Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 224 Netizens have lots of ideas

If you have seen some video reports, you will know that someone reserved a piece of land and hired people to do weeding and other messy work. We also hired some older uncles and aunties from rural areas. They were not paid on a monthly basis, but were paid 60 for a day's work.

Those who went to report felt that this was too oppressive for these uncles and aunts. For sixty-one days, the work did not seem to be easy. But there is no choice but to hire those older people, because the current scientific level and hard work are too good, and manual weeding, even if the salary is low, is not necessarily any more economical than using potions.

Regardless of the low wages, in fact, if you buy machinery and specialize in planting. There is simply no need for so many people. People are kind-hearted and ask these older people to do what needs to be invested in other aspects.

When the reporter interviews those who work, will they feel that sixty yuan a day is too little? None of them are too small. They are all from rural areas. They just farm a field and do some chores. They can earn more than 1,000 yuan a month. They are very happy. At least I can support myself without burdening my children.

The breeding base here in Luo Cheng can already be regarded as a base. There are several varieties including wild boars. The people invited are not provided with food and accommodation, but can be given two to three thousand. The people who come to work here do not need to be managed by Luo Cheng at all. They all hope that Luo Cheng can make money so that they can always have classes and have jobs. Work.

Here at the breeding base, just ask uncles and aunts to do the work, which saves trouble and effort than hiring anyone else. But if it's that kind of large-scale breeding, which is very large and requires a lot of equipment to be operated, these people may not be able to keep up.

But Luo Cheng is not purely breeding, and he has never thought about how large the scale will be. He has been adding more while processing. There are only three frog sheds left to feed eels and soft-shell turtles. They are all large eels and soft-shelled turtles. Any eel can be found in the hundreds, and a soft-shelled turtle can be found in the hundreds or thousands. Here, if you can’t hold it for a few months, it will be sold out.

The wild eels and soft-shelled turtles are so big that their effects are really obvious. A wild eel weighing two to three kilograms can make people feel hot all over the body at night if they eat too much. A man can eat more than three kilograms of soft-shelled turtle in the afternoon. If you don't have a wife, your hands will be sore if you go to places without spending money. If you have a daughter-in-law, if the daughter-in-law is not willing, there may be situations where you have sex and do it during the marriage.

Under the current situation, recruiting rural uncles and aunts is the most suitable for Luo Cheng's requirements.

Mr. Luo, what are you looking at?

No, nothing, some boring stuff.

At the driving school, Luo Cheng and Zhou Meng both confirmed with the coach the specific time to take the driver's license test, and then practiced a little today to keep their hands and feet clean. The coach taught them everything they should teach. For novices, luck is also very important in subject three of this test. Of course, if you operate steadily, you will still pass. I am afraid that if there is a small situation on the road, some novices will easily panic and make mistakes in operation.

After Luo Cheng practiced driving for a while, it was someone else's turn, so he sat under a tree and played with his mobile phone to look up what he wanted to know. Maybe he was in a trance, because Zhou Meng, who was also resting on the side, didn't come back to his senses even when he got closer.

Zhou Meng almost turned his face to Luo Cheng to ask, still wearing a pair of glasses with no prescription, which was the style of a royal sister. Luo Cheng was not in the mood to appreciate her delicate face, but quickly closed the page he was viewing on his phone.

Zhou Meng called Luo to become President Luo. This was changed after the two confirmed the employment relationship. Luo Cheng told her that there was no need for her to do this, but people said it was because he was the boss and he had to shout like this. That is to say, in front of other people in the driving school, Zhou Meng also called Luo Cheng by his first name. In other places, when there are outsiders, you have to shout like this, she wants to stand up for Luo Cheng.

It's really nothing. Let me show you. It's just boring. I like this topic.

Luo Cheng did not close the page he was looking at just now, he just hid it. But this kind of behavior makes me a little embarrassed, as if there is no money here, and I feel like I am resting under a tree in broad daylight and watching shameless videos.

It's just that the things he looks at are from his own point of view, and he doesn't want others to know his concerns. But actually think about it, just treat it as a hobby, and it doesn’t matter if others know about it.

What Luo Cheng was checking was a topic bar, and any topic could be set up as a bar. Everyone can chat here if they like. What Luo Cheng is looking at is time travel. He regards some conditions of his own era as limitations and asks netizens how they can rely on that era and have a stable project while being able to travel between the two eras.

Luo Cheng's setting really stumped a lot of people. What's wrong with your setting? What year was it set? Even in the next few years, it will be enough to catch eels and turtles in various rural areas. But in the past few years, don’t tell everyone, many people are starving to death, and they still dislike these things because they taste earthy and unpalatable.

Anyway, according to Luo Cheng's settings, it seems that everything can be done in a small way, but once it is done too much, it really cannot be explained. Unless you go to the black market to deal with it, and not just in one black market.

In modern times, as long as you have money, it is easy to produce a hundred tons of pork. But in that era, you could carelessly produce a few hundred kilograms of pork and try it out. A few people would ask you how you got it. If you didn't tell you, it was not enough. If you hesitated and didn't tell, you were guaranteed to be reported.

Of course, what Luo Cheng is asking now is how to build a stable industry in that era.

As long as food was involved, Luo Cheng thought there was no hope. But someone asked a question, saying that if there were no geographical restrictions, even if eels and loaches couldn't be done, wouldn't it be possible to do things in the sea at that time? If you can travel between two eras, you must know that in the modern era, there is a country that is not human and has caused chaos in the sea. When the news first came out, everyone was so angry. Now there are various current restrictions, and you can no longer check it. That's the news.

But if it was fresh food from the sea in the 1950s and 1960s, you would be able to eat with peace of mind. This is just about eating, which means if it doesn’t work on land, try eating in the sea.

Luo Cheng thought it was feasible, but it was feasible. In fact, it was better to get some seafood from this future era and bring it to his own era. I haven’t refuted many people’s ideas on the Internet. It’s not that I can’t refute them, but this refutation would have to be a long one. Because on land, in towns and villages, if there were eels and loaches, if it hadn't been caught up in the past few years, it would have been because there were few people eating them, so Luo Cheng could get a lot of them.

But in his time, things in the sea could be brought to the future era, but there was a situation that some people didn't understand. This rural area has been collectivized into communes, and hunters can't hunt as they please. In this city by the sea, can one person just get a big boat and salvage it?

It's still not possible to do much. In Luo Cheng's era, there were too many controls. They couldn't do business. In the past, fishermen were just like hunters, fishing for something on the beach to make a living.

But stepping out of his own city did give Luo Cheng a wake-up call. Luo Cheng could have applied for a business trip in his own time, and then brought out a batch of kelp or fish from the sea. In this future era, some fish in the sea are very cheap, just the kind of fish sold in fast food restaurants for a few dollars each. The meat is a bit firm, but the taste is very average.

If you go to the beach to collect fish in this future era, that kind of fish is actually used as feed for other animals and creatures to eat. You can buy it for one yuan per catty, or even eight cents.

Therefore, in Luo Cheng's own era, it was particularly difficult to operate food-related businesses and make long-term and stable money in this future era. It restricts individuals from doing business, and it is a planned economy, so you can only do small things.

Luo Cheng actually didn't want to get food to make money in this future era, but he couldn't get it in other ways. However, Luo Cheng still saw a good suggestion.

First of all, we should look for things that were unregulated in Luo Cheng's time. For example, a big boss said that he was in the construction industry. Nowadays, although the construction industry is affected by various reasons, it is difficult to work. But urban construction has not stopped. Do you know how much one cubic meter of sand is now? It is thirty or forty, that is, one ton of sand costs about thirty.

At this price, it is still the price that someone else comes to buy it for and has to deliver it. You have to pay a minimum amount for a trip, and extra charges will be calculated after the mileage exceeds that. There is a shortage of sand in some places, because digging sand is not allowed in many places. It is not impossible for private individuals to buy some sand to build houses, and it is not impossible for one person to sell it for 100.

How to put it, as long as you have sand and capital, get a few trucks to deliver the goods and hire a few drivers. If you don't have capital, there are truck drivers who can transport sand. Cooperate with them. When you receive the goods to be delivered, you will directly pay the driver. Make sure there are many drivers working with you.

Don't look at the dozens of yuan for a ton of sand, but only a few hundred for a truck. But in fact, this is a huge profit, especially in some places where sand is in short supply. Because this thing is cheap, no one will bring sand from other places to sell it, so the shipping cost will be huge. Not only sand, but also stones can be sold. There is no one who sells sand and gravel that does not make money these days. The only question is whether you are qualified to participate in this business.

In addition to sand and stone, we also do a lot of business in wood. The wood mentioned here is raw material, not processed wood. Many people are not allowed to cut down the trees they have planted themselves, and must apply for a permit. But whether you can handle it or not depends on your ability. But if you want to cash it out, it's easy. Someone will come to collect it from you at a low price. If they collect it, someone will definitely come and cut it all away within two days.

Although wood is a renewable resource, it has a long cycle due to various reasons. This industry is also very difficult, and many people don’t plant trees anymore. There are no wild trees like before that can be cut down by everyone at will. The wood is now processed into money, and a small square of wood costs two or three yuan. These are relatively fast-growing trees, economical trees, some large trees, different varieties, and prices vary greatly.

They are only made of wooden materials, which are considered very low-level trees. Some large trees can be made into integral boards, but the price is more expensive.

In Luo Cheng's time, before the commune was established, if everyone was cutting down trees on the mountain, no one would say anything about it. But now everything belongs to the collective, and everyone can only cut some firewood for cooking when going up the mountain. To cut down a tree, you need permission from the team. Generally, if you say hello, for example, if you want to make a table or something, you will be asked to cut down the tree.

Although the trees are managed by the commune, they are not in short supply and it is easy to make deals with the commune. You can take money or food, but the commune also needs money. Paying teachers salaries and buying office supplies all require money. You can't vote for everything. As for trees, no one really paid much attention to them in Luo Cheng's time.

Luo Cheng generously showed Zhou Meng what he was looking at. It was just a time travel topic. It's not something shameful. If anyone goes to see Loli topics, there are many experienced people.

Well, Zhou Meng actually wished that Luo Cheng had some perverted hobbies. If so, she wouldn't mind discussing it with Luo Cheng shyly. However, Luo Cheng liked this topic, and Zhou Meng also kept it in mind. She didn't have to be interested in it before, but it must be one of her interests in the future. When chatting with Luo Cheng in the future, she would have more consistent topics.

Therefore, after Luo Cheng showed Zhou Meng what he was looking at, Zhou Meng immediately showed great interest. In addition, she did have some conversational skills, and the two of them soon sat together to figure out what Luo Cheng could do under the so-called setting.

Luo Cheng is really a bit of a straight man, he is slow to respond to the relationship between men and women, and Zhou Meng is deliberately getting closer to him. By the time Luo Cheng realized that the two of them were too close together, they were almost right next to each other.

If Zhou Meng hadn't been too close, Luo Cheng would have talked to her about more issues without knowing it. But just because he was too close, Luo Cheng calmed down after he reacted.

He couldn't talk to Zhou Meng any more, because he was afraid that if he talked about good ideas with her, he would really go into those industries in this era. However, he did not talk about the opinions of some netizens that he liked. Even a college student in Zhou Meng couldn't get into this temporary topic at all. Luo Cheng only knows how difficult it is to experience many things in his own time.

However, Zhou Meng also provided an idea. In fact, he really needed to be able to shuttle between both sides and do some manual work. Don't do anything complicated, and don't organize something like a factory, because individual small businesses are not allowed, let alone opening a factory. Moreover, handwork is also very simple, just like in Luo Cheng's time. Some people made matchboxes and sewed insoles to supplement their household income.

In the future era, there are actually many household handicrafts, but many things are not suitable for Luo Cheng's era, such as assembling ballpoint pens and stringing handmade necklaces. In the past, there were also funeral supplies, such as paper gold and silver ingots and paper flowers, all of which can make money. But now many places are not allowed to burn those things for worship. They even say that the printed Hades coins are fake, which makes many people not understand. Is it possible for the underworld to unify the currency of the money burned for ancestors? It’s not the same specification and it’s true or false.

The things Zhou Meng was talking about were rope knots, some red rope knots for car supplies, and other aspects. Even these small things can be exported. There are also some other things. In Luo Cheng's time, weren't there many rural people who could weave vegetable baskets and other knitted items? You can definitely make some compact ones and use them as handicrafts.

In fact, for these things, as long as Luo Cheng himself does not build workshops or factories or the like. Luo Cheng once again said that he collected it for others, as before, no one would have thought that Luo Cheng would use such small things for himself. Not to mention some red rope knots and some decorations. It couldn't be eaten as food. In Luo Cheng's time, no one wanted it.

So in the future era, by mobilizing the wisdom of others, Luo Cheng found that in his own era, the money earned could be used. Otherwise, just by getting some supplies in the factory, I would earn seven to eight hundred yuan. To get a pig back, you need more than three hundred people, not to mention that you have to cooperate with many units.

Luo Cheng really didn't know if he could earn tens of thousands of dollars in his own time. How can I spend money without corresponding tickets? Looking at it now, with so many ways to spend money, it doesn’t seem particularly difficult.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Cheng and Zhou Meng separated from the driving school and went to deal with their own affairs. Regarding the formation of the logistics team, the staff at Midian called Luo Cheng at noon and recommended a classmate to come over and said that there would be no problem in taking charge of the statistical dispatch work.

As for those looking for drivers to deliver goods, someone also contacted them and Luo Cheng was asked to go there. After all, there is no one else in charge of recruiting people now. In other words, the team Luo Cheng wants to build does not have anyone in charge of personnel yet.

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