Leolde , who was once again on his way to the royal capital, took  messenger to the ancient ruins where the transfer magic circle was located.

"Well, Master Leoleo. will  you  use the carriage?

"No . As you know, there is a transfer magic circle. Moreover, we can reach the royal capital in an instant. We can't  just not to use it.

"But isn't it dangerous?"

"Haha, don't worry. I've already experienced transference magic once , Just sit back and relax.""

The messenger also realized that there was no point in saying anything more to Leolde, so he went along quietly. At the ancient ruins, there were several knights and  including Leolde, Gilbert, Isabel, Barbaroth, and a group of messengers from the royal capital.

They were going to  use a carriage on order to reach  the ancient ruins, and the knights were going to return on  the carriage to Ze'at.

Once they reached the ancient ruins, Leolde and the others walked unhesitatingly into the ancient ruins. Lelrde, Gilbert, Barbaroto, and Isabelle followed Leolde's   unperturbed, but the group of messengers were completely terrified.

They knew that the ancient ruins were filled with terrible traps and that powerful demons would appear. Moreover, although they  haven't  heard that Lellde and his team had investigated the area,  so they were not certain that it was safe.

Yet, they  couldn't help but be amazed at the four of them as they continued to move forward. he was a daredevil fools, or  the wise men who knew all the traps? The group of messengers had trouble deciding, but they decided that it was better than standing still and being left behind, so they followed Leolde and the others.

Finally, they arrived at the deepest part of ruins ,  where the transfer magic circle was located. Along the way, the wreckage of the mithril golem that had been reported to  them was lying around haphazardly,  proving them  that Leolde's report was not false.

However, They  still couldn't believe it completely. After all,  they might be experiencing the lost magic  , transference magic.

They  certainly believe in the ancient ruins and mithril golem that were reported. However,  they still find it hard to believe in transference magic.

"Is this a transference magic circle?"

"Yes, it is. This is the lost magic o,  transference magic. Now, you can  believe it or not, but  get in the magic circle."

"Ha, ha."

The messenger, who could not help but doubt no matter how confidently Leolde assured him that it was a transfer magic circle and  moved fearlessly to the top of the magic circle.

After confirming that everyone was   in magic circle, Leolde checked one last time.

"So, everyone.   You  in the magic circle?"

"I'd like to warn you that if you have hand or feet outside of  the magic circle, I don't know what will happen."

The group of emissaries, trembling at Leolde's  words, froze so tightly that their bodies were in contact with each other, and then  they settled into the magic circle.

Leolde finishes making sure that everyone is on board and pours  magic power. Then, light overflowed from the magic circle, and with a dazzling light, Leolde and the others were transferred.

"This ...... place is ......?""

The emissary opened  their eyes, which had been closed  due to the blinding light, and were  surprised to see a different room pattern to  before. But  they still didn't believe it. They suspected that the light might have been a distraction and that the room had just been redecorated.

Without realizing it, Leolde stepped down from the magic circle and opened the door  of the room. Light streamed in, and everyone except Leolde   wre surprised to see how different the room looked  comare to that one the ancient ruins.

"That's ...... ridiculous ......."

"Are you surprised? This is not the ancient ruins you just saw, but the ancient ruins near the royal capital. Have you ever been here before?

Yes, I have. ...... The reason I was chosen to be the emissary this time is because I was  part of the investigation team  of the ancient ruins. So let me assure you  that this is definitely an ancient ruins  near the royal capital. ......"

"Then you believe  use , don't you?"

"No matter. Most people wouldn't believe me if I told them that there is a legendary transference magic that has been lost. Their reaction is natural. Therefore, I do not blame  them at all."

"Thank you for your generosity.""

After leaving the ancient ruins, Leoldo and the others stared at the royal capital. He i not blaming  them by all means .

This made Leolde laugh, but he tightened his loose face as he knew that he had to go to the capital to meet His Majesty the King.

Normally, it would be a few days before  he will reached the capital.  He was sure that he will be surprised. He  was looking forward to seeing what kind of reaction he will show to him .

The only thing that depressed Leolde was the thought of meeting the fourth princess, Sylvia, again.

However, he had just made a vow the other day. that he would resist fate and show the world what he was capable of. In that case, he can't let Sylvia, the fourth princess, get in his way.

It's not that he  can't go against her because of  his position, but  he determined not to let her get away with it.

However, there is still a bit of  worries , so Leolde secretly thinks that he will find a good doctor next time.

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