
The magic that Leorde unleashed was the lightning magic that he was best at.

A single  wawe of lightning tore through the sky. The thunderbolt, which destroyed the insulation called air, pierced the wyvern's head.

The wyvern was killed by the blow and fell to the ground without uttering a single cry.  because of  it  he dropped Shelia, whom he was holding.

Shelia is Gilbert's granddaughter, but unlike Gilbert, she's a mere civilian, and a fall from a height of more than ten meters would be a fatal .


Shelia screamed in terror as she fell, but Gilbert carried her back to the ground safely.

"She cried out in joy at being freed from her fear.

Gilbert gently pats the head of Shelia, who cries like a baby.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you.

In addition to relief, exhausted from crying, Shelia fell asleep in Gilbert's arms. It was understandable, since she was in a state of extreme fear that she might die.

With the sleeping Shelia in his arms, Gilbert made his way to Leoldo, who was lying on his stomach.

He was happy to have successfully cast a spell, and he was also relaxed because he had been released from a situation where failure was not an option on a last-ditch attempt.

So now  he is lying down on my back, looking up at the sky.

(Thank goodness ...... thank goodness~~!)

(I'm so glad ......!)

(Shelia is safe and the wyvern is down!)

)It's the best result!!!)

It's not that  he is satisfied, it's just that the results are so great that  his shaking with joy.

He was worried about what would happen if he failed, but it didn't matter when it was over. No one was missed , and everyone was safe.

Gilbert approached Lelde, who was lying down. He noticed the footsteps and turned his head towards them.

"I'd like to thank you very much for saving my granddaughter Shelia. ......!

"Good. Don't worry about it. Don't worry, I only did what I had to do.  you one of the few subordinates who follow people like me. It is the Lord's will to help them."

"Master , ......! You're a fine man, ......."

"I'm not respectable. I'm just finally fulfilling my duties as a nobleman. It's the nobility that leads and protects the people."

"Oh, ...... Master, ......."

"So, please continue to support me. Gil. I'm counting on you."

"I will continue to support you until the end of my life!"

(It's as heavy as ever! Well, but that's okay for now. ......)

A pleasant breeze soothed Leolde's burning body. He was so comfortable that he almost fell asleep, but he woke up and gave Gilbert an order.

"Gil. Stay with Shelia today."

"'But I'm  your  steward.  Sheria   can be taken care of by someone else..."

"Gil. She been through a lot, you know. It's better to have a relative by your side than a stranger. And Gil will make  her feel safe."

"Well, then who's going to protect you?"

"Don't worry about me.  the wyverns won't be attacking us anymore. Besides, you've seen my magic, haven't you? Even if the bandits do attack, they will be defeated."

"But, master..."

"That's an order, Gil. You are staying  by Sheria's side today. Do you understand?""

"......  Yes, . - Thank you, master."

Gilbert walked back into the house with Shelia in his arms. Leolde's ears perked up as he heard Gilbert expressing his gratitude as he left.

"I'm going to try to repair the collapsed wall. It might be a good way to practice earth magic.

With a swaggering attitude, Leoldo walked toward the collapsed wall.

The servants were gathered at the collapsed wall like spectators. As Leoldo approached, the servants were stuck in confusion, wondering what to do. Then Leoldo gave the servants an order.

"I don't want you to get hurt, so you guys go back to your regular work. Those of you who were in charge of this area should move to other places to help."

"Also, stay away from this area as much as possible because of the danger of collapse. Answer when you understand."

"Yes, sir!

The bewildered servants obeyed Leorde's orders and returned to their respective workplaces. The remaining servants were wondering how to remove the rubble.

(Hmmm... Can Ibreak it down with earth magic?  If I could handle the fire attribute, I could burn the wood and decompose the earth, but there's no point in begging for what I don't have.)

For the time being, LeoLde gave up on removing the rubble. As he thought about what to do next, he saw the corpse of a wyvern.

(Come to think of it, what were wyverns used for? I think they were used to make equipment or something, but I can't remember.)

LeoLdo struggled to remember what he could have made with the materials from the wyverns, but in the end he couldn't remember anything, so he just collected the wyvern corpses in one place.

In Destiny 48, you can make armor out of materials from wyverns. It's not as hard as iron, but it's light, stretchy, and strong enough to be used as armor.

However, Leoldo has forgotten all about it, so he cant make  equipment  Sadly. If only he had remembered, he could have gotten high quality armor made from wyvern skin.

Thus, three wyverns invaded Ze'at, were defeated   and its  matter  came to an end without a single casualty.

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