Since the incident with the wyverns, nothing special has happened and Leoldo  has been spending her time peacefully. He was still being  trained by Gilbert and Barbaroth  in order to lose weight , but he was generally at peace.

It had been about three months since Leorde had arrived in Ze'at. Since he left the school in early spring, the seasons have changed and it is now summer.

In the world of Destiny 48, spring, summer, autumn, and winter exist, and the climate is basically the same as on earth .

Therefore, the sun was now baking his skin and the midsummer sun was raging.

And today, after the training that has become part of his daily routine, Leoldo asks for water to quench his thirst.

"Water ......, give me water .......""

Like a dried up mummy, Leorde asks Gilbert for water.

Immediately, Gilbert took out a glass and handed it to Leold.

"I have one thing to report," he said. 

Gilbert gave a report to Leoldo, who was drinking the water while gulping it down with gusto.

"Hmm. What is it?""

"There is currently a shortage of water in Ze'at.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Yes. There is a shortage of water due to the lack of rain recently."

If the  heat continues, it will become a serious problem. The residents are trying to conserve water."

"Master Leoldo. At the moment, Ze'at is using the water from the reservoirs to get  over it .

As Gilbert said, the sun continues to shine, and the water level in the river keeps dropping. If things continue like this, there will definitely be a shortage of water.

"Can't we do something about it?"

"Unless we find a new source of water, it will be difficult. ......"

"The Knights have also sent out a survey team, but so far there have been no reports of anything "

I don't know about this event! What should I do?

(Wait a minute I don't know anything about this event!)

(Wait. We can do something with magic, right?)

"How about we supplement it with magic?

"'Boy. It may be possible for an individual, but this is a problem for the whole of Ze'at.

"If you use magic to supplement everything from drinking water to water for daily use, no amount of magic power will be enough. And it's not just for one day."

"Oh.  ......."

Leoldo is depressed at his shallow thinking, but he quickly changes his mind.

He wondered why  it had come to him in the first place.  He not even a deputy lord,  but a mere scrapper.

He can fight a little now, but he is unlikely to be able to help with the current water shortage.

When he thought about it, he still didn't understand why  he had told him about the water shortage. So, he decided to ask him honestly.

"I was wondering, why are you reporting such a thing to me?"

I thought Master Leorde might be able to come up with something  to solve a problem ."

I'm sorry, but I can't think of anything more. The only thing I can think of is to try to save water.

"So ....... I'm sorry."  he  said the impossible.

"Don't worry about it I'm not going to blame you because you've been evaluated."

But in the end, no one could come up with an idea that could solve the water shortage.

"Um... ......""

As they were all holding their heads in their hands, the maid, Shelia, peeked out. She called out to the three of them with a fearful expression.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"No, It seemed like  you was training normally, but today, all three of  you talked with difficult faces, so I was worried about it ... "

"Shelia! I know you're curious, but do you know what "it means to listen in on the Lord?"

"I'm so sorry!

"Good, Gilbert. I know this is important, but I don't think Shelia has anything to do with it. It's nothing to be angry about."

" You know . This kind of thing has to be disciplined strictly on a regular basis. You a maid in the service of a duke's family. You  hve to observe moderation."

In addition, you should not listen in on the conversations of our Lord, Leoldo"

"this is a top-secret matter, we must take care of it without fuss t""

"What? ......!"

Shelia let out a small scream, not expecting the word "end" to come from her grandfather, Gilbert.

"Yes, you're right, Gil. Shelia is frightened, so we have to excuse  her and tolerate her this time.

"That's sweet, child. But if that's the way  she are, I can't help it.

Shelia was relieved to find out that she would not be blamed.

"So, Shelia. I'm sure you have some business with us. What do you want?""

"Oh, that's right.

"What is it  ......?

"Shelia! I would have told you that if you had an opinion about Master Leorde, you would have to ask his permission first!"

Leorde was impressed with Shelia's argument, but Gilbert scolded Shelia for expressing her opinion without Leorde's permission.

"Gil. Don't be so angry. I don't mind."

"'Don't spoil the  her either!  She'll get upsed !

"Yes,  , ......."

Leoldo was so overwhelmed by Gilbert' that he could only nod.

Well, Leoldo-than that. Is it possible to do what your says? "

"I'm not saying it's impossible, but it might be better to call in a specialist  from the capital rather than me."

"Is it possible, master "?

"I've never tried it, so I can't say."

"Hmm. ......"

Gilbert heard Leorde's words and pondered something. I've never tried it, so I can't say.

"Master . It may be just the thing. You can join the knights' investigation team to investigate the water source and kill the demons."

"Mm-hmm, I see. I understand.

Leorde crossed  his arms and nodded yes to Gilbert's suggestion, but the last word caught  him by surprise.

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