On  the next day, Barbaroto went to Leolde's mansion to report on his investigation. In the reception room, Leold and Gilbert were waiting for him .

Barbaroto, who had been guided by Shelia, sat down on the sofa and reported the results of the investigation.

"First of all, regarding the fact that the recent investigation took more time  than planned, the reason is that it took too long to discover the water source."

"Hmm. So you were able to find the water source. That's a good thing ."

"Yes. However, I can only apologize for the significant delay.'

"Gil. As I told you the  last night the delay was caused by my recklessness. Barbaroto  is not responsible for that. So please don't blame him."

"You are mistaken ,Master  It's true that if you hadn't been so reckless, the investigation would have been completed  as planned but it is Barbaroto-, the captain of the team, who makes the final decision.'

"It's only natural that he would have responsibilities as the captain. It is the duty of the captain to take responsibility even if the members of the team make a wrong decision."

"It's true, but ...... this time I said what I wanted as a duke. Barbaroth couldn't resist, and--"

"It's good that you're trying to protect him, but you're wrong here .

"Gilbert is right. I am glad that  Master Leolde -is protecting me, but this time it is because of my  mistake in judgment."

"That's why it's only natural that I should be punished accordingly."

"Barbaroto  ......, I'm sorry. It was my fault."

"It is the duty of the captain to deal with the failures of his subordinates."

" In addition, if Leolde  hadn't worked so hard,  we wouldn't have been able to find the water, so don't worry about it."

Leolde, who had memories from his former world , was touched by Barbaroto's  words. He thought that he would have been happy to work for a man  like Barbarotho's.

While   he was impressed, Gilbert and Barbaroto's conversation progressed.

"You say you've found water, how much do you find?"

"The depth of the hole makes it difficult to see, but from the echoes of the stones we threw in, I'd say there's a good amount."

"I see. Then perhaps we should build a canal."

"Since a well would be impossible in the middle of the forest, I think that would be more practical."

"In that case, should we recruit an earth user? ......

"I think I can share my magic power with you. - That would be easy with yours's skills.

As the three of them were discussing their future plans, Shelia, who was standing by the wall, raised her hand nervously.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but may I speak up?"

"Hmm? You may ."

Leolde looked at Gilbert , and Gilbert shook his head in approval, allowing Sheria to speak.

Yes. Then, as far as I can tell, can't we use master  Leolde-magic power sharing to increase the water in the reservoir that is the source of Zeato's water?"


"Oh, hey! Did I possibly say something rude!"

"It's not that."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha. ......"

"Hahaha, I  haven't know  you could think of something as simple as that. ......"

The three people who had been in a state of excitement suddenly froze, which made Sheria panic  and think that she might have said something  rude Then the three frozen people reacted in three different ways.

Leolde is holding  his temples and looking up at the ceiling, Gilbert is laughing thirstily at his granddaughter's idea , and Barbaroto is clutching his head at an idea that no one else has come up with.

The cringing Shelia is helpless. Leolde let out a sigh, wondering what all the hard work of yesterday was about.

"Gil. What is the population of Ze'at?""

"About 5,000 people , I think."

"I don't know... Shelia!"


"Thanks for your  irdea . The three of us never would have thought of that."

"No, ! My opinion is not that important!

Leorde laughs at Shelia, who waves her hands widely and says it's  not big deal 

"It's not a big deal. You  say it's not  much of an opinion.  Then we're no better than Shelia."

"Well, that's harsh. We're no better.


Sensing Leorde's intentions, the two of them made disparaging remarks about themselves in agreement with Leolde.

Shelia was impatient that she had caused a misunderstanding, even though she hadn't meant to  make fun of the three of them, but she needn't worry.

But don't worry, they all understand. The two of them knew that Leolde was probably teasing Sheria because he saw her in a hurry, and they just agreed with him.

But for the person who is being teased, it's not so bad.

"Hahaha. It was a joke. No one thinks Shelia is  making fun of us.

Shelia's  idea  was amusing, so I made  teased you  Please forgive me.

"What? Oh, my God! I was afraid that I might have done something wrong again!"

She was afraid that . Gilbert would scold  her again. ......

"I'm sorry."

Leolde bows to Sheria, who looks away. Seeing her glance and bowing Leolde, Sheria also relieved that her grandfather Gilbert would be angry anymore.

"Gil. You can give Sheria her reward later.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's a small price to pay for solving Ze'at's water shortage problem .

Later that day, Leolde, Gilbert and Barbaroto  visited the reservoir that was the source of Ze'at's water. Leolde  who had  get his magic power   power the inhabitants of Ze'at, filled the reservoir, which was low, with water magic.

Thus, thanks to Sheria, the water shortage in Ze'at was solved. Thinking about it, it was an idea that anyone could have come up with.

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