Chapter One Hundred Ninety Eight

There was a boom.

There was a cracking sound from the window of the room, but there was no damage to the position of the window.

Li Fan’s palm seemed to be slapped on the surface of the water, and the space began to ripple.

“Hidden magic circle!”

Everyone in Canglan Domain was shocked.

“Oh? I didn’t expect that there is a cultivator with good strength hidden in the Canglan Domain.”

A sound rang out of thin air in the room, as if coming from all directions.

Everyone looked for the direction of the sound, looking for the source of the sound everywhere, but found nothing.

Li Fan’s face was cold, his true essence was tumbling, a little light from his feet enveloped the entire room, and the five-colored fairy light filled the room.

It was the sixth rank fairy method he had just successfully practiced, Five Elements fairy light.

The five-color fairy light blended and expanded, and the tyrannical true essence in the fairy light filled the entire room with extremely destructive power.

Everything in the entire room, beds, tables and chairs, doors and windows, everything looks like the moon in the mirror, and looks more and more illusory in front of everyone.

Finally, under the sacred light of Five Elements, there was a click.

The whole room shattered like a mirror.

The room is still the same, but there are two more people at the window.

The two revealing their figures are Shan Mu and Feng Xiao.

At the moment, both of them looked a little solemn.

They originally wanted to use this hidden magic circle quietly laid down to hide their figures and talk with everyone in the Canglan Region.

First give them a deterrent to deter these people. If they don’t agree, they can hide their identity and find a chance to subdue these people next time.

Unexpectedly, that extremely high-rank hidden magic circle was discovered as soon as it was laid, and it was broken so easily.

This time his identity was exposed. If there is no agreement this time, I am afraid there will be no chance next time.

“It seems that this trip is not as smooth as expected.

Where did this amazing man emerge from? Obviously, I haven’t seen this person in Canglan Domain’s participation in Da Bi in the past few times…”

Both of them were muttering in their hearts.

Everyone in Canglan Domain looked at the two uninvited guests in front of them, and their faces were full of anger.

The two came uninvited and also used a very high-rank hidden magic circle. It must be that the one who came was not good.

“Yunlang Island Single Mu Sect Leader, Ziguangmen Fengxiao Sect Leader!

The two quietly visited late at night and didn’t say hello. What’s the point of this! ”

Ji Ning recognized the two at once and asked.

If it wasn’t for the cultivator in this holy desert city that couldn’t cast spells, he would have already shot at this moment.

Li Fan saw Ji Ning tell the story of the two of them. With a wave of his big sleeves, the whole room was covered with real yuan, blocking the two people’s way out.

Then he settled down, picked up the tea cup, and waited for Ji Ning to interrogate the two.


Feeling the vigorous Spirit Power all over the room, Feng Xiao and Shan Mu looked at each other, their expressions dignified.

“What are you fellow daoists doing? Feng Sect Leader and I just saw that fellow daoists from the Canglan Domain have also come to this inn. This time I want to come to say hello to you. It’s not a way of hospitality for all of you. …”

Shan Mu said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, none of the people in Canglan Domain spoke, they all looked at both Shan and Mu with cold eyes.

Even Feng Xiao’s face flushed red on this matter, and he was ashamed of Shan Mu’s ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Shan Mu smirked, and then said: “Of course, this time we came here and there are some things we want to discuss with several fellow daoists.

In previous competitions, the rankings of fellow daoists of the Canglan Region are always not satisfactory. It is clear that the senior cultivators of the Canglan Region are concerned about the safety of the entire Wilderness Region, and throw their heads in their blood for the stability of the Wilderness Region.

Feng Sect Leader and I saw the descendants of Canglan Territory senior, but they have been bullied and oppressed, and we can’t even do anything about our own territory, and we feel sad and indignant…”


When everyone in the Canglan Domain heard this Dan Mu’s words, their heads buzzed, and it was clear that they had trespassed into their room late at night to plot a crime.

After talking for a long time, they almost became righteous and awe-inspiring.

It’s pretty good to talk about it…

“Shut up! What are you talking about, or you will be killed!”

Ling Yun slapped the table and shouted.

He really couldn’t listen to these singular words, harp, and it sounded disgusting to death.

“You–” Feng Xiao’s face was pale, he wanted to say something, but he still held back.

The strength of the person who shot to break the hidden circle just now is not clear, but if he thinks that his strength is not weak, it is quite unwise to have a conflict now. You have to wait and delay for a while…

“Feng Sect Leader and I want to join the Canglan Domain and participate in the competition for you all.” Shan Mu said directly without being ashamed.

“Get out!” Ling Yun cursed.

This is already his extremely patient temperament, if it weren’t for the holy desert city, he would never have listened to these two people chirping for so long.

Ji Ning also resisted the anger, and said, “You two go back, I don’t need the kindness of the two in Canglan Domain.”

“Dear fellow daoist, don’t refuse in such a hurry. As far as I know, you in the Canglan Domain have not been able to get into the top five in the top five for a full seven times.

If this continues, Canglan Region will never have a bright future, lack of resources, and strength will only get worse and worse.

It’s better to cooperate with me and others. With the power of Sect, I will definitely help you get the top spot in this big competition, and hand it to Feng Sect Leader as the master of the time domain.

The resources harvested by the domain owner each year can be divided into 30%. You should consider this deal! After passing this village, there is no more shop…”

Shan Mu changed his previous attitude and became tougher, seemingly emboldened.

After speaking, the room fell silent.

What Shan Mu said was the truth, but that was before. Now Li Fan and his Qian Yuanzong disciple are present in Canglan Domain’s competition. Their strength is no longer comparable to the past.

It seems that these two people did not hear what they were talking about.

After listening to Li Fan for a long time, he also understood what the sneaky two were planning. Putting down the teacup, he said lightly: “I really don’t know, who gave you the confidence.

Help us Canglanyu win the top spot in the competition? Just because you two are worthy? ”

The two of them were pale.

“I and Shan Sect Leader are also kind. You waited for the Canglan Domain cultivator to treat me like this. It’s really deceiving!” Feng Xiao glared at Li Fan.

“Heh, what do you think you don’t know?” Li Fan cast a look at Feng Xiao, feeling that this person was really stupid, and then looked at Shan Mu, “I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“Wait…what?” Shan Mu’s face changed slightly.

“Wait for those people outside the door.” A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Fan’s mouth.

Before the words fell, a white light flickered outside the door, and five people in black clothes and masks appeared silently in the room.

As soon as the five figures were revealed, the Magical Item in their hands instantly rose up and attacked everyone in the Canglan Domain in the house.

Feng Xiao and Shan Mu, who had just been the only promise, also suddenly moved.

The two of them shot out their palms at the same time and blasted towards Ling Yun who was closest to them…

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