Chapter 251: The Purple Thunder Spiritual Essence Is Acquired, The Qualification Problem Solved

Hearing Li Fan’s words, Lingshan King smiled, “Li Sect Leader, but it doesn’t matter what I say, I still count.”

“First of all, I want to enter Tailing secret realm.” Li Fan looked at Lingshan King.

“No problem.” Lingshan King happily replied to Li Fan’s request.

Li Fan didn’t say what he was going in, and Lingshan King didn’t ask too much, it’s that simple.

Upon seeing this, Li Fan nodded and continued: “Secondly, I want to ask Master Lingshan King for some purple thunder spirit.”

“Purple Thunder Spirit?” Lingshan King heard Li Fan’s words, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. “I didn’t expect that the reputation of the Purple Thunder Spirit of my Holy Desolate City was so far spread, and Li Sect Leader even knew it.

But this is also a trivial matter. Originally, the reward for the first place in the Ten Territory Competition was this purple thunder spirit.

Everyone knows that the purple thunder spirit is a special treasure of my holy desert city, and this spirit is also produced from the Tailing secret realm.

However, it is a pity that since the Tailing secret realm was introduced into a lot of fog a hundred years ago, the purple golden tree that can produce purple thunder marrow has also withered.

After so many years, even though there is not much Purple Thunder Spiritual Essence left in my hand… but it is okay to give Li Sect Leader some. ”

Ji Ning and the others have been listening to the two of them since just now, and now they heard Lingshan King say that the purple gold tree that can produce purple thunder spirit marrow has withered.

A few people are a little bit lost at this moment, the Purple Thunder Spiritual Marrow is a good thing, it’s a pity that it disappeared like this…

If Lingshan King could have more in his hands, their Canglan Domain, as the leader of this competition, might also be able to get a few drops.

If they can get a few drops of the Purple Thunder Spirit, they will have a few more talented disciples.

Or they can use it by themselves…

After this competition, they realized how far they differed from the Sect Leaders in the other regions.

If they still can’t get Ascension in strength, not to mention that compared with Sect Leaders in other domains, the Realm of their own disciples will surpass them…

That would be too embarrassing.

But for Lingshan King’s words, Li Fan didn’t have any disappointed expressions on his face.

Looking at Li Fan’s unhappy appearance, Lingshan King said, “I still have one hundred and fifty drops of this Purple Thunder Spiritual Essence in my hands. I don’t know how much Li Sect Leader wants.”

Li Fan replied to the Lingshan King: “I wonder if Master Lingshan King can give me all of these one hundred and fifty drops of Purple Thunder Soul Essence!”


Hearing Li Fan’s words, Lingshan King had nothing to say.

But Ji Ning and the others were shocked, and now there may only be a hundred and fifty drops of purple thunder spirit left in the entire universe of stars, and Li Fan is going to leave all of them.

This… is a bit too cruel…

Lingshan King thought for a while, and a little entangled: “The contribution Li Sect Leader has made to the wild and wild area this time is an unworldly achievement. It stands to reason that Li Sect Leader wants these purple thunder spirits and I shouldn’t shirk it.

Don’t talk about these purple thunder souls, it is Li Sect Leader who said he wants more, and I will agree without hesitation.

But this Purple Thunder Spiritual Marrow really can’t be given to Sect Leader Li, at most only fifty drops of Spiritual Marrow…”

When the voice fell, Li Fan remained unmoved, waiting for Lingshan King’s explanation.

He wanted all the Purple Thunder Spiritual Essence in the hands of Lingshan King, and he also had his considerations. He did not intend to take away all the Spiritual Essence without leaving a little bit for the Lingshan King.

I just want to take this opportunity to maximize the benefits through the Hundred Multiplier System.

When the Purple Thunder Spirit Marrow arrived in his hands, that would be 15,000 drops of the Purple Thunder Spirit Marrow.

At that time, he could completely take out one hundred and fifty drops of the purple thunder spirit after the increase, and return it to the Lingshan King.

I just want to study the mysteriousness of the purple thunder spirit. Now that I understand it, I don’t need it…

But from Lingshan King’s hesitant words, he heard that it was definitely not because of Lingshan King’s stinginess that he was unwilling to give him this purple thunder spirit.

On the contrary, it seems that there is another secret.

But he didn’t know the specific reason. Looking at the embarrassed appearance of the Lingshan King, he was a little curious, and he did not directly say that he would return the spirit to the Lingshan King after the incident.

But waiting for Lingshan King’s explanation.

After Lingshan King was silent for a while, watching Li Fan finally opened his mouth: “Actually, although this wild and wild area was opened up from a barren area by my father and grandfather, the land where the wild and wild area is located is still in Chixiao Prefecture. Jurisdiction.

Of course, the Lord Hongyi, who is in charge of Chixiao Prefecture, will not take care of these things. He can open up a place from the barren land to accommodate the survival of the cultivator. This is the strength of my ancestors, and there is nothing to say.

But some Elders in the Chixiao Tiangong established by the Lord Hongyi didn’t think so.

That group of people is a group of purely selfish guys. Although the Holy Venerable Hongyi didn’t say anything to Mang Huang Da Yu, there are some Elders of the Scarlet Cloud Heavenly Palace under him, but he was thinking about Mang Huang Da Yu.

Because the other five big regions in Chixiao Prefecture pay a lot of resources to Chixiao Tiangong every year.

Therefore, they also demanded that the Wild Region must hand in a large amount of resources every year as a reward for their Chixiao Heavenly Palace to protect Chixiao Prefecture.

Due to the mighty strength of the Chixiao Heavenly Palace, my father had to be forced to agree to their unreasonable request, and this purple thunder spirit was an important resource for them to name. ”

Speaking of this, Lingshan King sighed.

“It came from a hundred years ago, after the purple golden tree in Tai Ling secret realm withered, the purple thunder spirit marrow in my hand also lost its source.

However, the group of people in the Chixiao Heavenly Palace still demanded that the share of the Purple Thunder Spirit Marrow should not be reduced, two hundred drops of the Purple Thunder Spirit Marrow in ten years!

The one hundred and fifty drops of the Purple Thunder Spiritual Essence this time is already the last Spiritual Essence in my hand. It was not enough to give to the people of Chixiao Heavenly Palace. The spirit of the drop, the rest will be made up with other resources.

If you give it all to Li Sect Leader, I am afraid…”

After listening to the words of Lingshan King, Li Fan also understood his worries.

This situation is nothing more than a phenomenon in which small neighboring countries paid tribute to large countries in the ancient times of Blue Star.

Although the background and era are different, there is no essential difference.

Once the resources for tribute are insufficient and they arouse their dissatisfaction, those big countries will drive their troops to attack small countries…

In fact, if it is this kind of dependency, Chixiao Prefecture can protect the wild and wild region from weird invasion, then it would be worth it.

But now, he knows how the last three generations of the ancestors of the Lingshan mountain step by step opened up the wild and wild region, a region that can provide billions of human beings.

In addition to the several major crises that have occurred in the wild area in recent times, he has never seen the shadow of anyone from the Chixiao Heavenly Palace.

Li Fan didn’t believe a word about the Chixiao Tiangong guarding Chixiao Prefecture’s safety.

Two hundred drops of Purple Thunder Spirit Marrow every ten years, they are also worthy to take?

“Chixiao Prefecture, Chixiao Tiangong, huh…”

Li Fan shook his head in his heart and said to Lingshan King, “Don’t worry, Lord Lingshan King, I want Purple Thunder Spirit Marrow to be curious about this kind of treasure capable of Ascension cultivator qualification.

So I want to study and see if I can find out the strangeness of the purple thunder spirit. After two days, if there is no research result, I will return all the spirits to Lord Lingshan King. ”

Hearing Li Fan’s words, Lingshan King thought for a moment, and then agreed. After all, Li Fan’s words were for this purpose.

In addition, if there is no Li Fan’s contribution this time, the entire wild and wild area will be destroyed, and it would be nothing to ask for some purple thunder spirit.

Even if Li Fan didn’t return the purple thunder spirit to him by then, he wouldn’t worry about it. In a big deal, he would go to war with those bastards in the Chixiao Tiangong. Anyway, he would have had enough of those people…

After thinking about it, King Lingshan took out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag around his waist and handed it to Li Fan.

“Here is all the Purple Thunder Soul Essence, Li Sect Leader, take it.”

Li Fan turned to the porcelain bottle, opened it and took a look.

I saw drop by drop inside, lying in a porcelain bottle with shining purple liquid on the surface.

There was not only a faint thunder light flashing on the purple liquid, but also a strange fragrance wafting out.

The strange fragrance floated to Li Fan’s nose just as soon as he smelled it, and Li Fan felt a mysterious sound in his ears.

Just across the bottle, Li Fan could feel the Bufan in the spirit of purple thunder.

“Sure enough, it’s a good thing.” After reading it, Li Fan put the porcelain bottle into the system backpack, and at the same time a familiar, crisp sound rang in his ears.

【Ding! Congratulations to Sect Leader for inspiring a hundredfold increase and gaining 15,000 drops of the Purple Thunder Spirit]

Hearing this long-lost voice, Li Fan smiled.

Fifteen thousand drops of the Purple Thunder Spirit Marrow, minus the one hundred and fifty drops to be returned to the Lingshan King, there are still a full 14,850 drops.

Qian Yuanzong under his sect now has more than 10,000 cultivators, of which about 6,000 have been stagnated because of insufficient aptitude.

He had been troubled by this matter before, but in the Star Palace, there was a Medicine Pill with the qualifications of ascension cultivator, named Qingli Patching Heaven Pill.

The Heavenly Dao Pill of this blue glaze requires a full exchange price of 1 million Heavenly Dao merits.

Qian Yuanzong has a total of 6,000 disciples, if they all use blue glaze to supplement the Ascension qualifications, then it would be a total of more than six billion Heavenly Dao merits…

What a joke…Even if he has a hundred-fold amplification system and wants to obtain so many Heavenly Dao merits, it is estimated that he will have to wipe out all the wild areas from the inside to the outside.

Kill all the weirdness in a million miles of land.

If he and Qian Yuanzong had this strength, how could they still need that blue glass to replenish the sky…

But this time he got 15,000 drops of Purple Thunder Spiritual Essence through Lingshan King, and now his Qianyuanzong disciples’ aptitude problem has been settled.

With all the things he wanted, Li Fan was also relieved, and said to King Lingshan, “Thank you, Lord Lingshan…

By the way, although this Lihuo Posha Formation can continue to operate to eliminate the fog of the wild and wild area, it still needs some Spirit Stones to ensure the operation of the great formation. ”

Lingshan King expressed his understanding of this. No large formation can operate out of thin air. It requires a large number of Spirit Stones to drive it.

He was mentally prepared for this.

Lingshan King asked: “It doesn’t matter, it’s nothing more than some Spirit Stones. How much is needed? Li Sect Leader said straightforwardly.

Although I have been fighting for many years in the wild and wild area, plus the exploitation of the bastards in the Scarlet Heaven Palace, the Spirit Stones are still enough…”

Looking at the confident Spirit Mountain King, Li Fan opened his mouth and said, “It’s not that many. Only 500 million Spirit Stones are needed each year to maintain the operation of the Lihuo Posha Formation…”

“Oh, five hundred million, nothing…” Lingshan Wang said smoothly.

But halfway through, he suddenly widened his eyes, his expression was a little surprised, “How much do you say? Five hundred million? Or is it every year?”

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