Aftertheir shopping , Leolde  gets into the carriage that Beluga has prepared for him.

In the carriage were his parents, his brother and sister  and servants, including Gilbert.

The carriage would take them to the royal castle. They said it was a celebration for having survived the monster panic.

(I want to go home so badly!)

In the carriage,  he is talking to  his parents, but  his brother and sister are getting tongue lashing just for making eye contact with him. Leolde is saddened by this, but he can't help it because he deserves this kind of attitude.

The only thing he can do now is to try to keep his brother and sister from becoming even more angry .

The seemingly endless carriage ride was over. Leolde was now looking up again at the royal castle , that  he had visited earlier that morning. The lights were leaking from inside, and he could see that the party was about to begin.

They are going to the party place where the high ranking nobles are waiting for  them . The Deceptive spirits of rivers and mountains are all over the place.

Although Leolde is a member of the duke's family, he is no more than a baby compared to the fierce warriors of the past.

But Leolde  is not the next head of the family, and he was send  in Ze'at. There is no benefit to get along with him.

So, it is safe to say that there is no one to come close to him.

This time, however, the event was to celebrate the end of the monster panic. And Leolde is  dne well enough to be rewarded by the king. In other words, he was the one who led the monster panic to an end.

Despite the attention, there are those who don't believe him,  due to his past behavior.

However, Baynard, the Knight Commander, had been mentioning  him around. Of course, he was talking about the mock battle with Leolde.

In other words, it turned out that Leolde  hadn't used any dirty tricks, and that the result was obtained by his own power.

Even so, he seemed to be skeptical.

With great enthusiasm, he entered the venue.

What he saw was a magnificent chandelier and a beautiful floor made of marble. And the gorgeous food laid out on the many round tables spread out in the hall.

The servants walked around with wine glasses on trays, and the nobles took their favorite ones from the trays.

A scene that  he  had only seen in fiction was spreading before  he eyes. Leorde's eyes lit up, but he quickly changed his mind.

He knew that he had to go into this place now and return safely.

There will be people who will be sarcastic because of what  he did in the past. But  he  couldn't show any weakness. Because today,  he  was the star of the party.

Then, Leolde exhaled and steeled  himself against acting shamefully as a member of the duchy.

As soon as the Dukes of Harvest entered the hall, the other nobles gathered and greeted each other.

As the main  star , they greeted Leolde as well. When the greetings were over, the nobles who had surrounded him disappeared, and Leolde was relieved.

(They didn't say anything to me.  Well, they did look at me as if I was a fool."

More than half of the gazes directed at Leolde were condescending gazes. They were probably making fun of him inwardly.

But  he didn't particularly care. As long as there are even a few people who truly understand him, even if many people make fun of him, he thinks he will be fine.

For a while, he spent time with his family, but then they split up and went off to their good friends.

Leolde  was the only one left alone. At any rate, there is no one in the capital who is close to  him . At the school, there were people that he often worked with, but they were like parasites that were after the power of the duke's family.

They are just parasites that cling to the overwhelming power of  his and suck the sweet honey.

(Hmmm! I'm so lonely!)

( I'm not sad, because now I have a delicious meal. There is no conversation, but my stomach is so happy that I don't care about anything else.)

"Look, the golden pig is using a fork and a knife.

")Yuck. It's true. I wonder if he knows  how to use it "

(I can hear you, can't I? If you're going to talk behind my back, do it where I can't hear you. , or are you deliberately making it so I can't hear you because you think I won't fight back?)

(If you're going to talk behind my back, say it where I can't hear it. It would be easy to smash the person who had been talking behind  ,y back, but doing so would cause trouble for parents.)

He couldn't betray the feelings of the two people who had believed in him.

As Leorde was eating food alone, he suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. When he turned around, he saw the Knight Commander Baynard standing there with a smile on his face.

"Commander Baynard!"

"Welcome, Leolde! Good to see you again!

"I'm glad to see you again! "

"Ha-ha-ha! Yes,  me too !"

"I'd like to ask you, did you tell his Majesty about me?

Leolde couldn't help but be curious. The king knew too much information about  him . Someone must have told him about this.

And he felt that this someone must be worthy of His Majesty's trust.

"Mmm! I heard about you from my men! I told them that I had to tell His Majesty about you!"

"No wonder ......"

he  had thought that  he would not believe  him very much because of  his past behavior, but he believed rather easily, so it is understandable that  he  was confused.

However, once I knew the answer, it didn't matter.

It was the words of the knight commander in front of  him  now, who was highly trusted in the kingdom. The king would have no doubt about  him .

" You've been looking lonely since a while ago."

"The food is delicious. I just don't get along with the other people."

"Oh, I see. As I recall, you were hated for all your bad behavior!"

"Hahaha! I forgot all about it. . Well, what  you have done is pretty  bad  And  he can't overlook the fact that you let your fiancé be attacked by another man."

"Ugh, ........."

"I don't  belive it , though. I don't think you're the kind of person who would do something like that.

"Have you been   under the control of  the demon or something?"

"No, it's nothing like that. I just remembered a lot of things from the shock of being hit  so hard  in the duel."

"Pfft, hahaha!  I see . I see 

"That's right! The shock of being hit! Then you should have been hit by your father or that butler earlier!"

"Yeah, right .......""

It's not that  he  know him very well, but  he fought him once with a sword. It feels a lot better than dealing with other nobles.

Leolde laughed and enjoyed the conversation with Baynard.

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