At the same time that he , who had become Leolde, was making his big decision, the Duke of Harvest received word that Leolde had been defeated in a duel. 

"Is that true?!" 

"Yes. I have confirmed the information that we received with the academy. And to top it all off, they caused a ruckus in front of the public and took over the arena, where the fight took place in front of a huge crowd." 

"...... Okay. I'll go to the academy myself. Get back to me as soon as you can." Said the duke. 

"What?" asked the butler 

The current head of the Harvest family, Beluga Harvest, held his head as he dismissed the man who had reported that Leolde had lost the duel. 

It was no wonder that Beluga was so puzzled. Dueling exists under the laws of the kingdom, and if you lose, the winner gets the right to choose for loser if they live or die. Fortunately, this time his opponent doesn't want Leolde to die. If Leolde was ordered to die, Beluga could do nothing but let his son die. 

"I thought that going to the academy would have calmed him down a bit, but I guess I was wrong. No, it's because I spoiled him too much. I had faith that he would eventually become a great person. ......" 

The duke has been pampering Beluga like a green house plant because he was his first child. It's not hard to see why. He had hoped that his own son would eventually realize his own mistakes and improve, but this incident has taught him a lot. He would need to be strict from now on. 

He rang the bell on his desk and an old butler came into  his office. 

"You wanted to see me, sir?" 

"Yes. Actually, I have a favor to ask you." 

"Is it about the boy?"" 

"How perceptive! That's right, Gilbert. Can you do that for me?" 

"I don't see why not." 

"You are always helping me and I am troubling you." 

"Not at all, sir. I'm the butler for the Harvest family!" 

As the old butler left the room, a woman came in his place. It was Olivia, Beluga's wife. 

"You. I overheard something a while ago." 

". Yes, I know. It's about Leoldo's duel. 

" What will happen to Leoldo? 

"Fortunately, there are two things that the duelist wanted: first, to have nothing to do with Miss Clarice, Leolde's fiancée. Second, to stay out of Siegfried's sight, the duelist. So, I'm going to have Leolde voluntarily withdraw from the school." 

"Thank God ...... that's all he had to do!". 

"Really. ...... I'm sorry, Olivia. . If I had been stricter with him, this wouldn't have happened." 

"Don't say that.' I spoiled him too much, and it's both of our faults." 

They both apologized, but it was their first child, and they had raised him with a lot of love. So they spoiled him. Because of this, they have developed a broken personality, but it's not only their fault. It was not only their fault, but also Leoldo's fault for taking advantage of the situation. 

"So, what are you going to do after you let Leolde drop out of school?" 

"Mmm. About that, I'm sending him to Ze'at, a remote city in my territory." 

"Is it safe place? The demons are quiet now, and the neighboring countries are friendly , but Ze'at is the cornerstone of the frontier. Will Leolde be able to rule it?" 

"I'm not worried about that.  He will have Gilbert by his side!"  

"Oh, my! He will safe with Gil." 

They thought he wou


A strong pain shot through my cheek. The impact of the blow made me fall on the spot. 

(What? What's going on? Why am I being beaten up?) 

The man, who had no idea why he had been hit, looked around and tried to understand the situation. 

The beaten and confused man looks up when he noticed another man approaching him. This man had bright red hair; his head was pointing and looking down at the beaten man with a look of rage on his face. 

(Who is this?!...Could this guy be the one who hit me?!) 

The man on the ground knew who hit him, but he couldn't figure out why he was hit. Furthermore, it appeared that the angry red haired man was not done talking to him. 

"Listen to me! Don't ever get involved with Clarice again! And stay the hell away from us!" 

"Ha, ha, ......." 

The beaten man on the ground was being scolded pathetically. 

(Why is he so angry?...) 

"Hmph!" the man on the ground nodded 

The angry red-haired man heard the reply of the man sprawled on the ground, which was when his anger subsided a bit. he then huffed and walked away from the man's presence. 

The man stood up, finally able to see his surroundings. When he looked around again, he saw that he was surrounded by boys and girls dressed in clothes he had never seen before. 

(What the heck is this? ......) 

Furthermore, if you looked closely, you can that where all this is taking place looks like a big stage with many people in the present acting as an audience sitting in their seats around the stage. It was a strange sight to say the least (an arena?!). 

The man, who was getting more and more confused, took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down to better assess the situation. 

(Calm down me. First of all, what and why is this happening? Let's think about what happened today.) 

In order to understand what is going on , the man started recalling what happened on that day; First, the man remembered what he had been doing just before he was hit. 

(Hmmm, I believe I was playing Destiny 48, which is known as an eroge blockbuster.) 

Destiny 48, as the man called it, is an eroge created by a long-established eroge company that wanted to create a masterpiece that would go down in history. 

What's amazing is that it was created with forty-eight scenario writers and forty-eight illustrators. The huge production cost left even consumers speechless with astonishment. 

To top it all off, they even added paid DLC for additional scenarios and heroines, and in the end, and in total the game had 36 capture target  

(I was surprised when it was announced, wasn't I? With famous scenario writers and divine painters, it was a big deal at the time. But I was a student, so I couldn't buy it. ......) 

(But I was happy when I bought it with my first paycheck as a working adult. 

I'm a pensive guy, but I'll switch it up if it doesn't matter now. 

(Yes, I know. I was up all night playing Fate 48 over the long weekend.  I even bought the paid DLC and fell asleep after completing the story of sixty-four characters. ......) 

Finally, the recollection ends. The man had arrived at a possible answer. 

(This must be a dream!) 

Once he concluded that he was dreaming, the solution was easy. All he had to do was wake up, so the man pinched his cheek, but he didn't wake up. Then it dawned on him that he should have realized that it was already a reality since he felt the hit from the red haired man.  

"Leolde Hervest!" 

A loud voice suddenly rang out. The man's shoulders shook with fear. It's a name he's heard many times before. 

Because that name is-- 

"I am Leolde Harvest ......?!" 

--I'm the underground dog character in Fate 48. 

He never imagined that he would end up in reincarnated in another world, something that he had read so much about in web novels. 

(Wait, wait, wait! Leolde challenged the hero Siegfried to a duel in the early stages of the game, and after losing, he was expelled from the school and banished to the frontier! In addition, depending on the heroine, he may become the final boss, but he's guaranteed to die in all routes!) 

(I don't want to die! ... No matter how much I scream in my heart, reality is ruthless. No matter how much I scream in my mind, reality is cruel). A shout echoes through the motionless Leolde. 

"What are you doing Leolde Harvest?! You lost the duel, so get back to your room as soon as possible!' 


(I don't have the energy to resist. All I can do now is to think about what I should do about this situation. If  was going to be reincarnated into another world, I wanted to do it from when I was a baby)  thought  men , who was reincarnated into Leoldo, leaving the venue with his shoulders slumped. 

(What's going on? ......) 

Leoldo, , returned to his room and laid down on his bed to think. 

Since he had completely cleared Destiny 48  in his  past life, he had all the scenarios and what was to going to happen in the future in his mind. That's why he, who is now Leolde, is troubled by the fact that his death has would be something guaranteed. 

He has no idea how he is going to live his life. Since he is going to die anyway, he wants to live as he pleases, but there is one thing that worries Leolde. 

"does this world has a will of its own? ......?" 

A word  he seen many times in web novels: the will of the world. If you try to resist the fate that you were supposed to die, the world will try to have you die. 

Leolde believes that  he  is no exception to this rule. That's why he worries even more. 

"What if I were to die now? I can't do that. I don't have the guts." 

Although he muttered something desperate, he did not have the courage to do it. He rolled around on the bed, and time passed by without any thought coming to mind. 

He  doesn't know how much time has passed, but he gets out of bed. 

He looked at the mirror in his room and saw Leolde's body. 

He said, "Your body looks just like the illustration. It's full of flab and the chin is nowhere to be seen. A   gold pig as  they said ". 

He, who had become Leolde, knew. He is a duke and a man of high status, but at the same time, he has a strong ego and an arrogant personality. 

Because of this, he has lived his life in indulgence and has gained a lot of weight., people call him the golden pig behind his back because of his blond hair. 

"Sigh. ......" 

leolde let out a sigh and sat down in his chair. As he stared at the ceiling, Leorde was reminded of his own performance. 

"I've decided! I'm going to survive this at all costs! I don't care what the world wants! This one has the power to be the last boss!" 

He thrust his hand upward and grasped the void.  He knew the potential that was hidden within him. He was determined to use it to survive. 

d be safe, but the original Leolde would die. It's a definite fact, and no matter how many excellent subordinates   they would have had,  they couldn't prevent it. Of course, the two of them would never know that. 

"I'm going to pick up Leolde from the school later. I know it's going to be hard for a while, but I will need your help." 

"We're a married couple, so it's only natural that I should help." 

"Thank you. I'm glad I married you." 

"Me too, dear" 

They were flirting for a while, but a knock on the door brought them back to their senses. 

The butler cleared his throat "I'm sorry. for getting in the way of your work." 

"Yes, I understand!" 

Olivia left the room and a subordinate got into the room. 

"I have something to report!" 

"Let's hear it. What is it? 

"His Majesty the King has requested an immediate presence at his castle. ......" 

"Information travels fast, doesn't it? Well, it's not surprising, considering what Leolde has done." 

"Hey, Miss Beluga. ......" 

"Contact the castle ASAP. Beluga Harvest is coming to see you! 


As the saluting subordinate walked out, Beluga leaned her weight on the backrest and looked up at the ceiling. 

"I'll be back. I will be apologizing to Miss Clarice and to the Countess. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it. And then there's Leolde's punishment for what he did this time. There are so many problems." 

He couldn't help but complain, but there is no one here at the moment. Even if there were, there would only be a handful of people who could scold the head of the duke's family face to face. 

Beluga put together the Leolde's documents on went on his way 

Note  . This chapter is edited by King.J.Elias  . hope it wil make your reading more comfortable . p.s he said  that h can edit 2 chapters per day . P.s leave your feedback , if you can

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