The royal castle was in an uproar after the news from Beluga. The ministers were moving around hurriedly, and the knight captain who was in charge of the knights seemed to be busy.

Three days had already passed since Beluga's report, and the dukes, including Beluga, had gathered at the royal castle for a quick response.

The king appeared in front of the nobles who were sitting around  desk in a grim atmosphere. When the king appeared, the nobles who had been seated stood up and bowed to him .

"I will now begin an emergency meeting. As I'm sure you're all aware, there has been a monster panic in Ze'at."

The nobles were buzzing at the mention of monster panic, but the king's words quieted them down.

"Quiet. The last time a monster panic was confirmed was about thirty years ago now. At that time, three villages and a town were affected, and the number of victims, including those who were missing, exceeded one thousand."

"Therefore, in response to this monster panic, I will send 10,000 knights to Ze'at."

"Your Majesty. I'm afraid that sending 10,000 knights is a bit  too much , isn't it?"

"I've heard that a monster panic has broken out in the suburbs of Ze'at. If Ze'at is protected by a strong fortress, I don't think 10,000 reinforcements are necessary ."

"Hmm. It is true that Ze'at is well defended, but monster panics can occur at any time of the day or night, with monsters "that are more ferocious than usual attacking.

"I'd say even ten thousand is a small number."

"But, Your Majesty. There are also knights stationed in Ze'at. They are strong knights who protect Ze'at from the threat of monsters  on a regular basis.

"If you are going to send them, you should reduce the number. 10,000 is  a lot of money to spend on supplies."

"I see. But if Ze'at falls, you never know  what the next target will be. Unlike the monster parade, the monster panic has no clear objective,  they just looking for food."

The noblemen who had been expressing their opinions fell silent at this. As the king said, monster panics attack the surrounding villages and towns in search of food.

If it is a monster parade, the next target after Ze'at will undoubtedly be the territory ruled by Beluga.

It's a disaster beyond human comprehension, just like earthquakes and typhoons. It's almost impossible for people to  avoid it.

"Now, do you have any other opinions?"

The king looked around at the nobles again and asked for their opinions. Then, one of the nobles raised his hand.

The person who raised his hand was Beluga, the ruler of Ze'at, where the monster panic had broken out.

"Your Majesty. With all due respect, I think 10,000 reinforcements is too much."

The nobles, who had been watching the situation quietly, were surprised . This time, no one thought that Beluga, the ruler of Ze'at where the monster panic occurred, would speak out  like this

Normally, he would be in a position to ask for help since his own territory was in danger. But  they don't understand why he refuses.

"...... Why? It's your territory, Beluga, isn't it?"

Why do you think 10,000 is too much? Are you going to abandon Ze'at  and your own people?"

"No, Your Majesty. It is said that there are currently 100,000 knights in our country."

"Monster panic is certainly a threat, but it's not a good idea to mobilize 10% of our knights."

"So, do you have any other ideas?"

"No,  lord . But we should not mobilize such big number of our knights, who are the keystone of our country.

"Two thousand should be enough."

"That would be too few. Do you know what will happen if Ze'at is  defeated ?"

"Yes, . That's why I was hoping you could send some knights to the rear of Ze'at."

""Does that mean you're abandoning Ze'at?"

"No, sir. The monster panic will attack indiscriminately, as you mentioned. If that's the case, they might attack another village or town instead of Ze'at.

" So the place to send the knights should be the villages and towns that are less well protected than Ze'at, which is well protected."

"I see. I'm sure I overlooked something. You're right."

" We will send 2,000 knights to Ze'at and 8,000 knights to the areas around Ze'at."

"Any other comments?"

The king looked around at the nobles seated in their seats, and no one expressed an opinion.

"This is the end of the emergency meeting."

The king was the first to leave the conference room, and then they left in order of rank.

Beluga went to the prepared room and sank down on the sofa, exhaling heavily as if he was exhausted.

He sinks down on the sofa, breathing heavily, and stares blankly at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?""

"I don't know. ...... But I didn't expect him to be so blatantly aggressive. ......"

"I'm sure he's trying to discredit you for this one."

"If the monster panic causes extensive damage, you will be the one held responsible."

"I know, but ...... can't be helped."

"You can't help it. It's the way our grandfathers and fathers went.

"Well, ......, I'd like a little company today."

"Okey ."

Mentally exhausted, Beluga couldn't  stand without a drink, so he shared one with his king and friend, Alberion.

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