Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 222 The difference between milk powder and malted milk

After delivering the food, Luo Cheng returned to the factory. It was already past the time for work. But Luo Cheng was in the purchasing department, so basically no one would care about him. As a sign of respect, he would always have a work reason to go to the guard. As for verification, the people in the Security Department are not stupid. Not to mention that Luo Cheng is the section chief of the Purchasing Department. He is just an ordinary purchaser. Even if he is late for work, he will not argue with the purchaser.

But it is different in other departments, even the workshop director or the heads of some departments. Some people were late, but that was a real registration, very selfless.

When Luo Cheng arrived at his department, he felt a little like he had resigned without any incident. I just sat there for a while, and seeing that everyone had nothing to report, I found a reason to go out. In fact, when he came in the morning, everyone who had something to do had already told him. Arrangements have been made, and Luo Cheng is here as the section chief. Except for some special purchases, ordinary purchases are very simple and are basically taken care of by Luo Cheng.

It was not that Luo Cheng was leaving the machinery factory, but that he was going to talk to Wang De about something. But before going to Wang De, Luo Cheng first made an appointment with Section Chief Li. The two of them still like to talk under the tree outside the office building. It feels more comfortable to talk here, but it is just a waste of smoke.

Ever since Luo Cheng had a good cigarette, Section Chief Li acted as if he didn't have any cigarettes. The conversation basically consisted of asking Luo Cheng for cigarettes.

Chief Li, what happened last time you brought someone to my house to ask for malted milk? My wife said it was for babies and used as milk powder. This malted milk cannot actually be used as milk powder.

Why, I want to get the malted milk back. This is saving lives. Why can't it be used as milk powder? Although it is not as good as milk powder, many people use this as milk powder and there is no problem.

Don't get me wrong. There are some things I can't tell you clearly. Forget it, just use it if you can. If you need milk powder over there, just tell me in advance and I will find a way to get some.

Can you get milk powder too?

A little, a little at most.

After hearing Luo Cheng's words, Section Chief Li took a deep drag on his cigarette. He didn't expect that Luo Cheng could still get milk powder. This was in Changcheng, not Shanghai, and not Sijiu City. Most of the domestic milk powder is now imported. To buy milk powder, you have to go to specific overseas Chinese stores.

It's amazing that Luo Cheng was able to get tea. It's not that tea is in short supply in the country, but it's restricted. Most of it is for export, and what is exported is still more or less domestic. But relying on imported things is really not something that can be obtained with a small relationship.

After knowing that Luo Cheng could get the milk powder, the two chatted for a while and then separated. Just sell this malted milk to others, many people can get it, and sometimes it is also used as milk powder. As long as the baby is willing to eat, it's fine. Some weaned babies are still fed with rice water. Isn't malted milk not as good as rice water?

Luo Cheng actually didn't know how to explain to Section Chief Li that when he got this malted milk powder in the future era, he actually thought it was a bit too conspicuous to buy milk powder. At the beginning, he also believed that malted milk powder could replace milk powder, so he specifically checked the information in this area, only to find that it was still very different from milk powder.

The idea is that the protein content is lower than that of milk powder, but the sugar content is more than double that of milk powder. So milk powder actually doesn't have much sweetness, but malted milk soaked in water will make it very sweet.

But as Section Chief Li said, some children can survive even if they are fed rice soup. Could it be that malted milk is not as good as rice soup? And even if this is the case, I am afraid that after feeding the child for one or two months, the child will be fed rice soup instead. If you keep using malted milk, your family will definitely not be able to afford it if they don’t have any savings.

However, malted milk is very good for adults, especially in this era when everyone is basically short of sugar. Some have low blood pressure, but none have high blood pressure. Luo Cheng gave his wife malted milk, which is really good for pregnant women.

Section Chief Li has gone to work in the office building. He has a lot to deal with recently. Luo Cheng went to the guard, and with one look, Wang De understood what he meant. He immediately explained to other colleagues and followed Luo Cheng outside the factory to discuss matters.

Chief Luo, arranged for someone to follow that guy for quite a few days. That guy's life is pretty regular. He basically doesn't go anywhere else except commuting to and from get off work every day. But they didn't take our food in vain. They got it from other places. I found out a lot about that guy.

Oh, tell me.

Wang De liked to talk things out with Luo Cheng, but Luo Cheng also cooperated with him, so it was okay to be a compliment.

In fact, Luo Cheng knew part of what Wang De said. For example, Yu Qiang liked to drink. Because when we lived in the courtyard, people said that after Yu Qiang drank, he would easily beat his wife for no reason. He hasn't drank much recently, but maybe it's not that he doesn't want to drink, but that it's hard for everyone to drink now.

This wine is brewed from grain. At the end of last year, there were clear instructions from the local government to reduce the amount of wine and give priority to ensuring consumption.

Therefore, for this wine, even bulk wine used to require a drinking ticket, but now it is difficult for everyone to get a drinking ticket, even for bulk wine. If there is no brewing, no wine tickets will be issued, so naturally no one can get it.

Following Yu Qiang didn't reveal anything, but from other sources, it was found that Yu Qiang drank, but this was not a secret. However, someone found out about the other party's life experience. His father was a man who liked to beat his wife. However, his father was excusable. He joined the army before liberation and was considered a logistics force. Although he did not go to the front line, he still made a contribution.

But he returned home just over a year ago, and I don’t know who passed the news that his father had died on the battlefield. Then his mother was persuaded that she was with someone else, but when his father came back, he discovered that he was not dead. Of course, if he was dead, Yu Qiang would not be born.

Anyway, things became more embarrassing later on. His mother must have gone back to her old man, otherwise Yu Qiang would not have been born. But his mother really made his father a little embarrassed. Later, after liberation, Yu Qiang's father, although he was from the countryside, had also joined the army, so he took care of him and arranged a job.

But because of that incident, Yu Qiang's father may always be a hurdle in his heart that he can't get over. This habit of beating his wife was developed at that time. When Yu Qiang was a child, he must have been a mean person because of his mother, and he was often beaten when he was a child.

Yu Qiang's father died early, and Yu Qiang took over from his father. It is hard to say how the habit of forcibly beating one's wife and children developed. But there must have been some shadow of being abused in the family when I was a child, which caused my psychology to change a bit~T, and I like to beat my wife and children. Even if he drinks, he will beat his mother.

Damn it, no matter what the reason is that he likes to beat his wife and children. This has offended me, and I won't let him go. Forget it, do me one more favor and find someone to do that. Woman. Is there any way?

What is that?

It's that kind of thing.

Luo Cheng made a gesture with his hands. Wang De also had a wife, so he could understand what he meant at a glance. Originally, Luo Cheng wanted to help directly call someone to make the game, but he felt that Wang De was actually a bit unreliable, and if he actually asked him to do such a thing, if it was done, it would mean that he had a secret in his hands. . Although Luo Cheng could admit nothing at that time, he still felt that it was not good. He should at least find someone who would handle it for him if something happened.

As for asking Wang De to help introduce such a woman, it was because in this era, Luo Chengzhen didn't know her. This is just an introduction. Wang De will not be informed of what happens next. How to arrange it is Luo Cheng's business.

Even if he had to come into contact with people from three religions and nine schools in the future, Wang De would be the one to get involved at most. However, Wang De relied on his uncle's relationship to get in touch with some gangsters and pickpockets involved in the matter. A truly powerful person may not even be recognized by his uncle who is a good director.

In fact, Luo Cheng didn't have a particularly good plan for what to do next. He used to bully others in the town, which was at best a more direct way of teasing people. If he wanted to do this kind of thing in secret, he, who had been treated as a second-rate person before, really didn't have much ability.

However, he feels that in the information age of the future, if there are many questions that need to be answered, most of them can find corresponding answers, that is, solutions.

After get off work, go to my house and get some food for the helpers. I'll give you two pounds of eggs. Remember to help me find women like that. It's best to find a few more so I can choose.

Hey, thank you, Chief Luo.

After hearing the benefits of giving two kilograms of eggs, Wang De immediately thanked Luo Cheng. Even if the person he was looking for said it was true, Cha Yuqiang was just an ordinary person and there was nothing to investigate. He liked drinking. He just asked someone in the courtyard where Luo Cheng lived and found out. When he gets drunk, he beats his wife, who knows which household in the yard.

It's just that these days, it's not easy for everyone to drink if they want. Some people get a bottle of wine and only drink a small sip a day. One bottle lasts for a month.

The people Wang De found felt that what they found out was a bit embarrassing for the food provided, so they directly investigated Yu Qiang's life background. Wang De didn't do much in this matter other than helping to find someone. If Luo Cheng hadn't asked him to help find a few women like that, it would have been a bit too easy for him to make money.

Luo Cheng asked Wang De to find such a woman, not to find such a woman. Instead, just provide some information, such as where and where there is such a woman. That's enough, leave everything else to Luo Cheng.

After talking to Wang De, Luo Cheng went back to work in the office building. For him, with the blessing of materials from the future era, his work tasks were actually not stressful at all. Even the members below also used his material assistance to go to work. It is also very simple for other factories to obtain supplies.

But Luo Cheng had no choice about the raw materials required by the factory. Some orders were not placed in Changcheng. The material used is steel, and Team Leader Shen has been handling this aspect. Luo Cheng can easily be the section chief, and Team Leader Shen Bing is very helpful. Although Team Leader Shen had always wanted to be the section chief of the department, he and Luo Cheng had a competitive relationship.

However, Shen Bing is not the kind of person who would be enemies without competing, and to be honest, many people in this era do not have as strong a desire to be leaders as those in the future era.

In Luo Cheng's era, although qualifications were based on seniority, capable people would still be valued by their superiors and have a chance to get ahead. After Luo Cheng became the section chief, Shen Bing actually analyzed that in addition to his strong qualifications, he was also quite stable in his work. But the focus of the work is a little less important than Luo Cheng.

Shen Bing is responsible for purchasing raw materials and some damaged mechanical parts in the factory. In fact, as long as these items are needed normally, supply and demand agreements have been established with other units. The planned production of many units has standards and quantities. If another person is responsible, the most they can do is whether the things needed by the factory will arrive here on time, but there will be no situation where other places will not provide them.

Shen Bing is capable, but there is no one who can replace him. Moreover, the procurement of raw materials is not conspicuous. Luo Cheng was different. All he got were unplanned supplies. Every time we get it, everyone in the factory knows it’s another good thing from the purchasing department. For example, today's scrambled eggs with tomatoes in the cafeteria. At noon, many people praised the factory's purchasing department for their ability to get eggs.

Although it’s been a long time since I’ve eaten eggs like this, I have to compare it with other factories. The eggs beaten in this canteen are taken home. The neighbors around me saw this and were all envious of the good food in their machine factory canteen.

What everyone didn't know was that Luo Cheng deliberately controlled it this time. He just let it go and let him do whatever he wanted, but if he got a wild boar as soon as he let it go, it would be too exaggerated. Next time, in about a week at most, Luo Cheng has planned a wild boar and some other meat.

In this case, even if Luo Cheng stops purchasing other things this month, Director Sun and the factory director won't say anything about him. And he only needs to be responsible for reviewing other people's work.

Drinking tea and reading the newspaper, the afternoon passed quickly.

Riding his bicycle among the crowd after get off work, Luo Cheng felt that many little girls were looking at him on his way home. There was nothing I could do about it. He was young and riding a bicycle. He was wearing formal clothes, which were a little different from the work clothes of workers. In addition, Luo Cheng was considered tall in this era, so it was normal for little girls to notice him.

Although Luo Cheng is not bothered, it does not mean that he has no vanity. Just like many beautiful women, she can look down on others, but she is still very happy when others like her, which shows that they are discerning.

When I got home, there were many children playing with the monkey Congcong at the door of the kitchen. The monkey was a little reluctant to pay attention to those children. They teased it but gave it no food. If it could talk, it would definitely be bored to death.

This scene seems to be back to the time when Luo Cheng first moved here. Every time I bring some rabbits or pheasants back, there are always many children playing around the door. Later, Luo Cheng fell out directly over the house matter. Many neighbors did not even allow their children to play with Luo Cheng at first.

Now I am afraid that not only are children allowed to come, but they are also encouraged to come. Today I just helped Luo Cheng move some things, and the family shared an egg. One egg makes egg soup, which is enough for the whole family to drink.

If you don't make good friends with Luo Chengjia, you'd be a fool. Of course, you're not just trying to win this egg. But everyone knows that when times are really difficult, the person who may be able to help a lot is Luo Cheng.

During dinner in the evening, Luo Cheng talked about going to Dai Tiande's place the day after tomorrow, so that the two families could get together. Luo Yan and Zhang Hongxiu are both going, this can be regarded as a way to relax.

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