Chapter seven hundred and seventy-six shelter

He said coldly: “This man hurt my son, this old man took his life, I hope you don’t stop him!

After he finished speaking, there was a murderous intent in his eyes, and a powerful aura instantly enveloped Li Yue!

Being in Aoki’s main town, Li Yue only felt cold all over.

At the same time, when he saw the overwhelming momentum coming towards him, he hurriedly shouted:

“Master, if your old man doesn’t do anything, you will lose an apprentice, a genius who is shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods!

“In the middle of the Yuanji realm, I actually want to hurt my beloved disciple!” Ziyang Zhenren waved his hand.

The powerful momentum that attacked Li Yue disappeared in an instant!

At the same time, the long sword that originally surrounded his body suddenly cut out a sword beam with a size of dozens of feet.

Cut towards the main guard of Aoki.

Ziyang Zhenren didn’t give any face, so he attacked him, and the main guard of Aoki was very angry.

Loudly: “You don’t hesitate to start a war, but also cover him up!

At the same time, a grey roulette wheel roared up and turned frantically in front of it, facing the sword light that was slashing!


The powerful airflow generated by the collision spread out in the sky, and the main guard Aoki trembled slightly!

And Li Yue below just felt a strong gust of wind blowing from the sky in an instant!

“A random move from this seat will make you so difficult! You still want to fight, but you can’t!” Ziyang Zhenren did not attack again!

After all, the two of them are high-level sects, and every move represents the will of the sect, so it is okay to fight.

If you are wounded and killed, I am afraid it will cause a war between the two sects!

Usually you don’t have to pay attention, but in this special period, Ziyang Zhenren had to be restrained!

“This person killed my son!” Master Aoki repeated again!

But because of fear, he didn’t shoot Li Yue again!

“Do you want to intervene in the grievances between the disciples, or Tianyuan, you want to bully the small.

If you beat a small one, a big one will come!” Ziyang Zhenren said with contempt.

“Hmph, it’s my son’s first time going down the mountain, what kind of grievance can he have!” Aoki Master Guard said coldly.

“Back then, a young man was framed by the ruler of Aoki, who abolished his dantian and expelled him from Tianyuan.

You forgot so quickly, Great Elder!” Li Yue said through gritted teeth!

Lord Aoki once again set his eyes on Li Yue, but he didn’t remember it!

“My name is Li Yue!” Li Yue reminded very happily.

Aoki’s main guard’s eyes narrowed, he finally remembered something, and said with a chill on his face: “Very good, I will spare your life at that time.

It turned you over, but I hope you can continue to grow and don’t give up halfway!

Glancing at Li Yue coldly, it turned into an afterimage and flew towards the direction of the ruins!

Although the fight between Ziyang Zhenren and Aoki main guard is only a stop, but a seed has been planted in Li Yue’s heart.

The seed of the strong heart!

One day, I will come to Yuanji Realm and see Donglai Xiao!

Seeing the figure of Aoki’s main guard leaving, Li Yue was thoughtful!

This is not over!

“How about you, Master, I’m not powerful!” Ziyang Zhenren winked at Li Yue and said.

“Ah… 11

Hearing this, the real person Ziyang trembled, almost falling from the sky, and said coldly:

“You stinky brat did it on purpose, it’s a shame I rescued you just now!”

Li Yue smiled, but did not speak, but slandered in his heart: “Aren’t you my master?

Shouldn’t it be right to save me?”

“I’m about to break through, Master help me protect the law!”

Li Yue has already reached the critical point of breakthrough, but the external environment is not safe, so there is no breakthrough.

Now that there is Ziyang Zhenren here, then he can rest assured and boldly break through!

“You can rest assured, there is a teacher here, nothing can disturb you!”

Immortal Ziyang immediately radiated his spiritual power to all directions, and at the same time, the pressure of the Yuanji realm powerhouses spread out in all directions.

The powerful coercion will drive away all the monsters around!

The breakthrough of Holding Yuanjing is different from previous breakthroughs!

When the quantity and quality of the true qi of a martial artist in the condensing realm have accumulated to a certain extent.

The dantian will directly turn into a sea of ​​spirits, which greatly increases the storage capacity of infuriating energy, thereby enhancing the strength of the warrior!

Li Yue did not dare to be small because his dantian was different from others.

He had to devote himself fully to the breakthrough, shielding all external perceptions.

In doing so, there is no doubt that he unconditionally believes in the real Ziyang!

“Hey, this little guy!” Li Yue’s every move naturally couldn’t escape the eyes of Master Ziyang.

For Li Yue, Ziyang Zhenren is full of appreciation!

…for flowers,

Not only admire his incomparably enchanting talent, but also admire his low-key and steady character!

It’s easy to break through, and it’s easy to grow up only by choosing a genius who hides his edge properly, and Li Yue is just such a person!

Li Yue, who immersed himself in the breakthrough, was already shocked by the changes in his body!

His dantian was originally destroyed, but after Xiaojian settled here.

It automatically assumed the function of Dantian, so he was also worried that there would be any bad changes in the breakthrough at this moment!

However, the result was somewhat beyond his expectations. In his dantian, a lake appeared like something out of nothing.

A steady stream of infuriating energy gathered here, and the lake slowly expanded for a while.

This lake is the Spiritual Sea formed after breaking through the Yuanyuan Realm!

But the outside world has undergone tremendous changes, with Li Yue as the center, a huge vortex suddenly appeared.

Violently swept the surrounding heaven and earth aura, and this aura began to grow continuously.

Ten meters!

Fifty meters!

One hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

Spread all the way to a kilometer range!

Ziyang Zhenren, who was protecting the law in the sky, suddenly changed his face, and with a big wave, he quickly covered up the vision caused by Li Yue!

But the huge spiritual vortex swept wildly, and the surrounding spiritual energy could not be concealed.

Real Ziyang has no choice but to take good care of Li Yue!

Radiation “Aura vortex with a range of 1,000 meters! Ziyang Zhenren gasped.

When a warrior of the Primordial Realm broke through for the first time, because of the creation of the spiritual sea, he needed to swallow the spiritual energy of the world.

To complete the transformation of the spiritual sea, so the spiritual vortex will be formed!

The bigger the spiritual vortex, the bigger the spiritual sea formed by the martial artist for the first time, and the higher the potential!

Looking back at that time, he was one of the most powerful geniuses in Tianyuan.

At that time, when he broke through the Origin Embracing Realm, the aura vortex barely reached about 180 meters!

Lin Qingxuan is one of the most talented disciples he has ever seen, breaking through the Yuanyuan Realm and forming a spiritual vortex of more than 300 meters!

This is how big a spiritual sea needs to be formed to form such a big spiritual vortex!

Only a large enough spiritual sea can absorb and store so much spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, it will be instantly squeezed by this huge amount of heaven and earth aura! Righteousness.

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