Chapter 107 A monster is looking for us, run away

At this time, Li Fan had fought against the young man for hundreds of rounds. It was also the first time that Li Fan had fought fiercely for so long. Usually, relying on his tyrannical strength and supernatural powers, he quickly resolved the battle.

This was the first time he encountered this situation, but Li Fan did not feel upset at this time, but gradually became immersed in it.

I was immersed in the rapid ascension of actual combat experience, and the joy of gradual improvement in his own swordsmanship.

He feels that if he can get out from here this time, even if his Cultivation Base Realm remains unchanged, his strength will also have a huge Ascension.

Bang bang bang! Li Fan seized the opportunity to repel the young man with his own tyrannical physical power, and finally forced him into the enclosing wall of the Spirit Earth Shield that had been brewing and cohesive since a long time ago.

Three wide and tall stone walls of spiritual earth shield surrounded the young man, and then Li Fan quickly blocked the last vacant place with a stone wall.

A square stone wall was formed.

Soul soil thorn!

With a wave of Li Fan’s hand, a few small sharp spiritual soil thorns emerged from the young man’s feet in the dark yellow stone wall, piercing his body.

Then, the four stone walls disappeared, the young man was covered with blood holes, and his figure slowly disappeared.

“Finally passed this level… I don’t know what’s going on outside, I don’t know if those disciples in the sect have practiced hard…”

Canglan Domain, Xingqin County, within the Jinling Sect.

Song Yu’s face was tired and worried. She had been a little restless since some time ago, and she didn’t know what was going on.

The Cultivation Technique she cultivated can greatly ascension her spiritual sense, and make her sense of danger very powerful. After coming to this world, she has gone all the way with her own fifth rank Cultivation Technique of the Golden Spirit Sect. .

She also avoided many dangers by relying on her especially excellent spiritual sense. She led her disciples into the fog to explore several times, and it was her spiritual sense to avoid encountering powerful weirdness or Demonic Beasts.

Only this time, after receiving news from a friend who had entered the Redridge Stone Forest with her to complete the last system mission three days ago, she had been a little restless.

That person, like her, was also exposed to Li Fan’s light, assisted in completing the system task, and received five hundred points of merit.

With this merit point, the person’s strength, Realm Ascension, is also faster. When chatting with her a week ago, it was said that he had reached the ninth level of the Tongqiao Realm.

I plan to make another breakthrough in the Ascension Tower. Ascension uses actual combat experience to find a breakthrough opportunity. By the way, Ascension ranks.

But just three days ago, that person suddenly sent her a message. Song Yu hurriedly responded to the inquiry after seeing it, but he was not getting a reply from that person.

After a while, Song Yu saw that the person’s system avatar had gone dark.

This means that the person is dead…

This time Song Yu’s inner anxiety reached its extreme. She recalled the last message that came, “A monster is looking for us, run away.”

Song Yu muttered to herself: “What monster? Looking for us? What are you doing with me.”

Her mind turned over. She and the person only met in the Redridge Stone Forest, and there was no other intersection except that time, if what the person said was true.

That monster… could only be looking for them who went to the Redridge Stone Forest to complete the mission.

Song Yu, who had figured out the key, was shocked and hurriedly contacted the people who had been involved in the task, only to find out that something really happened.

At the beginning, they participated in the Redridge Stone Forest mission together, except for some who died in the stone forest, plus her own total of twenty-five people.

But now as soon as she got in touch, she found that the system avatars of fifteen people had gone dark, apparently they had been killed.

The other eight of them also learned about the incident under her notification. Some moved their families and prepared to escape, and some were looking for powerful allies to fight against unknown monsters.

Originally, Song Yu wanted to find Li Fan, and the two cases worked together to overcome the difficulties, but she couldn’t get in touch with Li Fan, and she sent many messages without receiving any response.

Now her heart became more anxious, “Is Li Fan killed too?” She quickly checked and found that Li Fan’s avatar was still normal in the system display, and she was relieved.

If someone as strong as Li Fan is horrible, she will be even more hopeless.

But knowing that Li Fan is okay and useless, she still can’t get in touch.

She sent the last message to Li Fan and asked him to contact her after seeing it.

Then closed the system interface.

After exploring Dongtianfudi together last time, she also established some friendship with the supreme view master. She was not ready to sit and wait for death, and stood up to go to the supreme view for help and prepare to resist this crisis.

She had also thought about whether to take the entire Jin Lingzong whole sect with 700 disciples to move and run, but she felt that since the monster could find and kill many people from the north and the south.

She can’t run away even if she runs, because she doesn’t know how the monster found them, she couldn’t find a way to solve the monster tracking them, and where she could go…

“No matter how much resources are paid, the price must be overwhelmed by this crisis.” Song Yu made a decision in his heart and walked outside the Jin Lingzong.


Just when Song Yu walked out of the Great Hall of Jin Lingzong, a huge sound came from the clan. The gate of Jin Lingzong was knocked down by a black light, and then the whole cold gray mist enveloped the whole Jin Lingzong.

In the gray fog, a huge goat-shaped shadow that was three stories tall came slowly from outside the gate of Jinlingzong Mountain.

The goat shadow held a handful of black long thorns in his hands. On the long thorns were several Jin Lingzong mountain patrol disciples who were covered in blood with blood in their mouths, and the Jin Lingzong disciples who were pierced by the black thorns were dying and still had a breath, they Seeing Song Yu’s lips open and close, he made a very small cry.

“Zong… Sect Leader, fast…fast…run.”

The goat shadow glanced at the person in his hand, opened his mouth full of fangs, and bit on the dying disciples of Jin Lingzong like a string.

He swallowed them all into his mouth and chewed.



The big mouth of the goat’s shadow opened and closed, and wisps of scarlet blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.

There was still sticking on the black thorn, and the unclean arm stuck on the monster’s spike.

It flicked its bony claws that held the long and narrow black thorns, and flicked the arms attached to the black thorns like a mosquito.

The broken arm with the slivers of meat flew around and fell in front of Song Yu, splashing a few drops of blood on her pretty and soft face.

Song Yu stood outside the Great Hall Of The Sect, looking pale and angry with the scene in front of him.

Seeing this monster killing her disciples in such a way, a red firebird with a terrifying temperature that burned and twisted the air around her appeared before her. Some melting heat waves hit the goat shadow.

“Golden Crow nine changes.”

This spell is a third rank spell that she has accumulated for a long time to exchange merits, and is her most powerful skill at the bottom of the box.

She wanted to use this technique to turn the monster that brutally swallowed her disciples into ashes.

“Die me!” Song Yu let out an angry roar.

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