Chapter 786 Shadow Stone

“This identity token actually has such a function, but let’s go and see what’s going on!

Li Yue immediately went out of the hole in the air.

I had been to Tianxuan Hall once before, so Li Yue followed his memory.

He quickly rushed to the outside of the hall. At this time, many young disciples had gathered here, all of whom were above the realm of condensing.

After Li Yue arrived, he looked around and found no one acquaintance, so he found a place at will.

Outside the Tianxuan Hall, it was originally a huge square, independent of the five peaks.

It is not among the outer peaks, it is a middle ground.

Hundreds of people have gathered on the square, and there are still people rushing to it.

Some of the disciples’ cultivation was so profound that even Li Yue couldn’t tell the depth.

After a while, three figures came towards Li Yue.

It was Huangfu Mingyue, Huangfu Xiangtian and Zhang Wucheng who joined the sect together with Li Yue.

“Li Yue, we haven’t seen you for a long time yesterday.

“Huangfu Xiangtian still has the same character as before.

He greeted Li Yue across the distance and said, “Why, why didn’t Nangong Wan stay with you!”

Li Yue automatically ignored Huangfu Xiangtian’s words and said with a smile: “Three, long time no see, your cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds!”

“In addition, my real name is Li Yue, Wan Shanhai was just a pseudonym at the time, the three of you are sorry!

“The name is just a code name, as long as you know your face anyway!”

Huangfu Mingyue is relatively straightforward, with the spirit of a man.

“Haha, what Princess Mingyue said is reasonable, whether Li Yue or Wan Shanhai, you are one of my friends!”

Although Zhang Wucheng doesn’t speak much, he is also more heroic.

The three chatted with each other for a while again, exchanging some cultivation experience, and time passed slowly!

The disciples above the realm of condensed truth arrived in an endless stream, and the originally spacious square was gradually filled with people.

Disciples also have their own circles, and dozens of circles are formed on the entire square.

“Brother Li!”

At this time, a voice suddenly entered the ears of everyone, looking for the voice.

A pretty figure, bypassing the crowd, suddenly appeared in the eyes of the four.

Looking at the girl walking by, a hint of joy appeared on Li Yue’s face.

Although I had expected it long ago, I was really surprised when I saw it.

Huangfu Mingyue, Zhang Wucheng, and Huangfu Xiangtian looked at each other.

There was such an expression in his eyes.

“Brother Li, I knew you would definitely come here too, but it took me a while to find you!”

Nangong Wan came up and took Li Yue’s arm directly, very natural, and didn’t care about other people’s eyes.

Feeling the softness from his arms, Li Yue trembled.

With a slightly reddish face, he said, “Wan’er, there are so many people here, be careful!”

Although Li Yue is always flattered in front of outsiders, no matter how big it is.

Rarely caused his mood swings. But in front of Nangong Wan, he seemed to have become an ordinary person.

Heartbeat, blush, and caring about what others think.

“Hey, Big Brother Li blushed!

Not only did Nangong Wan not let go, she hugged her tighter, as if she was afraid that the other party would escape.

“Ah ah ah! It’s sour, sour! Some people don’t care too much about other people’s feelings!”

Huangfutian said sourly as if he had been hit by a hundred million critical hits.

“Sister Mingyue, long time no see.

Nangong Wan, who was holding Li Yue’s arm, also ignored Huangfu Xiangtian, and instead greeted Huangfu Mingyue.

Li Yue was like this, and so was Nangong Wan, which made Huangfu Xiang grit his teeth.

He had to look at the other people in the square to resolve the embarrassment.

Wan’er, “Sister, you can think of us now, and thought you only had your big brother Li in your eyes!”

Although Huangfu Mingyue’s speech was sloppy and generous, the words were full of ridicule.

And a pair of beautiful eyes also looked back and forth on Li Yue and Nangong Wan.

Li Yue quickly adjusted his mind, although his heart was still beating.

But his face has returned to normal, and he is very calm in the face of Huangfu Mingyue’s patrolling gaze.

Nangong Wan’s pink and tender face showed a touch of red, and she smiled sweetly: “Mingyue sister is joking!”

“Haha, the two of you have changed too quickly, you deserve to be a couple!” Huangfu Mingyue was amused by this scene and smiled.

Huangfu Mingyue herself is also extremely beautiful, and her body has a noble temperament.

The smile is full of beauty, which naturally attracts a bystander.

Nangong Wan’s heart tightened, and she raised her head quietly, wanting to see if Li Yue was attracted by Huangfu Mingyue.

…for flowers,

But when she just raised her head, she suddenly met Li Yue’s handsome picture.

The face that never gets tired of seeing, at this moment, is only 0.01 meters away, and has never been so close.

Each other can hear each other’s heartbeat, can see each other in each other’s eyes, and can feel the heat of each other’s exhalation.

Time seems to freeze at this moment, in this great world, only he and her are left!

The breeze blew, and the loud noise came again, and the two smiled at each other.

Very calm. Because each other’s eyes are very clear, only the figure of the other side can’t hold other things.


Suddenly, there was a strong and full of air in the square.

Then I saw a handsome man with ruddy skin and white hair walking out of the hall!

“Really Qingyun!”

Although Li Yue had only met the person once, he was so impressed that he recognized him immediately.

“I have seen Qingyun real person!

Seeing that the person who came was the master of Qingyun Peak, Master Qingyun, the original noisy voice on the field suddenly disappeared.

All salute him respectfully.

Master Qingyun said loudly: “The sect master has an order to order the disciples of each peak to enter the hall to discuss.”

So everyone filed in in an orderly manner, followed by Li Yue and Nangong Wan.

When I entered the hall, I found that there were already dozens of people sitting in the upper seats waiting.

“Sect Master, why are the bells ringing three times? Could something major happen to me in Tianyuan!”

Seeing that people were almost there, Master Qingtian, who was sitting in the upper position, first asked.

Qi Zhixuan, who was sitting on the main seat, replied helplessly: “It’s not that something big happened!

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Qi Zhixuan said again: “But something very important happened!

People: “??????

“It’s an eventful autumn. Not long ago, the demon sect came to disturb, and now there are monsters attacking!”

After speaking, he stood up and waved his hand.

A silver-white stone flew out, and a picture suddenly appeared above the hall!

On that picture, there are many monsters starting to rush out of the Dead Silent Mountains on a large scale.

Attacking the human city, along the way, all the people encountered will become food in the belly of monsters!

“This is an image recorded by the deacon in the sect with the image stone. After sending the image stone to the sect, he died of medical treatment!”

Qi Zhixuan said regretfully. righteous.

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