Chapter 150: Tired, Destroy

“Could it be the reason why it has not been fully activated before?” After thinking about it, it seems that this explanation is more reliable, Li Fan asked.

In the previous battles, the enemies Li Fan faced were all crushed!

This sacred pupil who has great potential and help in the battle, Li Fan has never really used it with all his strength.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but it’s really too late.

Before he remembered to completely open the broken eyes, those enemies were all hacked to death by him.

Therefore, this is really the first time he has fully used his long-standing talent and magical powers.

And under this attempt, Li Fan finally saw the true potential of the Shattered Sacred Eye.

It may not be useful to face enemies much weaker than him.

But once faced with a powerful opponent, this talent’s supernatural power reveals its true ability.

It can be said that if the illusion pupils were not broken in this battle, the accurate judgment of the offensive trajectory of the two weird movements would have slowed down the two weird movements a lot.

It is impossible for Li Fan to suppress two weird things that are higher than his Realm in the early stage without being injured.

Later, in the face of the weirdness that is difficult to kill, Li Fan also relied on the effect of the sacred pupil to break through the weakness of the enemy, accurately found the two weird cores, and crushed them to destroy the two weirdness.

In this battle, the sage-punching pupil has made great contributions.

And now on his attribute panel, a column of talent supernatural power suddenly appeared, and the word Ascension was also displayed impressively on it.

This made Li Fan’s heart move.

He first exchanged for a second rank Medicine Pill Nine Cauldrons that would allow him to quickly recover from his injury.

【Nine Cauldrons: second rank Medicine Pill】

[Living dead, fleshy bones, first-class healing Medicine Pill]

“One is refreshing, two never tires, and three live forever.” Cough cough, Li Fan suddenly thought of a brainwashing voice.

He calmly swallowed Medicine Pill into his mouth, and circulated the true essence refining medicine power in his body.

In just ten breaths, the medicinal power of Li Fan Nine Cauldrons Xiao Huan Dan had been completely absorbed by him.

And the blood hole on the right side of his body that was torn and bloody right arm and abdomen was almost cut off by his waist, healed quickly with naked eyes.

After a while, Li Fan’s serious injuries completely recovered, and even his true essence became more solidified, and he was one step closer to the sixth floor of the Foundation Building.

“The Real Medicine Pill is really amazing. If I can get a few more, I am afraid that I will be able to enter the sixth floor of the Foundation Building after I finish hitting the face bird. It’s a pity…”

Li Fan sighed inwardly.

Produced by the Star Palace, they are all fine products.

Although this Nine Cauldrons is worthy of the second rank Medicine Pill, it is too expensive.

A small Nine Cauldrons pill cost him a full 60,000 merit points, and the merit points left on his body now are 52,000 merit points, which is not enough for the price of the second one. .

Since Li Fan couldn’t afford it, Li Fan stopped thinking about it.

While running the true essence in his body, he performed the Chisong Qi Searching Technique, looking for the positioning aura left on Ji Ning’s body.

On the one hand, I clicked the button on the property panel.

[Ascension breaks the sacred pupil and other orders][Ascension is successful, consumes Tiansha silk*1]

Seeing the prompt message of the system, Li Fan finally reacted, “I said how to display the prompt of Ascension, it turned out that it was because of the Tiansha Silk that I just got and don’t know what it does.”

“But what’s the relationship between the evil silk and the broken sacred pupil this day? I can’t see any connection from the introduction. Forget it, it’s important to do business first.”

Press the bottom of my heart to the bottom of my heart.

Li Fan is ready to wait until after this crisis is over, and then explore the role of his talents and supernatural powers.

See if you can exchange it for a similar treasure in the Star Palace.

As for now, Li Fan looked for the feedback given by Chisong Xunqi, his figure flickered, and he flew quickly towards the east.

“Don’t die.”

“Cough, cough, cough.”

In a white ice field, Ji Ning was covered in blood and pale, and he was speeding through the pure white glacial mountains.

Although he was scarred, he still didn’t dare to stop for a while.

He had a brief exchange of eyes with Li Fan just now, and he understood Li Fan’s plan.

Looking at the murderous look in Li Fan’s eyes, he knew that Li Fan was going to kill these three monsters.

And he heard Li Fan say that he was not sure of defeating this human face bird.

Then how to kill these three monsters.

The result was obvious. He had to block Li Fan’s knife again, and drew away the most threatening human face bird so that Li Fan could defeat them one by one.

And now, after he led the monster away, but only half an hour later, he was almost unable to hold on.

“This strange bird is really terrifying. Not only is its red feather as tough as steel, it has amazing defenses, and my attack is completely useless.

And this speed…”

Ji Ning remembered the fear of being dominated by this human face bird just now.

When he first entered the Dao realm, he had no intention of fighting head-on with the human face bird at first.

His goal is very clear, is to run, run as much as possible.

Run as far as you can.

He exploded with all his strength that had not yet been fully converted in his body, and continued to gallop, but the speed of the human face bird behind him was even more terrifying.

No matter how fast he flees, no matter which direction or remote corner he flees, he can’t escape the chase of this human face bird.

This injury of his body was left to him by being caught up by the human face bird several times.

But he felt a little strange.

Obviously the speed of this monster is much higher than that of him, but it is always a speed that just keeps up with him, falling far behind him.

Several times he felt wrong, and deliberately slowed his pace, and then immediately accelerated the speed of the human face bird hit.

It was like deliberately letting him speed up and flee desperately.

If I can catch up, I won’t catch up, just play?

Ji Ning gasped like a bellows, and his lungs were about to tear, making him feel very uncomfortable.

This is a feeling he hasn’t felt for a long time.

Since entering the Innate realm, he has never been so embarrassed, and now Cultivation Base has taken a step further, entering the Wendao realm and becoming a cultivator that can be regarded as a cultivator in the big realm, but he has become even more sad than before.

“What kind of evil did I do?” Ji Ning sighed in his heart, and he turned his head and glanced slightly.

Sure enough, the human face bird was still behind.

Suddenly, there was a cry in his ear, and a red glow flashed in front of his eyes.

Ji Ning was blasted away from a distance, and with a bang, he slammed into the iceberg behind him.

puff! Ji Ning coughed up blood, his eyes were dull, he knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

It was the human face bird who saw him turning back, his speed slowed down, and he rushed up to give him a moment.

This time, Ji Ning slumped under the iceberg, never getting up.

This situation made a difference for the crimson-faced bird. It tilted its head, looked at Ji Ning, who was covered in blood, and blinked.

Ji Ning also looked at it, and he lifted a sigh of effort and said in a low voice.

“Tired, destroy it, hurry up, daddy won’t run away.”

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