood.


He already knows the three forms, which will be multiplied by a hundred times!

Did not think much.

Endless, information about the Thunder soon overwhelmed him.

after an hour.

Li Yue slowly opened his eyes.

There was a purple thunder ray in his eyes.

“It’s really powerful.”

“Directly let me control the priesthood of Thunder to 6%.”

He exclaimed.

The increase is almost 2.7%.


This is due to a hundredfold increase.

If there is no one-hundredfold increase–

It may only increase by about 0.2%.

The higher the degree of clergy control, the difficulty of upgrading increases exponentially.

2.7% control the progress.

Let him realize that it will take more than three thousand years.

after all–

Clergy control reached 6%.

As long as there is enough supernatural power.

Then you can reach the Seventh Turn Realm unimpeded.

Become a golden demigod!

And this time rewards.

It saved him more than three thousand years.

“A hundredfold increase, really scary.”

“If there is no one hundredfold increase.”

“Even if the six opportunities are exhausted, it is estimated that it can only increase the control of the Thunder clergy to 4%.”

“Demi-gods such as Parad and Temple have been gods for more than two thousand years.”

“But it’s still in the state of Sixth Turn Half God.”

“The high probability is that there is not enough control over the priesthood.”

He smiled.


He consumes another reward opportunity.

The control of Kuanghai’s priesthood has also been improved.


His plan is only to promote the thunder clergy first.

after all.

He mainly relied on the priesthood of Thunder.


Since the speed of comprehension can be increased by a hundredfold.

Naturally, the control of the hail priesthood has been improved.

Dual clergy.

Both reach 6% control!

If this is spread out.

I’m afraid I don’t know how many demigods are going to be shocked, I can’t believe it.

“Sell the Mithril and go straight to the fifth round!”

“Own strength is the foundation!”

Li Yue left the tower of the gods.

The reward opportunity of becoming a god tower is precious.

After he got acquainted with today’s power.

Come to comprehend.

Like that.

In order to get the most effective use.

In the domain of God.

Li Yue stood quietly.

This is more than half a year.

The gray dwarves and the scavengers once again mined more than 1,500 kilograms of Mithril.

Sell ​​them all to Venus, the goddess of light.

Obtained 1.824 million power of faith.

In addition to the contribution of believers for half a year-

He is now.

A total of 1,827 threads of supernatural power.


“At the end of the year.”

“I want to know the location of all the tribes of gods within three thousand kilometers with Gwush as the center.”

He spoke suddenly.

The sound passes through mysterious connections.

It was directly passed into another god’s domain.

Since possessing God.

Naturally, the gods cannot be idle.

“Follow the divine lord and divine order!”

In the realm of blazing flames.

Joyce, the flame goddess in a crimson armor, opened her eyes.

There was a red light in the eyes.

She stood up.

Slightly bow and salute in the direction where Li Yue’s realm is.


Li Yue slowly closed his eyes.

Six hundred and twenty-five threads of divine power surged in his body instantly.

The vast thunder surging.

The purple divine light permeates the entire God’s realm!

As a four-turn demigod.

His realm has blended into the origins of the gods of the earth and the hidden gods.

These two.

One is a demigod with two turns and the other is a demigod with three turns.

There are not many origins of God’s Domain.

But it also expanded his God Realm to a radius of 20 kilometers.

And the normal four-turn demigod–

The scope of God’s Domain is 16 kilometers.

The monstrous thunder drowned Li Yue.

His body and soul.

It’s all changing!

On the way to the true god.

“Great God of Thunder, you are the master of all things, and you have given us hope—”

“Your glory is eternal and immortal–”

“Your sacred fire will never go out–”

“Please accept our sacrifice!”

“Bless us, bless your devout believers!”

The center of Gush City has been completely built.

Headed by the chief priest of Hogg.

Five ethnic groups are behind.

Densely packed.

There are devout believers kneeling on the ground everywhere.

In addition, Fu Luli, the black dragon hovering overhead, and the four legendary bone dragons.

The dark old tree Kalim outside the city gate.

Most of the believers have arrived.

“. Please accept our sacrifice, bless us, and bless your devout believers!”

The mountain whispered a tsunami like a devout prayer.

Reverberate over the entire city of Gwush!

[Event]: Your followers held a pious sacrifice ceremony for you.

[Event]: Your followers sacrificed a ninth-tier demigod-level ‘Night Elf Mother Tree’.

[Event]: You have gained 150,000 faith points.

[Talent]: The sacrifices you get have been multiplied by a hundredfold.

[Talent]: You have obtained a lower true god level ‘Black Moon Elf Mother Tree’.

“Is it another year of sacrifice day…”


Li Yue slowly opened his eyes.

The powerful power of the fifth turn demigod level flows in his body.

Every move.

They all carry far more terrifying powers than in the past.

The mighty purple light burst out.

The entire God’s Domain set off a stormy sea.

Endless Thunder is falling!

“That night elf mother tree…”

“It was actually increased to become the Black Moon Elf Mother Tree!”

He took a deep breath.

Black Moon Elf.

This is a high-level creature!

Adults can have the strength of the seventh-order epic!


As a sprite species.

Although in adulthood.

The strength is not as good as the black dragon, red dragon and other mid-level dragons.


Elf species do not have the bloodline restriction of dragons.

Just work hard enough.

Have enough time.

Promoting to the realm of a demigod may be great.

This is a very scary family.

And it’s the same as the high-level creatures such as dragons, angels, flames, and ancient trees of war.

Innately know how to fight.

Born to have a career template.

There is no need for another job transfer at all!

Altar of transfer.

That’s for the lower creatures!

“Never heard of it.”

“Apart from the legendary goddess of the night, is there any other deity?”

“Own a Black Moon Elf Mother Tree…”

He murmured.

The goddess of the night.

That is the supreme main god!

He gently clenched his fist.

This kind of treasure.

he thinks–

Don’t talk about the upper true god.

It may be the supreme main god.

Knowing that he has it in his hands.

Can’t help but rob.

It’s too precious.

For any deity.

This is the foundation!

Demigods are born with continuous energy!

And as long as there are enough demigods.

True God believers are likely to appear!


After a long time.

Li Yue calmed down.

The purple in his eyes revolves.

Look at the Black Moon Elf Mother Tree that is already in the realm of God.

The leaves of this elven mother branch are pitch black, like his deepest night.

There was another trace of moonlight, hazy.

On the trunk.

A large number of strange god patterns flashed with a faint black brilliance.

This is a strain just by looking at it.

You can know the extremely extraordinary sacred tree responsibility!

【Black Moon Elf Mother Tree】

【Level】: Lower God Level

[Effect]: Absorb dark energy, can breed the upper creature “Black Moon Elf”

[Professional template]: Black Moon Priestess, Black Moon Magister, Overwatch, Demon Hunter (Nightmare beast required)



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