Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 294 Have you ever heard of marriage trouble?

Yiwu is not too far from Jiangcheng. The high-speed rail station where Liu Xiaofei sent Luo Cheng to in the morning arrived at noon.

In a strange city, it is natural to find a taxi first, then ask the driver to take you to the wholesale market twice, and then find a hotel to rest.

The taxi driver is quite talkative. From Luo Cheng's words, you can tell that it must be his first time here. There are more than one small commodity wholesale market in this city. If you want to go around, you may not be able to complete it in one day.

Yiwu is a city where you can earn millions just by selling good chopsticks. It can be said that this is not a city, but a small supermarket in the world.

The driver didn't try to trick anyone, and directly took Luo Cheng to a relatively large market, and left a phone number for Luo Cheng. There are too many markets in Yiwu, high-end and low-end, with various product types. If you don't have a purpose to visit, , I couldn’t finish shopping in a few days. So when you want to go somewhere else, you can call him.

However, there are taxis everywhere in Yiwu, and the drivers are very enthusiastic and do not rip off customers. Luo Cheng can call a taxi at any time if he wants to go somewhere else, so there is no need to contact a driver deliberately.

It is said that here, especially the locals here, like to do business. If you are a male and female virgin, you can have low academic qualifications, but you cannot work part-time. Even if you are a white-collar worker with an income of tens of thousands a month, you may not be regarded as as good as a young man with entrepreneurial spirit and street vendor in the eyes of your partner's parents.

And here, many highly educated people have lost face and started their own businesses, starting from very small businesses. Many stall owners can speak English or even multiple languages, because many foreign friends come here to purchase. One more foreign language may lead to one more chance of success.

The first market Luo Cheng arrived at was the wholesale market for all kinds of clothes and small commodities. But when he saw a store selling merchandise for one yuan a piece, he was really confused. The items that cost one yuan a piece are not small items, but clothes.

Luo Cheng couldn't believe that clothes cost one dollar a piece. Even in his time, there were no clothes that cost one dollar a piece. Then I asked the boss here why these clothes are so cheap. They didn't hide it, they were specialized in recycling inventory clothing.

It is definitely impossible to produce clothes that cost one yuan a piece, but there are definitely businesses and manufacturers that are losing money. The brands are definitely off-brand, and they only cost one yuan. They are basically summer clothes, thin and don’t use much material.

When you buy their clothes, the inventory of each factory needs to be cleared. It is very messy. If you want many pieces of one style, they may not be available yet. This place is very popular with people who set up street stalls to purchase. They pick one or two hundred items at a time and find a place to sell them for ten yuan or more each. They can make back their money by selling just a few items, and they will make money later.

After Luo Cheng found out about the situation, he felt a little more at ease. At least the clothes here couldn't be customized, and some styles were even gone once they were sold out. Otherwise, if a piece of clothing only costs one yuan, how much can his knotted jewelry be sold for?

After wandering around the market for an hour or two, Luo Cheng was really eye-opening. Not that the things here were so attractive, they could be bought in many places. But the price of things here is often unimaginably cheap.

Luo Cheng bought some small glass mirrors, not wrapped in plastic shells, but glass mirrors wrapped in wood products. It's very delicate, smaller than Luo Cheng's slap, and only costs one dollar and fifty cents each. Luo Cheng felt that if he brought this thing to his own time, it would please the little girl very much.

Luo Cheng decided to put aside the matter of promoting knotted products and bamboo woven products first. As expected, Yiwu was just like what was said online. It was not a city, but an international supermarket. As long as you can't think of it, there is nothing that is not available here. There are both fashionable and unfashionable ones, because the customers of the shops here are not only local and domestic, but also overseas.

Let’s just talk about pearl necklaces and cultured pearls. The cheap ones only cost a few dollars. But these days, there are a few young people in China who wear pearl necklaces, but for some places in Africa, cheap pearl necklaces are the best-selling products.

Luo Cheng also wanted to buy a bunch of them to go back to his own time, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. There was no need to commit suicide. In his era, gold was not expensive now. If it was not for sale, but just for giving away, it would be better to buy gold jewelry as a gift for someone you like.

Yiwu has many products, many international friends, and naturally many hotels. If it were in the past, Luo Cheng would have gone directly to a hotel if he wanted to stay. However, some hotels have trouble issuing invoices, and hotels can issue invoices. If you can issue invoices, you can give the company tax deductions. So when Luo Cheng goes out now, it's best to ask for an invoice for everything he consumes.

Although the financial ‘supervisor’ Wang Fang doesn’t have much work experience, he still knows about simple tax avoidance and tax deduction. Moreover, many of Luo Cheng's products are self-produced and sold. In fact, if you don't consciously report them, you won't be able to pay much tax.

But Luo Cheng wants to sell knotted products and bamboo woven products. This is basically an online store plus a physical store plus wholesale and export sales. If the business really starts, there will be a lot of taxes.

Luo Cheng found an ordinary hotel, which was not much more expensive than a hotel. Next to the hotel, Luo Cheng saw a shop selling local specialties. They sell brown sugar and brown sugar shortbread. The brown sugar shortbread comes in several flavors and looks quite tempting. There are sesame seeds on the surface, and then there are meat floss fillings, bean paste fillings, and some mixed nuts.

But after buying it, Luo Cheng returned to his room in the hotel and tasted it. It's too sweet, and brown sugar is added to every flavor. You'll get tired of eating too much, but in this future era, you can eat all the delicious things. If this was in his own time, this thing would indeed be delicious, because most people would be willing to eat just one at most, and there is no way they would get tired of it if they ate too much.

In the hotel, Luo Cheng simply stayed up until twelve o'clock and took the purchased things back to his own time. If you save it later and do it later, you will need to explain it in words.


Soon, Luo Cheng woke up in the yard of the machine factory office in Jiangcheng.

Dozens of bamboo cages for chickens and all kinds of stuff. Except for the chicken, Luo Cheng put everything else in the larger room of the main house. Luo Cheng had no intention of taking snacks and a lot of food to Zheng Ke's place at night. These days, it would be difficult to explain to someone on patrol if they brought things at night.

After packing up his things, Luo Cheng set off. He had the key to Zheng Ke's dormitory with him. This was the second time he went there at this time.

When he arrived there, Luo Cheng looked at the time. He was delayed for a while because of packing things, but it was almost a little late.

I took out the key from my pocket and originally wanted to open the door gently and go in. But actually think about it carefully, you are sleeping alone, and suddenly a person appears next to you and touches your bed. It might really scare people, so I knocked gently on the door twice.

"Who is it?"

"Coco, it's me."

The lights in the room turned on quickly. At this point, even knocking on the door actually frightened Zheng Ke. No normal person would knock on someone's door late at night. If there was no response from outside the house after asking, it might cause her to have trouble sleeping.

But after hearing the response, Zheng Ke couldn't believe his ears, but the voice he heard was definitely Luo Cheng's. She was still confused because she was woken up from her deep sleep, but she immediately woke up completely. After turning on the light, she immediately went to the front room to open the door even though she was only wearing shorts.

"Luo Cheng, it's really you."

"Well, go inside and don't disturb the next door neighbor."

After opening the door, Zheng Ke saw that it was really Luo Cheng who he had always dreamed about in his dreams. He couldn't believe his eyes, thinking that it was all a dream now. But touching Luo Cheng's arm, the sense of reality made her understand that Luo Cheng was back.

After closing the door, Zheng Ke took Luo Cheng to the inner room, and then looked at him dreamingly.

Originally, Luo Cheng wanted to tell Zheng Ke that he had brought her so many things this time and that he would pick them up tomorrow. But now, Luo Cheng, Zhao Qian and Liu Xiaofei have never seen such looks when they were together. But I have seen it in TV series and movies, and it might be called affectionate.

It's not that Luo Cheng doesn't have love and affection for Zhao Qian and Liu Xiaofei, but it's just that he doesn't express it with such enthusiasm. Especially this look, it feels like your eyes are full of you.

Luo Cheng kissed her directly. He had no resistance at this time, and Zheng Ke responded directly with a kiss.

Zheng Ke smells very good, a natural girly scent.

The lights in the inner room were not turned off, and Luo Cheng could see her shy yet determined expression. Without saying anything, Luo Cheng understood that she was ready.

"Hold me tight, Luo Cheng, hold me tight."


On the way from Changcheng by train, Luo Cheng thought a lot, and he admitted that he had fallen. Zhao Qian was ten months pregnant, and it took nearly two months to recover from the birth. On the way, he thought about how to please Zheng Ke and then capture her. There is no such thing as love or not, I just simply want to do this with her.

But she didn't expect that it would happen so easily, even if it was Zheng Ke's first time, even if she was in pain. But she just wants to merge with herself.

Luo Cheng even had the illusion that she just wanted to stick to her body, the tighter the better, and this kind of combination was just because the two bodies were in close contact.

"It can be done."

"It doesn't matter, just hold me tight."

It was impossible to keep Luo Cheng motionless at this time, and Zheng Ke didn't know how to respond, he just wanted to hold him tightly.

It was very late at night, and the two of them kept hugging each other tightly, and then fell asleep one after another. The lights were never turned off, and they were firmly attached, preventing you from moving at all.

The sky gradually dawned, and Zheng Ke woke up first. It hurt, but she didn't care at all.

Looking at Luo Cheng next to him, Zheng Ke was like a cat, rubbing his face affectionately.

This is how it will be in this life, even if you are with the wrong person, that's it.

It was getting a little brighter again, Zheng Ke endured the discomfort and got up, washed his body with water from a thermos bottle, and also helped Luo Cheng scrub. As for the red mark on the bed sheet, Zheng Ke planned to cut it off with scissors and then save it. It was impossible to wash it off, it was something she wanted to treasure.

"Luo Cheng, I'm going to pay my salary in a few days. I'll leave it to you. Then you go to my house and meet my family. I'll also go to your hometown. Let's set a date."

Porridge was cooking in the pot in the front room. Zheng Ke would run to the inner room whenever he had some free time. He would feel at ease only when he touched Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng was sleepy and had not slept for a few hours, but Zheng Ke kept coming in and he couldn't sleep deeply at all. In a half-asleep and half-awake state.

"Why do you give me your salary? I have money. In addition to my salary, I told you last time that the Procurement Department can have a lot of extra income."

"We have decided that when you go to my house, you can't be empty-handed. Then my parents will probably order some betrothal gifts, and there may be a banquet. Don't you have to spend money? I have a salary, so you can spend mine. ”

This~~, it seems that in the future era, according to Zheng Ke, it will be completely pure. But Luo Cheng was not a freeloader, and the money he earned could never be used up. Without corresponding bills, he couldn't buy anything even if he had money, so it was impossible to ask for Zheng Ke's salary.

Luo Cheng was a little annoyed because he couldn't control his lower body. It felt so good to have someone else's body at night. During the day, people would talk to you about meeting your parents, and it would be so natural, but now you are embarrassed to shirk it.

It is easy for Luo Cheng to go to see Zheng Ke's parents, but she cannot be allowed to go to see her own parents. Not to mention his parents, he can't even go to his work. He has a wife and a baby. If he really wants to go, he will be exposed immediately.

After thinking for a while, Luo Cheng felt that it was better to starve the brave to death and starve the timid to death. This is already the case, fooling around to the end.

"Coco, lie down here and I'll tell you something."

"Well, Luo Cheng, tell me."

Letting Zheng Ke lie down next to her was a dream come true for her who was clingy. Not only were they lying down, their faces were very close to each other.

"I told you before that my hometown is actually from a township below Changcheng, that is, my relatives, parents, brothers and sisters are all from the countryside. This is in the countryside, and there are various customs of getting married in various places, and even bad customs. You have I haven’t heard of any marriage trouble.”

When Zheng Ke heard Luo Cheng say this, he shook his head first, thought about it and then nodded immediately. In Wanzhou, she lived in a city and her family was well-educated. However, Wanzhou has been full of bandits since ancient times, and there are also many evil customs in some remote places. It's just that Zheng Ke has heard a little bit about it, but has never seen it.

"Hey, it's like this. When we get married over there, men and women rarely find people from other places, because many people from other places can't accept the wedding scene. For example, the woman has to take off her clothes and lie on the bed that day, and put red dates, peanuts and other things on her body. Although it has symbolic meaning, it’s still just the beginning when it comes to exposing your body to others~~.”

Luo Cheng was fortunate that he had seen some marriage drama videos in the future era, not to mention watching naked bodies. In some places, the worse thing was to marry a daughter-in-law and share it with all the men in the family.

But Luo Cheng couldn't frighten Zheng Ke with anything particularly excessive. If they really shared it, I'm afraid he wouldn't be fooling Zheng Ke. Instead, she forced her parents to separate from her.

The most Luo Cheng said was that on the wedding day, if the wedding was held in his hometown, the bride would be very humiliated. By the way, Zheng Ke said that she has a sister, so she can't go to the party because he is not only making trouble for the bride, but also for the sister-in-law and the bridesmaid.

"How could this happen? Then what should I do?"

"It's like this in the countryside where I live, but now it's a new era, young people are no longer like that. But there are some older people who always regard bad habits as customs. So we don't even hold wedding banquets there now, and there are no banquets in the city. This is a bad habit, but my hometown is in the countryside. So if we really want to settle things, we should go to your hometown to have a free marriage. After we finish it, you can go to see my parents."

Luo Cheng meant that there was no need to tell his family about the marriage, it would just be done, and his parents would have a chance to see each other again in the future.

"Is this okay? Don't tell your parents about important matters such as marriage."

"Keke, I am doing this for your own good, and I have left the village now and work in the city. What if I tell my parents and they want to follow the customs? You have to convince your parents, and we will Just set the date like this, trust me, it’s all for your own good.”

Hearing what Luo Cheng said, Zheng Ke naturally believed it. She would sacrifice everything for Luo Cheng, but it was too embarrassing for Luo Cheng's hometown wedding custom. Wear nothing and use some peanuts, red dates, rice, etc. to cover your body. The problem is that if you don’t have much to cover, Nako may be exposed. How can this be done?

If Luo Cheng insisted on custom, she might still consider it, but now that Luo Cheng is helping her, how could she not side with Luo Cheng.

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