Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 279 I’ll come over after twelve o’clock in the evening

At noon, Zhang Yueyue also came over, also bringing a small backpack, intending to take three boxes of canned meat back.

And Zheng Ke cooked a big pot of duck porridge. The dormitory next door is actually Zheng Ke's colleagues, but they are not from the editorial department. There are many staff in a magazine, but compared with the future era, the current department is considered There are few, at least no advertising department or marketing department.

But there are distribution departments, financial departments, administrative departments, and human resources departments. However, compared with the newspaper office, that department is still much smaller. At least printing and the like are handled by the printing house of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. The newspaper has its own independent printing department. Just one printing department requires many more people.

There are even newspaper delivery boys in the newspaper office who deliver directly to units that order more newspapers. Magazines are usually sold by postal offices and newsstands.

Of course, there are only a few people in the magazine, so a dormitory building is built jointly with other units.

The duck porridge was ready and a bowl was given to all the neighbors to try, including Li Chen who also sent a portion. This person will definitely not get along, but colleagues have to work together and cannot favor one over the other.

Zheng Ke and Zhang Yueyue had no problem with selling peaches to the unit, and Luo Cheng also told them that they had contacted the truck that would load the peaches at noon the day after tomorrow. By then, he would go back with the truck, so he wanted to take Zheng with him tomorrow morning. You can go have some fun and take some photos.

Of course, Zhang Yueyue was also invited. This was a photo shoot, which is rare for people in this era. There will be more opportunities to be alone with Zheng Ke in the future. Luo Cheng wants to develop Zhang Yueyue into his right-hand man. This time, helping to deal with peaches is just a small test, just to get used to it first.

Luo Cheng said that he would return to Changcheng the day after tomorrow. Zheng Ke's mood was obviously different. People who have just fallen in love are like this. When Luo Cheng was first with Zhao Qian, he wanted to hug her naked every day. Isn't it normal now that Luo Cheng is away from home and misses his wife and children, but this is yearning, not desire.

After the meal, they chatted for a while. Luo Cheng also asked Zhang Yueyue if she could get some old newspapers for him, as she worked in a newspaper office. She didn't need the same ones, just paid. And the same goes for Zheng Ke's magazines. Even if I can't give them to him, I plan to borrow some first and bring them back next time I come.

As for the old newspaper matter, Zhang Yueyue had just gone to the newspaper office as an intern and didn't know the situation. However, because of Taozi's matter, many people took the initiative to get close to her this morning, so she could easily ask.

The noon time passed quickly, and Zhang Yueyue didn't stay here longer. She had to take the cans back to her place to put them away before going to work. As soon as she left, Zheng Ke clung to Luo Cheng. He had to leave the day after tomorrow, so he asked Luo Cheng when he would be able to come to Jiangcheng. This time, Luo Cheng couldn't be sure. He could only say that he would do it as soon as possible.

Zheng Ke went to work in the afternoon, and Luo Cheng went to the subdistrict office and asked Director Jiang from the subdistrict office to go to his office tomorrow. Let him share some of the peaches, and let the neighborhood office supervise the building of the machine factory office. He doesn't want it to be repaired next time he comes over. He plans to live there next time he comes over.

Although staying in a guest house is good and has hot water and is convenient, it is not good if you bring a lot of things from the future era.

In the evening, Luo Cheng naturally stayed in Zheng Ke's dormitory again, but after dinner, the two were intimate for a while, and Luo Cheng originally wanted to leave. But Zheng Ke didn't let him leave immediately. He said that when he went to the guest house, he would wash up and go to bed. He wanted Luo Cheng to wash his face and feet here before leaving.

During this period of love, all clingy things are sweet. Luo Cheng is naturally happy when someone washes his face and feet. He also asked Zheng Ke if he could help wash his buttocks, and Zheng Ke called him a hooligan again.

After being well taken care of by Zheng Ke, Luo Cheng and her stayed together for a while.

"Zheng Ke, I'll come over after twelve o'clock in the evening, okay?"

"Luo Cheng, can't you take your time? Otherwise, next time you come here, when you go back, I will also ask for leave and we will talk to my parents and settle the matter. Then I will give my body to you."

"I'll come over and lie down and sleep with you. I won't mess around. Trust me, I won't take your body when you're not ready."

"Then~~, then you can sleep here now. I believe you won't mess around. Why do you have to go out and wait until twelve o'clock in the evening?"

"Many people knew that I was here just now. If I didn't go out, they would be talking about it."

"Oh, you will be good to me in the future, right?"

"We're all like this. What do you think? I'm leaving first. If someone climbs on your bed at night, just don't scream in fear."

Luo Cheng stood up and said that he actually didn't want to come to Zheng Ke's side at twelve o'clock in the evening, but you can't go back to the guest house whenever you want. It will close after nine-thirty, and it will definitely close at ten o'clock. closed. This is not open 24 hours a day, and there is not much excitement at night these days. Around nine o'clock, everything is dark.

There are street lights on urban streets, but these days the street lights are dim and far apart. People watching movies only finished around eight or nine o'clock. After ten o'clock, in the streets of the city, except for patrolmen who would stroll around with flashlights, the only people who could be outside were beggars.

There is nothing in the office that Luo Cheng rents now, but if you really want to sleep there, it's not impossible. It's okay to just bring quilts from the future era and make a bed on the floor from the past. But it saves the trouble. I have to deal with the peaches there tomorrow, and it will be a waste to bring the quilt over there. Besides, if Zheng Ke agrees, sleeping here will not be as comfortable.

In this way, with Zheng Ke nodding in agreement, Luo Cheng left. He left with a magazine and stayed at the guest house until half past nine. He wore an extra layer of clothes when he went out.

The house over there in the office is not small, but it can't hold dozens of tons of peaches. Luo Cheng plans to get the peaches directly into the yard instead of into the room. It's a little cool in the yard at night, so there's nothing wrong with wearing an extra layer of clothing.


"Hey, oh, Master Chen, okay, okay, just wait a moment, we'll be there soon."

Luo Cheng checked the time on his phone. It was past four in the morning, but the delivery driver was already preparing to leave. Peaches are fruits and can be greened.

Putting down his cell phone, Luo Cheng called Liu Xiaofei, who was still sleeping soundly. The drivers all called to tell them to set off. It would be six or seven o'clock to arrive in Jiangcheng at this time. Luo Cheng still had to arrange for someone to unload the goods. After a lot of trouble, it would probably be around noon for the driver master to return to Chongcheng.

There was business to do, so Liu Xiaofei didn't feel angry when she got up. She got dressed, brushed her teeth and washed her face, then went out and got in the car with Luo Cheng. If you want to organize it nicely, you can organize it in the car.

If we go back, Luo Chenglai will naturally drive. Moreover, at this time, there are few vehicles on the road and the small roads are easy to drive. After meeting the driver, Luo Cheng threw a pack of cigarettes directly to the driver and also left a contact information in case he needed it in the future.

On the way back, Liu Xiaofei didn't do anything to tidy up, and fell asleep in the car again without any image. She didn't wake up until Luo Cheng drove into Jiangcheng and got off the toll station. When she looked at the time, it was only half past six. The drive to Luo Cheng's warehouse takes about ten minutes at most.

This time Liu Xiaofei finally woke up, but she didn't feel serious when she woke up. I asked Luo Cheng a question, saying that there are three sheep ABC, and one of the sheep is dead. It prompts that sheep A is not dead, sheep C is not dead, and asks which sheep is dead.

Luo Cheng was not naive, but he was not an experienced driver. He answered such a simple question after thinking for a while. But after the answer came out, I felt something was wrong, what a fucking female hooligan.

Let Liu Xiaofei be more serious today. There are a lot of fruits in the car. Let her continue to experience the addiction of being a boss lady today by handing out fruits to the employees, ensuring that the employees will pat her horse and praise her to satisfy her sense of vanity.

The truck arrived at Luo Cheng's warehouse, where he now sells sand and gravel. After parking the truck, Luo Cheng took the driver to his large canteen for breakfast. When it was time to go to work, Luo Cheng arranged for the employees to unload the peaches, and then the driver could leave.

The sand, gravel and cement loaders recruited at the warehouse cannot come before nearly eight o'clock every day.

It wasn't until after 7:50 that Luo Cheng started calling people from the rice store, the cafeteria, and the housing office to come over.

"Boss Luo, if the cargo is less than thirty tons, your storage point is so close to the car, so there is no need to call so many people. If there are seven or eight people, it will only take an hour or two if they can unload quickly."

"It's okay to shout more. Master, you can also take a rest."

When the delivery driver heard Luo Cheng's call, he just unloaded a cart of peaches and actually called more than ten people over. They also claim to provide employees with physical exercise. Bosses are doing this these days, and they are definitely exploiting free labor again. But that's the boss's own business, but he just doesn't think it's necessary to call out so many people.

The delivery driver, if the boss is more polite, will usually lend a hand to help unload the goods. Luo Cheng gave him a bag of Huazi early in the morning, and he didn't spend a penny on breakfast. Originally, the driver planned to leave to help unload, but now Luo Cheng said he could rest, which was fine. After all, the boss called more than ten people to come, plus the two masters who made sand and cement here. It looked like they were very strong, so he really didn't need to move.

It's just that the driver had a good idea. Among the first three people who came, there were actually two young women, and the clothes they wore didn't look like they were working.

The three of them were from the rice store, and the man was a porter in the store. Someone always had to move the rice, and one of them was left in the store. Everyone has been transferred here, and there will be no one to move rice this morning.

After waiting for a while, two people came. The people in the cafeteria were the same as the rice store. The employees came on electric scooters, mainly two young girls. There was someone in the back kitchen of the large cafeteria, but they had to do preparation work in the morning and couldn't leave. The only two front-room girls in the store were transferred by the cafeteria director to help.

Just when the truck driver felt something was wrong, a domestic five-seater car drove over, but he was so brave to drive, because there were seven people in the five-seater car, and they were all young girls.

Seeing that the caller had arrived, Luo Cheng called everyone to start moving the peaches, and then he saw the employees getting excited. They were tired of sitting in the office every day and rarely moved their muscles.

Seeing how happy everyone was, Luo Cheng was also very satisfied. Young people must have this kind of motivation.

It's just that Luo Ben lowered his expectations to judge the ability of women in this era. In his era, women could still carry one to two hundred kilograms of rice. But the young girls of this era are really not even half as good as the women of his era.

Not to mention the amount of unloading at one time, within half an hour, every one of them has lost its energy. In the end, not to mention that the driver couldn't bear to get on the bus to help, Luo Cheng had no choice but to follow suit.

Fortunately, quantity can make up for some deficiencies in quality, and it does not delay the time of the driver's return to the city.

After finishing the work, Wang Shanshan was still encouraging everyone, saying that everyone was awesome. They unloaded a load of peaches in two hours. It was really awesome. Just like that, several people actually showed proud expressions.

If these girls were brought to work in the countryside of Luo Cheng's time, I don't know what the scene would be like. History records that six or seven years after his time, a large number of educated people went to the countryside. At least they were able to endure some hardships, but the rural people despised it. But if such a group of people are sent to the countryside, I don’t know how the rural people will respond.

Fortunately, Taozi was unloaded smoothly, and Luo Cheng had some idea when he would ask people to do work next time.

Now that the people from the cafeteria and the rice store were here, Luo Cheng didn't let them leave immediately after the work was done. He brought as many kilograms of strawberries as there were people in each store. This was what their boss lady Liu Xiaofei thought of when she was picking strawberries. Luo Cheng pushed Liu Xiaofei out, and his words of thanks and flattery made Liu Xiaofei fly away.

Then before the strawberries were divided, Liu Xiaofei promised that everyone would get a big watermelon next month when the weather is hot. I don’t know which new employee shouted "Long live the boss's wife" after hearing that each person was given a big watermelon. It's not bad, Liu Xiaofei has gone the extra mile. In addition to one watermelon per person, each store will provide a watermelon or a certain type of fruit every day based on the number of people. Moreover, every store is equipped with a refrigerator for eating frozen fruits when the weather is hot.

Luo Cheng didn't know that Liu Xiaofei had promised so much to those employees. After pushing Liu Xiaofei out to share the fruits, he played on his mobile phone and chatted with people in the car.

This local chicken restaurant has been in business for half a month. Zhou Mengmeng met with Luo Cheng to report on the business situation. I also briefly talked about the situation on my mobile phone, that is, the local chicken restaurant is currently doing very well.

It opened on May Day and originally had some discounts. In addition, there were some tourists from Jiangcheng, so it was full when it first opened. But many stores just opened and held events, and the business was good at first but then failed.

The more people eat in this place, the more people want to try it, because everyone thinks that if there are so many people eating there, it must taste good. Therefore, it is very good to choose to open during the festival. But after the festival, and after everyone nearby has eaten it, the taste and reputation will really be tested.

The signature of the local chicken restaurant is the local chicken dishes in several flavors. On the one hand, it is also very important whether the ingredients are real local chickens, and the price. These three points are done well, and it attracts people from the beginning. There are many guests. There will be repeat customers. After May Day, you can see the true story.

As for local chickens, Luo Cheng uses his own chickens. This way, first of all, there is no problem with the chickens, and the other is the price. The local chicken restaurant gets chickens from Luo Cheng, but it is cheaper than getting them from the market. Luo Cheng's purpose of opening the local chicken restaurant is not to do catering, but to sell local chickens through catering.

Therefore, the signature dishes of Luo Cheng Chicken Restaurant are not expensive. In the end, it is all about the taste. Zhou Meng tricked her second uncle into it. But he really didn't have the strength to take on the contract. He gave up his job as a chef and brought someone over to take over the contract. When people come with him, he promises some guarantees.

It cannot be said that Zhou Meng's second uncle's craftsmanship is top-notch, but here at the Chicken Restaurant, it is really done with care. He was thinking about dishes like local chicken every day. As for his niece Zhou Meng's commission, it was better than his dead wages in other restaurants. And now that he has the final say in the entire kitchen, this sense of accomplishment cannot be measured by money alone.

So the right time and the right people were in place, and in terms of location, there was a maternity hospital nearby. This steamed and cooked chicken dish is now being ordered every day.

At the end of May Day, the local chicken restaurant's sales did vary a lot, but after stabilizing later, there was some growth every day. It can be said that unless special circumstances arise, this local chicken restaurant will be considered a success. It’s just a question of how long it will take to get your money back.

As for Zhou Meng, she had no capital at all. The only capital she had to invest a little bit was the money her parents gave her younger brother. In the store, she also receives the manager's salary, a commission from the kitchen contract, and a share of the store's total revenue. Anyway, as long as this kind of turnover can be maintained, she can earn tens of thousands a month, which is more than ten times what her previous company transferred her to work here.

Zhou Meng didn't want to wait, she wanted to continue contacting Luo Cheng to open a branch. Because it would take a lot of time to find a place to sign a contract and decorate it. The local chicken restaurant I opened this time was lucky, as many of the previous decorations of the rented shops could be used. If you rent a rough shop with nothing, it will take a month or two to decorate it.

After such a long time, Zhou Meng did some calculations. Her current salary was nearly 10,000, and she could get about 15,000 from the kitchen contract commission. And the current turnover is really good. If 30% of it is not given to her brother, she can get 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. But even now, she earns more than 50,000 a month.

Ask Luo Cheng to continue investing in opening a store. At that time, her savings would reach more than 150,000 yuan, which was enough for her own investment. So she doesn't want to wait, she wants to get rich quickly.

As for Luo Cheng, he actually didn't want to hear Zhou Meng's report, because Liu Xiaofei's cousin worked as a cashier there and already knew the situation there. The most important thing is that Liu Xiaofei madly guessed that he had a problem with Zhou Meng. Obviously there was nothing wrong with it, but Luo Cheng also managed to avoid suspicion. After the decoration started, besides going there on the opening day, I never saw Zhou Meng again.

But think about it, I can't use people to face forward or backward. It's just Liu Xiaofei's suspicion, so I don't need to communicate normally.

Luo Cheng thought for a while in the car, and then agreed with Zhou Meng to meet at a time to just talk about things.

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