Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One

Seeing such a sudden change, the two thousand disciples of Qianyuanzong looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the entire Qianyuanzong became tense, like a volcano about to erupt.

Hengqing, who hadn’t reacted for a while, looked out of the hall in confusion.

When Fu Bingying saw her disciple Yang Ling’er suddenly wounded and abandoned to Cultivation Base, an anger surged in her heart, and she also looked at the figure outside the hall.

“Junior Brother Heng, you still have such a hesitating character. These people will deal with them as they violate the rules. What’s the hesitation?”

Outside the door, a young man with a cold face and a strong figure walked in with the nine people behind him. It was Ren Guan and others who returned to Sect.

The quarrel that occurred in the Great Hall just now and the quarrel between Fu Bingying and Hengqing had long been heard by Ren Guan and others who had returned to Sect.

How could they have not walked to the Great Hall Of The Sect for so long after returning to Sect?

It’s just that Ren Guan and the others heard their voices being discussed in the hall, and they didn’t appear for the time being.

The nine people who were behind Ren Guan had just escaped from the crisis of life and death and survived.

I saw myself Sect Leader came back and got rid of the monster, I was full of joy, and I thought that when they came back, I must appreciate the admiration and admiration of these fellows in the next sect.

As a result, they didn’t expect that when they came back, what they heard was not the gratitude and praise from their clan members, but the slander and insult to them and the Renguan who took them to the front line!

Several of the violent ones drew out their long swords at their waists, and rushed in to kill the group of ungrateful white-eyed wolves.

Especially Wang Ling, who was saved by Li Fan between life and death.

In order to give these colleagues in Qianyuanzong a longer time, he exploded and overdrawn the Spirit Power of his body, and left the team alone to lead away the monster.

It can be said that he has resignedly accepted the ending of his Death. At that time, he had fear, fear, and regret in his heart, but he had never regretted it!

What he was thinking at the time was that he must not betray the cultivation of Qian Yuanzong and Li Fan, and the trust of other colleagues in the clan.

He was willing to face the terrifying monster by himself in order to give his own family a little more chance to survive.

But he didn’t expect to return to Sect until he discovered that own behavior is a joke in the eyes of others.

Wang Ling’s warm heart became cold, frigid, and disappointed.

At a critical moment, Ren Guan stopped several people who wanted to do something. He wanted to see how Fu Bingying, who had faintly expressed a different meaning before he left, would deal with such a thing.

He wanted to know what Fu Bingying’s attitude towards Qian Yuanzong had in the absence of Li Fan.

Until the end, he saw Fu Bingying, who prevented Hengqing from implementing the rules, and used righteous public opinion to oppress Hengqing, and shook his head.

In the end, he made a bold move and abolished the five people neatly.

“Hall Master Ren, how dare you personally hurt the same door inside the door, and also abolished their Cultivation Base. In this perilous outside world, isn’t this tantamount to extinguishing their hope of survival and putting them to death? .”

Fu Bingying helped Yang Linger who fell on the ground and fed her a Medicine Pill. After her injury was stabilized, she watched Ren Guan walk into the Great Hall step by step and said angrily.

Ren Guan glanced at her coldly, without speaking.

Fu Bingying looked unhappy, and said, “Hallmaster, do you want to intensify the contradictions in Sect?”

“Noisy!” Ren Guan snorted coldly without even looking at Fu Bingying.

Fu Bingying was choked by Ren Guan’s words and looked at Ren Guan bitterly.

She did not expect that Li Fan was missing and Qian Yuanzong had just escaped from the crisis.

Ren Guan dared to act so domineering, and didn’t care what she and the other disciples in the clan thought, so he directly abolished a few people.

They were just agitated for a while, and they said a few words of speculation. No matter how powerful this is, Yazi will report it, fierce and vicious.

You have to know that there are as many as 1,600 disciples who have just thought of this. No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to be an enemy of the entire Sect.

But now it is also a good opportunity. This Renguan offends most people in Sect, and there is no news from Li Fan for so long.

If she wins people’s hearts now, maybe she can… After all, she chose to join Li Fan to save the lives of her disciples.

Now Li Fan is gone, and there is no one in Qian Yuanzong who can resist the tripod. This Ren Guan acted so aggressively and domineeringly, she naturally worried that her disciples of Cold Water Sect would be persecuted by him.

It is better for her to control Qian Yuanzong, and there are many resources here. If she can get these resources, she can better protect her Sect.

Thinking that Fu Bingying was not talking here, she just looked at Ren Guan quietly, she wanted to see what Ren Guan planned to do.

Ren Guan walked to Hengqing’s side and nodded to Hengqing.

Seeing his calm expression, Heng Qing calmed down his nervousness.

Regardless, he was originally not good at handling this kind of Sect things, let this kind of thing be left to Ren Guan, as long as he firmly supports his own friends.

Ren Guan turned his head and scanned the Great Hall for a while, and said, “I know that many of you are uncomfortable now. Some of you look down on me, some think I am greedy and fearful of death, and some think I act harshly and domineeringly.

But that’s okay. I usually feel that I’m rigid and strict and have complaints against me.

But you slandered and slandered the group of people behind me who fought for Qian Yuanzong and even willingly gave up their lives.

Without them, you might have been killed by that monster a long time ago. Even if you were rescued afterwards, you might have been so scared that you were rolling all over the floor. ”

Ren Guan shouted: “So remember, you people, no you trash are not qualified to laugh at and slander those who are desperately protecting this Sect.”

After Ren Guan finished speaking, there was an uproar below.

Many people glared angrily and scolded their Ren Guan loudly, and some even wanted to act on them.

However, some people also heard the key point in Ren Guan’s words, “Hall Master Ren, what do you mean by being rescued afterwards? What happened to the monster outside of the clan just now.”

“The monster is dead!” Ren Guan replied.

“What, dead? Could it be that Hall Master Ren and the others killed it?”

“How is it possible? Ren Guan must be holding on, that monster can’t die.”

“Yes, I guess that monster has the strength of Innate Realm, let alone Ren Guan, even if all of us in the whole clan play together, it may not be able to fight.”

Ren Guan cleared his throat and calmly said: “Don’t guess, it was Sect Leader who came back and killed him.”

Hearing Ren Guan’s words, the entire Great Hall fell silent.

Fu Bingying, who stood by and waited for a good show, also changed her expression.

Ren Guan continued: “After Sect Leader killed the monster just now, he has already set out to find the rest of the monster’s accomplices, and plans to solve them all at once.”

“Before, it was because of the unique aura of that monster that had enveloped Qian Yuanzong, which caused the news of the talisman not to be sent back.

At this time, the news of Sect Leader should also be sent back, so why don’t you take the talisman I gave you and take a good look at Fu Da Sect Leader. ”

“What?” Fu Bingying’s face was shocked, she quickly took out the jade talisman and looked at it. This glance left her in a daze. After a long time, she recovered and murmured: “Sect Leader, he… is back. .”

At this time, she confirmed the news of Li Fan’s return, her heart was mixed, and she couldn’t tell what it was like for a while.

Originally, it was reasonable to say that this was a good thing, but she was uneasy in her heart.

Hearing Fu Bingying’s confirmation of what Ren Guan said, no strange words came out in the hall.

Everyone was quiet.

However, Ren Guan continued self-consciously: “This incident happened suddenly, but it also allowed us Qian Yuanzong to see a lot of things. When Sect Leader returns everything, I will truthfully report it.

People with merit must not chill their heart, merit will be rewarded, of course, as for others…” Ren Guan paused for a while and didn’t say anything.

Before this time, all the people who questioned Ren Guan had their faces as earthy and ugly as if they had eaten flies, and they closed their mouths and said nothing.

For fear of being noticed by Ren Guan.

The mob, that’s it… Suddenly there was a word that Li Fan had said to him that he had never heard before, and sighed.

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