After Shelia came back, it was just the right time,  to Leolde  to go to the restaurant where  his mother Olivia had made a reservation.

Thinking back, this was the first time he had seen his family since his  past life memories had been awakened . He had met his father, but not his mother, twin brother and sister.

Of course, he is looking forward to seeing his family, but at the same time, he feels anxious. His mother is fine, but his twin brother and sister don't like him.

If you ask why, it is because of Leolde's behavior in the past. His twin brother and sister are embarrassed to be related to him ,  .

And so it is. Think about the feelings of the  brother and sister who have an older brother who was mocked as a golden pig.  he was  in a venerable position as dukes, but what they  he is  done is outrageous.

Even though his parents blame him, on the surface he is remorseful, but  on inside  he  was doing whatever he wants.

It's only natural that the  brother and sister would run out of love for him.

"Have we arrived? ......"

The place that Leolde looked up at was a famous restaurant in the royal capital that Olivia had made a reservation for.

Where  he is headed now is where  his parents and brother and sister who hate me are waiting for  him .

He feeling a little depressed after hearing about Shelia's love affair earlier. He  haven't even met  his family yet, and already  his stomach is churning with pain.

(Could it be that they're here to kill me?)

)If so, it's a huge success!)

Shelia, whom  he  trusted, is in love with Zeke, and Gil, whom  he rely on, is supporting his granddaughter!

(I'll die mentally!)

(My heart was broken, blah, , blah!)

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong, Master

"No, it's nothing. No, nothing at all. We'd better hurry up and get in there, because people might be waiting for us inside."

Leolde arrived five minutes before the appointed time. He didn't see his family go inside, so he didn't know, but they might have gone in before him.

Thinking about this, Leolde  decided that he couldn't keep them waiting, so he went into the restaurant.

Once inside, a waiter walked up to Leorde.

"Are you  Leolde Herbst?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'll show you this way, sir."

They were taken to the innermost room. There can be seen  a door with gleaming decorations. He took a deep breath when he realized that his family was waiting for him at this door.

When the waiter finished ushering him in, he stepped back and Gilbert opened the door.

At the end of the door, there was a long rectangular table in the center, with paintings and flowers on the walls. Four men and four women were already seated at the long table.

In the upper seat was Beluga, the father, and Olivia, the mother. And his twin brother, Regulus, who, hate Leolde, is slim and handsome. And then there was Leila, his sister .

Leolde was the last one to arrive, and to be honest, he wanted to sit somewhere far away from his father, but the space near his father had been carefully reserved for him.

At present, Leolde is only the eldest son, but he is not the next head of the family. So  he took  his seat, complaining in  his heart that it would have been better to sit farther away.

"It's been a while. Father, mother."

"Mmm. It's been a long time, Leolde . It's been about half a year since you was sent to Ze'at. But this is a pleasure for us to see you again .

"Thank you"

"But, Leolde, there is one thing I must ask you.

"Yes,  What is it?"

"What is it that's happened to you?"

"I heard from Gil that you were acting strangely even before  you got to Ze'at. I , and that you had been trying to lose weight since  you arrived."

"That's why I'm curious about you. I was wondering why you suddenly changed so much ."

"Ah, ah~......"

Completely caught off guard, Leolde  was at a loss as to how to respond. He moves his gaze up and down, left and right, and laughs dryly, trying to cover it up, but he can't avoid   Beluga's  gaze.

He would never believe that   his personality had been changed by the past life memories . No,  his parents might believe it, but he is unsure if they would accept it.

"Well, hahaha~......"

"Do you have something to be ashamed of?"

"No, I don't!"

"I'm sure my brother is up to something.

"That's right. I think so too. Father and mother have seen what    you has been up to, haven't they?"

I can't believe you're being so serious now."

Leolde stopped moving with a snap. He was prepared to be told something, but he didn't expect it to be this blatant.

he know from  his own memories that the two of them dislike  him , but  he  never expected them to say it so blunt

"Ah, hahaha ......."

Leolde was already on the verge of tears. He was made to feel that he was a bastard before he came here, and his brother and sister who share his blood look at him with hatred.

No matter how bad Leolde's past deeds were, he didn't want anyone to deny what Leolde has done now.

Although he has become a different person with the past life memories  he is still the original Leolde at the core.

If his beloved family had told him so much, it would not be strange if his personality was distorted.

It's true that Leolde had been sitting on his laurels and was proud of his talent, but now he  was different.

(I shouldn't have come to ......!

His vision is blurred. He can't cry here.

If  he going to cry,  he  should at least cry in a place where no one is around.

As he was about to answer Beluga's question, Olivia, who had been silent until now, opened her mouth.

"You' worked hard , Leolde.  mother  is very proud of you."

What Regulus and Leila said is not wrong, but the past is the past and the present is the present.

You can't  forget the past, but you can change the present by your choice.

"So, Leolde. I'm proud of you for defending the knights of Ze'at without any death ."

"Thanks, Mother. ......"

The tears he had been holding back were about to spill over. His father looked at him with suspicion, his brother and sister denied him, but only his mother, Olivia, believed him without saying a word.

This is what free love is all about. ; giving love without asking for anything in return. To Olivia, Leolde was her only son.

Then, there is nothing to doubt or deny. She just accepts him. Because shee loves him.

"Beluga. It doesn't matter what happened in the past , right ?"

Right now, we should just be happy that  he alive and well. He is our son ."

". I'm sorry, Leolde . That was  meaningless question.

"Hey, Dad, ......"

".I didn't mean to say anything wrong, because it's quite possible, considering what  you has done so far."

"Me too. I just can't believe it."

The dinner party after a long time was over. It was a bitter memory for Leolde, but it was more than a relief. It was that his parents believed in him.

In the end, he could not reconcile with his brother and sister, but he vowed to regain the trust he had lost through his future action.

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