Chapter 141 Speculation on the Amplification Mechanism

This is the function of the National Sect Leader system.

As for the 100-fold amplification system, the second system that was only bound behind Li Fan, after this period of time, Li Fan also had some guesses about its function and origin.

Its origin can be said to be extremely mysterious. Like the National Sect Leader system, it was silently bound to Li Fan, and it seemed that no one else was bound to this system except for his accident.

In the two crises encountered by Li Fan, the first time in the Redridge Stone Forest was the Sect Leader system that actively burned the Heavenly Dao merits in his body to resist the monster that occupied his body.

But in the end, as the merits in his body were exhausted, he still relied on the supernatural powers he obtained to master the five thunders and completely wiped out the monsters in his body.

And it can be said that the five-thunder supernatural powers that accompanied him to grow up to the present were brought to him by the Hundred-fold Amplification System.

Heavenly Dao rewards can also increase, this system is indeed extremely powerful.

During the second crisis, it was the first time that he deviated from the national Sect Leader system and the existing practice system in this world.

Passing through all 720 acupoint(s) of oneself and stepping into the Foundation Building realm, when God’s punishment came to the world and hundreds of weird people gathered to besiege him.

That time, the Sect Leader system of the whole nation produced a slight rejection of him, and even the Heavenly Dao merit that should be rewarded to him for killing the weird was unwilling to land on him and merge with him.

In the end, the Hundred Times Amplification System broke out with a powerful suppressive force, suppressing the Sect Leader System and the Heavenly Dao merits.

From this, Li Fan drew some conclusions. First of all, the national system is not connected with the Hundred-Amplification System, but may be a hostile relationship.

Because the national system has some ambiguous relationship with Heavenly Dao, and that time he was promoted to the Foundation Building realm and descended from the sky above the heavenly punishment, the hundredfold increase system in his body suddenly fluctuated sharply, showing extreme disgust and opposition to the heavenly punishment. .

Li Fan’s thoughts quickly turned, “Heavenly Dao, the national system, the realm, the immortal way, the hundred-fold increase system, the dispute over the orthodoxy?”

Do these two systems represent a war between two orthodoxy in this world?

It seems that this is indeed possible, and Li Fan is shocked by the conclusion he has drawn.

If this is the case, this kind of battle is not something he can participate in as a small Foundation Building cultivator, and even if he gets involved in it, he will definitely end up with a crushing fate.

Li Fan pressed this conclusion to the bottom of his heart and no longer thought about it. It was useless to think about this kind of thing. Only when he became stronger would he have a choice.

The most important thing now is how to use these two systems that may be hostile to each other and ascension own strength as much as possible.

Li Fan turned his head to summarize the functions of the next hundred times amplification system.

As far as we know, the Heavenly Dao rewards can be increased, and the gains from killing weirdness can be increased.

However, the items purchased with merits in the Star Palace cannot be increased, the items purchased by the system trading bank cannot be increased, and the increased items that he has experimented with cannot be triggered by the disciple. Items such as elixir and spirit weapons made will not increase.

To sum up, the first possibility is that all the items he obtains directly or indirectly through the increase, no matter how many hands they pass, and what form they are converted into (from the elixir to the Medicine Pill), they will not start to increase the increase.

The second possibility is that only the things he ‘obtained’ can increase, but the ‘purchased’ things cannot increase.

The third possibility is that for reasons of hostility between the two systems, things purchased and exchanged in the national system will not be increased by the hundredfold increase system.

Li Fan can’t make accurate judgments about the reason, but without exception, he wants to rely on his left hand to turn his right hand in these situations, increase the purchase of things in the system trading bank, and then sell them in an infinite loop. Impossible to exist.

There is no such a loophole for him.

And he took out the things he exchanged in the Star Palace and sold them to the local Sect forces outside the system, and the resources he harvested might be increased, so it seems.

The most suitable way for him now is to establish trading channels with these forces and use merit to purchase these precious items needed by Sect in exchange for the increase in resources such as Spirit Stones and elixir.

This is a relatively good road.

Li Fan decided that after finishing the Southern Moon Valley issue, he must open up the road of export trade.

“Only by making the difference in trade can people get rich faster.” Li Fan sighed, this is similar to his previous life.

Just when Li Fan was thinking about how to gather the wool of the two systems, making a difference to make him develop faster, and then chatting with Ji Ning with his own mind.

Chu Bianshan brought Lu Yu to the Great Hall.

“Leader Li, Sect Leader.” The two saluted.

Li Fan nodded.

Ji Ning asked, “What’s the matter?”

The two Chu Bianshan glanced at Li Fan, and then didn’t care. They had to tell Li Fan about this.

The two recounted what happened outside of the Great Hall.

“You mean, the Sect Leaders who left just now come back specifically to ask the Purity Palace for a place to practice in the Extreme Fire?” Ji Ning asked in surprise.

How embarrassed they to say it, this map that records the Extreme Fire Land was bought by his Purity Palace for 480,000 Spirit Stones.

They haven’t gone in yet, so why let them go in for free to practice and think beautifully.

“Tell them that I am still sure that the Extreme Fire Land exists or not. The route recorded on this map is too broad and it takes time to find it. I will talk about it later.”

Ji Ning waved his hand and said to the two.

The two nodded, preparing to turn and leave.

“Wait.” Li Fan said, “Two Elders, who brought this up first?”

“It’s not that who mentioned it first, it was brought up by all Sect Leaders together.” Chu Bianshan replied.

“That’s weird. They were all put forward. They were discussed long ago? But at that time, no one in the parliament followed the parliament and raised them in front of Sect Leader, but after they left, they turned around and came back. Bring it up again.” Li Fan said lightly.

Ji Ning on one side listened to Li Fan’s words, and their minds turned.

Yes, if these people had already discussed it, it would not be better to tell the matter in front of Ji Ning.

Why have to wait until the parliament is over and go, and then find it back again? Isn’t this a superfluous act?

Could it be that something happened in the middle that they didn’t know?

When the three of them were still thinking about it, Li Fan took out the jade talisman that was slightly hot in his arms, showing a clear look on his face.

Sure enough, there was someone behind it.

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