Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 285 Wang Li borrows money

Late at night, almost twelve o'clock, Luo Cheng was waiting at the temporary warehouse.

He bought a lot of things, but not much to take with him. After all, he was lying in bed in his own time. There are people around, so it’s appropriate to bring some things over. You can also say that you brought them to the room when you came, but the people in the room didn’t pay attention.

For some seasonal vegetables, Luo Cheng saw some old people carrying some vegetables in a vegetable basket and selling them at the market. The total amount was only a few kilograms and they were sold cheaply. So when I saw something suitable, I bought it.

Thirty pounds of sausages and a pretty big piece of fat. These are what he plans to take back. As for the cheap apples and winter melons, there is no rush. You can get them next time.


He didn't sleep on both sides of the time and space, so Luo Cheng directly controlled the items and placed them on the table. After waking up in his own time, Luo Cheng kissed Zhao Qian before falling asleep peacefully.

In a daze, she felt that Zhao Qian had moved at some point, but not long after, she was lying safely in his arms again. Only when it finally dawned did Luo Cheng realize that Zhao Qian was awake and breastfeeding her child during the night.

"Luo Cheng, you brought all these things on the table. They didn't seem to be there yesterday."

"That's because you didn't pay attention. This sausage was obtained from Jiangcheng. The meat and vegetables were exchanged with others when we arrived at Hongcheng yesterday. This time I went to Jiangcheng and got a lot of good things. But don’t ask so much about work, just take care of me and raise the kids.”

"There are so many things. Maybe it was too late yesterday and I didn't pay attention. You came back so late last night and slept a little while I took the things to the kitchen. By the way, let me tell you something. You are the head of the house. You See how to deal with it.”

At this time, Zhao Qian was feeding her baby again. Because she had to feed her baby, she wouldn't even wrap her up if she didn't go out, otherwise it would be difficult to pay for it. This is also convenient for Luo Cheng. The child eats one and he also plays with one.

Zhao Qian didn't have any doubts about Luo Cheng's claim that Zhao Qian didn't pay attention to the things on the table last night. She would rather believe that she felt wrong than suspect Luo Cheng of lying to her. Moreover, there were a lot of things on the table. If she didn't pay attention, how could she still be able to change them?

My man is amazing. There are so many things, especially a table of big sausages, which makes me drool just looking at them.

But I need to talk about something that needs to be said, that is, our monkey Congcong, a monkey can actually compete with people for favors. If you hold a child close to a monkey, the monkey will attack the child. Zhao Qian asked Luo Cheng what to do. She knew that Luo Cheng liked teasing monkeys.

It was okay for Luo Cheng to hear monkeys attacking his children, that is, he would stay in the future for a long time. It’s no longer just wanting to eat anything with meat when you see it. People of his generation don’t eat anything.

I lay on the bed and thought for a while. After all, I have had Congcong for more than a year, and I have some feelings for him. If it were another monkey, Luo Cheng could just kill it, eat it, and send it to a zoo with fur. That is to say, in this era, you can eat any delicacies from mountains and seas. From now on, most things can only be seen but not eaten.

If you send it to the zoo, send it to the zoo. If you don't send it to the zoo, send it to other people. They won't have food to feed them. Moreover, people in this era don't have enough to eat, so raising a monkey is indeed a bit ostentatious.

Luo Cheng planned to have a good rest in the morning and go to the factory in the afternoon. He would send the monkey away tomorrow. So Zhao Qian asked Hongxiu and the others to feed the monkey Congcong some delicious food today, and he would take the monkey away tomorrow.

After Zhao Qian finished feeding the baby, she put the baby next to the bed and let Luo Cheng hold her to sleep. She was waiting to get up to deal with the things on the table, so after getting up and getting dressed, she walked out of the room and called Hong Xiu's name. Luo Yan had to go to work, and Zhao Qian was more accustomed to calling Hongxiu if anything happened at home.

"Hey, sister-in-law, I'll get up right now. Yanzi, you're awake too."

"My brother is back, so I naturally have to get up early today."

Last night, Zhang Hongxiu suddenly went back to sleep in the kitchen, and Luo Yan asked what was going on, so she also knew that her second brother Luo Cheng was back last night. If it wasn't too late, she would have wanted to get up and say hello to Luo Cheng.

So after a while, Luo Yan and Hongxiu both arrived at Luo Cheng's room, but Luo Cheng was really tired. After Zhao Qian got up, he fell asleep again.

Zhao Qian asked Luo Yan and Hongxiu to keep their voices down, and quickly took out the things on the table, found something to hang the sausages, and put the vegetables and meat in the kitchen.

Luo Yan and Hong Xiu were shocked when they saw the things on the table, but Hong Xiu did not dare to question when Luo Cheng took it in. She just felt that she might have been so shy yesterday that she came out without paying attention to anything, and now she was afraid that someone would mention what happened last night.

A large number of sausages were first moved to the kitchen. They had to get some hemp rope to hang them up. For the time being, they could only find a place to put them in the kitchen. As for vegetables and meat, Luo Yan is directly handling them.

"Sister-in-law, do you want the second brother's clothes to be washed? I will help the second brother wash the clothes."

"Hongxiu, wait a minute, I'll go take a look."

While Luo Yan was handling the dishes, Hong Xiu wanted to help Luo Cheng wash clothes. In the past, when Zhao Qian was pregnant, Luo Cheng always had some change of clothes when he came back from the countryside. Then after she helped with the washing once, she basically did the washing from now on, and she was also willing to wash Luo Cheng's clothes.

When Zhao Qian heard that Hongxiu was going to wash clothes, she didn't think much about it, so she went back to the house to look at Luo Cheng's suitcase. There was only a change of clothes in it, and nothing else. However, after opening it, the clothes in the box were neatly folded and looked clean and washed.

But think about it, this is a long trip, Luo Cheng should be able to wash his own clothes. Then Zhao Qian walked to the bed, picked up the clothes Luo Cheng took off, looked at them, smelled them, and said, come on, this needs to be washed.

Simply, Zhao Qian made a basin of warm water and walked to the bed.

"Luo Cheng, take off your shirt and wash it. I'll help you wash your face and wipe your body."

"Well, wife, you are so kind. You also took off your pants for me and you can help me scrub them."

"Okay, take them all off first, and I'll take out the laundry."

We have been together for more than a year, and we no longer feel shy about superficial things. When Luo Cheng was unbuttoning his shirt, Zhao Qian asked him to raise his buttocks so as not to press his pants, and then took them off directly for Luo Cheng. Seeing Luo Cheng's provocation, Zhao Qian took her clothes and went out.

After going out, Zhao Qian gave all her clothes to Hongxiu, and then took the basin to the kitchen to fetch water. The water is cold. If you want hot water, there is a thermos bottle in the room. The thermos bottle will be filled with hot water every other night.

I even took off my pants and fetched water to go to the room. Then my sister-in-law entered the room and closed the door.

Hongxiu looked at the clothes in her hands, blushing and guessing something. She couldn't think too much, picked up her second brother's clothes, smelled them, and went to wash the clothes with peace of mind.

Luo Yan put away some vegetables and immediately started making breakfast. Due to the nature of her job, she had to go to work early. And people in the yard basically appeared in the yard one after another, washing and chatting.

Of course, the biggest gossip in the yard recently and the most talked about thing is Yu Qiang in the backyard. After he was reported last time, he was arrested by the security department of his work unit and detained for two days. His wife was even called to the work unit to explain the reason for being detained. It was a complete embarrassment.

At first, the people in the yard didn't know what happened specifically, but they couldn't help but the people in Yu Qiang's unit started gossiping after hearing the news.

After Yu Qiang's wife took him home, she asked Yu Qiang to stay at home and not go to work. They would notify him after the leaders discussed how to deal with it.

If he was dealt with seriously, he would be sent directly to the police station, but after all, Yu Qiang is an old employee of the textile factory and has always done a good job, except for his somewhat unique personality. I had never made any mistakes before, and if I did take him to the police station, their textile factory would be embarrassed. After all, the people were from their factory.

So it must be handled internally, but considering Yu Qiang's family situation, the whole family is counting on Yu Qiang's salary to survive. The treatment is too severe and cannot be left to survive. But the treatment was too light, and the nature of the matter was too bad. Fortunately, the woman who had the accident was a widow. It would have been terrible if there was a man.

As for Yu Qiang's explanation, he drank too much and couldn't remember anything. He really didn't know why he had no pants and how he ended up lying with an unknown woman, but drinking too much was no reason to act like a hooligan.

Fortunately, the woman didn't go into details, because she was a widow and had a child with her, so she owed some famine. They first gave him some money and food to appease him, but Yu Qiang discussed it several times.

I originally thought I would pay him back and punish him by cleaning toilets for three months or something. But Yu Qiang's workplace is a textile factory, which has a particularly high proportion of female workers. There is a male gangster in the factory. No one wanted to see that although they had lost money, they only had to clean the toilets for a few months as other punishments. After hearing this, many people said that the factory was shielding people.

Finally, I don’t know who gave the head of the personnel department of the textile factory an idea to let Yu Qiang’s daughter-in-law take over the job. In order to prevent anyone from saying that there is no difference between Yu Qiang's work and his wife's work, the husband and wife are two people, so it is different who works. Then there is the fact that Yu Qiang’s salary is more than thirty-six yuan, but Yu Qiang’s wife doesn’t know anything, so she treats her as a new employee and gets twenty-seven and five yuan a month.

In this way, female employees had no problem with Yu Qiang not being in the factory. Although his wife took over the job, her salary was significantly reduced, which was considered a serious punishment. You can't really leave your family without a source of livelihood.

The money compensated to Qin Ru's woman almost emptied the Yu Qiang family's financial resources. Originally, they could not save more than a few dollars a month. I depend on the thirty-six yuan salary for food, drink, and clothing. I don’t have many children at home. If I have two more children, I may not even have any emergency savings.

Now Yu Qiang can hardly lift his head in the yard. In the past, domestic violence was enough to beat his wife and children. He even went outside to sleep with a woman, saying that he drank too much and couldn't remember anything. No one in the yard believed this. Fortunately, the factory did not fire him directly, but asked his wife to take over the job.

However, after losing money, Yu Qiang did not go to work for many days before his wife took over. He hasn't been given much of his salary this month. I heard he's asking the man in the backyard to borrow money to tide him over for a month. His wife had just taken over the job and was not given an advance salary.

"Sister Wang, Sister Wang~~, are you looking for my sister-in-law?"

"Hongxiu, I do have something to do with your sister-in-law."

"Well, my second brother came back last night. Maybe my second brother and my sister-in-law haven't gotten up yet. Let me shout for you."

Now Hongxiu also knows Yu Qiang's daughter-in-law Wang Li, and Hongxiu also basically knows who is who among the people in the yard. Seeing Wang Li suddenly coming here, Hong Xiu immediately stepped forward to greet her. Since her sister-in-law was in the room with the door closed, Hong Xiu guessed that something bad might happen inside.

"Sister-in-law, Sister Wang Li is here to see you. Are you and your second brother in love?"

"Oh, wait a minute, I'm breastfeeding. I'll open the door right away."

In the room, Zhao Qian responded, and after a minute or two, she opened the door and came out. When Wang Li saw Zhao Qian coming out and learned that Luo Cheng had also returned from other places, she wanted to go in and say hello to Luo Cheng.

However, Zhao Qian stopped him and said that Luo Cheng came back very late last night and asked him to sleep a little longer. Hearing this, Wang Li didn't think much about it, but embarrassedly pulled Zhao Qian aside and told her the purpose of coming to her.

Yu Qiang originally asked the man in the backyard to borrow money, but he didn't. The uncle system in this courtyard has actually ceased to exist in name only in the more than a year since Luo Cheng came here. The old man in the front and backyard no longer cares about things, and no one will listen to him if he wants to.

The courtyard is now a place where neighbors who want to have a good relationship with others take the initiative to walk around. Then when something happens, they call each other for help, and there is no need for the so-called uncle to come forward to organize anything.

The atmosphere among the neighbors in this courtyard may not be as unified as before, but everyone living their own lives feels good. Because Luo Cheng had previously stopped him from beating his wife Wang Li too hard, Wang Li would always say hello when she saw Zhao Qian. This made everyone understand that Wang Li was on Luo Cheng's side, at least among the neighbors.

Luo Cheng had failed to become the boss of other families, and Yu Qiang's reputation in the courtyard was not good in the past. How could the man in his backyard be willing to lend him money?

So now Wang Li is here to borrow money. She still has a ration at home, but she has no money to buy. Of course, the ration is not enough to eat, but let’s get through this month. The price of food in Pigeon Market is now very high. She will not go to Pigeon Market to buy food unless she has to. She will eat according to the ration first.

Hearing Wang Li's purpose of coming to her, Zhao Qian looked at Wang Li and felt really pitiful for her. It's only been less than a month, and she, who was already thin, now looks even thinner. My man is drinking outside and having an affair with another woman. How many women can accept this.

Wang Li was almost in tears a few days ago, but she has children at home, and unless she dies, she has to live her life. She had no choice but to forgive her husband. She had heard that Yu Qiang was going to be fired. She was not thinking about herself, but what to do with her children. Fortunately, the factory informed her to take over Yu Qiang's job.

This really cheered up Wang Li. At least she no longer had to look at Yu Qiang's face. If Yu Qiang dared to attack her again, she would ask Luo Cheng to teach him a lesson. Although she asked outsiders from the neighborhood to teach her husband that it was not good to go out, Yu Qiang had never touched other women before, and she tolerated being beaten.

Now he was drinking and meeting other women. If he hadn't had children, she would have never wanted to live this life again. Moreover, thinking about the relationship between husband and wife means that Yu Qiang has stopped doing anything and relies on her to work to make money. She didn't want to trouble Luo Cheng, but Luo Cheng was the only one who dared to attack her husband without scruples in the yard.

Looking at Wang Li and then thinking about herself, Zhao Qian feels happy. After asking Wang Li how much money she wanted to borrow, Zhao Qian asked her to wait after learning that she wanted to borrow five yuan. Five yuan is not much, but it is not much. If you don't go to the pigeon market to buy grain, if you buy it in quantity, fine grains are only about 17 cents, and coarse grain corn noodles are only 5 cents. Enough to buy out the ration.

But Zhao Qian saw that Wang Li was really thin now. When she went back to the room to get the money, she called Hongxiu to go to the kitchen and cut a piece of fat meat. Erliang meat is not a big or small piece, and someone with a big mouth can eat it in one bite.

Don't look at the small amount of meat in two taels. A household's monthly ration is just that much. If you eat it on a regular basis, you won’t eat meat during the New Year and holidays. So two taels of meat is a lot, a month’s ration.

Not long after, Wang Li took her things and left with almost tears. She was not willing to eat two ounces of meat casually. When Zhao Qian had just given birth to Luo Cheng's baby, Luo Cheng held a banquet in the yard on the third day, and everyone in the yard had meat. But most of the people in the yard probably ate meat last time.

Wang Li also wants to marinate these two ounces of meat. If nothing happens, cut a small piece for the child to add oil and water. As for myself, it will be over after a while.

After seeing off Wang Li, Zhao Qian went back to the room and found that Luo Cheng fell asleep again. He sat on the edge of the bed, lifted the quilt and took a look, but didn't raise it up to challenge her again. After smiling, Zhao Qian also went out to the kitchen to see what she could do. She didn't feel tired at all with two children, but without Luo Cheng around, she felt tired.

As soon as Luo Cheng came back, Zhao Qian felt that everything she did was very interesting.

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