Now, Leoldo was about to put into action a plan that he had been keeping  in a secret . Written in the secret notebook was the knowledge of how to  change events of destiny 48, which Leolde  made  with his memories of past life .

And it is also the knowledge that Leolde needs in order not to die. However, Leolde is definitely dead in the original story. The cause of death is various, but no matter which heroine Siegfried chooses, he dies. It's just too unavoidable .

That's why Leolde  is using the knowledge of  destiny  48 he has from  past life memories to plan countermeasures.

And although Leolde has not been able to do this before due to  his own reasons, now that he has full control of Ze'at and has hired a civil servant, it is time to start.


Smiling wryly, Leolde  stared down at his notebook and fantasized. If this plan comes without problem , Leolde may be able to avoid the death flag.

"Okay, ......, I'll investigate the ancient ruins near Ze'at, and revive the transfer magic circle hidden in the innermost part!"

Destiny 48 is home to several civilizations that have disappeared in its long history. Some of them were more advanced  in magic than in  modern  day . One of them was the transfer magic mentioned by Leolde.

It is a magic that allows you to move to a distant place in an instant. It existed in the past, but now there are no  one can use such magic . The so-called spatial magic is the stuff of legends.

And as Leolde  notice , there are ancient ruins in the world, and within them, there is an ancient legacy. However, Leolde knows from  his own memories that there are ancient ruins near Zeato, and he even knows that there is a transfer magic circle at the far end of it .

There is no way to avoid using this. After all, it's transfer magic. It's the magic of a lost  magic spell that allows you to escape to a faraway place in an instant.

In other words, Leorde is trying to use the transfer magic for emergency  situation .

By the way, some ancient  magic spells have been uncovered by treasure hunters. Some of the ancient artifacts brought back from the ancient ruins are no better than trash from today's point of view, while others are impossible to recreate. There is no end to the number of treasure hunters who want to get lucky on it .

(The problem with ...... is that if you revive the transference magicians, they will come out. I'd like to avoid it if I can, but I'm not sure I can avoid it because it's interested in the person who resurrected it. ......)

Leoldo is complaining about a certain person. He is going to encounter him when he revives the transfer magic circle in the ancient ruins that where he is heading to.

It's a forced event, and even a battle occurs. In a game, however, the battle can be avoided depending on the choices you make.

But this world is not a game, so there are no choices. Therefore, Leolde's bargaining power becomes important. It would have been better if he could have done it peacefully, but originally it was not Leolde , but one of the heroines who would discover the transfer magic circle.

In other words, it's not up to him to revive the magic circle, so if anyone asks any questions, it's the end of the story.

And why is Leolde so gloomy?

The main reason is that the person he is about to encounter is one of the strongest in the world.

The strongest character in the world of Destiny 48 is undoubtedly the evil god that was added  im paid DLC, but there are only three characters that can defeat the evil god  on solo  if the conditions are met.

One of them is the one  he will encounter this time. The Evil God has a variety of gimmicks, but he is excellent at both close combat  and long range.

However, it is the second best in the world at close range and the second best at long rang combat .

As you can see, the person  he  will encounter this time is the strongest person in the world  on long distance, or magic.

In the event of a battle, even if Leorle had Gilbert, Barbaroto and Isabelle with him, they would not last more than five seconds. That's how strong he is.

However, the transference magic circle was still attractive to Leoldo. It would be too foolish to leave it alone. So, Leolde  made up his mind and decided to investigate the ancient ruins.

He immediately called Gilbert, Barbaroto, and Isabelle together to form a group .

"Thank you for gathering us here, .......""

He don't know , if  Isabelle was amused by Leolde's dignified demeanor, but he said what he thought honestly.

"It's not a good  thing at all. Did you have to darken the room unnecessarily?

"Don't you know how to be playful?"

"I'm afraid I don't ."

"Nuh-uh, there really are people who say that, aren't there?""

"Shall I burn you to a crisp?"

"So what can I do for you today?"

"I bow to your quick thinking. Well, the reason we've gathered here today is because  I discovered some ancient ruins near Ze'at, and we're going to investigate them and incorporate you into our investigation team."

What? Are you sure you've discovered ancient ruins?"

"Yes. But I haven't told anyone yet.""

"Wait, wait, wait. Master Leolde, aren't ancient ruins supposed to be reported to His Majesty the King when they are discovered?"

". That's right, Barbaroto, but the actual report is only made after the survey has been conducted.

"So you want  reporting falsely to the king?"

"No,. we'll just report that we found it. It's just that we'll have to investigate first."

"Isn't that a quibble?"

"It's true. But in ancient ruins, priority is basically given to those who have discovered them. That's why there are people called treasure hunters."

"I see. I get the gist of it, but are we the only  people in the team?"

"There are many dangerous traps in the ancient ruins, and powerful demons lurk there. Therefore, a small elite is the best choice ."

"So it's a done deal, right?

"Yes. As acting lord of Ze'at, I will give the order. Gilbert, Barbaroto and Isabelle will accompany me to investigate the ancient ruins!

Thus, the four of them set out to investigate the ancient ruins. Isabelle was about to report to Sylvia, but was stopped by Leolde. He didn't want her to do anything unnecessary.

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